var BN = require('./bn'); var Point = require('./point'); var Pubkey = require('./pubkey'); var Signature = function Signature(r, s, i) { if (!(this instanceof Signature)) return new Signature(r, s, i); this.r = r; this.s = s; this.i = i; //public key recovery parameter in range [0, 3] }; Signature.prototype.fromCompact = function(buf) { var i = buf.slice(0, 1)[0] - 27 - 4; //TODO: handle uncompressed pubkeys var b2 = buf.slice(1, 33); var b3 = buf.slice(33, 65); if (!(i === 0 || i === 1 || i === 2 || i === 3)) throw new Error('i must be 0, 1, 2, or 3'); if (b2.length !== 32) throw new Error('r must be 32 bytes'); if (b3.length !== 32) throw new Error('s must be 32 bytes'); this.i = i; this.r = BN().fromBuffer(b2); this.s = BN().fromBuffer(b3); return this; }; Signature.prototype.fromDER = function(buf) { var obj = Signature.parseDER(buf); this.r = obj.r; this.s = obj.s; return this; }; Signature.prototype.fromString = function(str) { var buf = new Buffer(str, 'hex'); this.fromDER(buf); return this; }; Signature.parseDER = function(buf) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) throw new Error('DER formatted signature should be a buffer'); var header = buf[0]; if (header !== 0x30) throw new Error('Header byte should be 0x30'); var length = buf[1]; if (length !== buf.slice(2).length) throw new Error('Length byte should length of what follows'); var rheader = buf[2 + 0]; if (rheader !== 0x02) throw new Error('Integer byte for r should be 0x02'); var rlength = buf[2 + 1]; var rbuf = buf.slice(2 + 2, 2 + 2 + rlength); var r = BN().fromBuffer(rbuf); var rneg = buf[2 + 1 + 1] === 0x00 ? true : false; if (rlength !== rbuf.length) throw new Error('Length of r incorrect'); var sheader = buf[2 + 2 + rlength + 0]; if (sheader !== 0x02) throw new Error('Integer byte for s should be 0x02'); var slength = buf[2 + 2 + rlength + 1]; var sbuf = buf.slice(2 + 2 + rlength + 2, 2 + 2 + rlength + 2 + slength); var s = BN().fromBuffer(sbuf); var sneg = buf[2 + 2 + rlength + 2 + 2] === 0x00 ? true : false; if (slength !== sbuf.length) throw new Error('Length of s incorrect'); var sumlength = 2 + 2 + rlength + 2 + slength; if (length !== sumlength - 2) throw new Error('Length of signature incorrect'); var obj = { header: header, length: length, rheader: rheader, rlength: rlength, rneg: rneg, rbuf: rbuf, r: r, sheader: sheader, slength: slength, sneg: sneg, sbuf: sbuf, s: s }; return obj; }; Signature.prototype.toCompact = function(i) { i = typeof i === 'number' ? i : this.i; if (!(i === 0 || i === 1 || i === 2 || i === 3)) throw new Error('i must be equal to 0, 1, 2, or 3'); var b1 = new Buffer([i + 27 + 4]); //TODO: handle uncompressed pubkeys var b2 = this.r.toBuffer({size: 32}); var b3 = this.s.toBuffer({size: 32}); return Buffer.concat([b1, b2, b3]); }; Signature.prototype.toDER = function() { var rnbuf = this.r.toBuffer(); var snbuf = this.s.toBuffer(); var rneg = rnbuf[0] & 0x80 ? true : false; var sneg = snbuf[0] & 0x80 ? true : false; var rbuf = rneg ? Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0x00]), rnbuf]) : rnbuf; var sbuf = sneg ? Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0x00]), snbuf]) : snbuf; var length = 2 + rbuf.length + 2 + sbuf.length; var rlength = rbuf.length; var slength = sbuf.length; var rheader = 0x02; var sheader = 0x02; var header = 0x30; var der = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([header, length, rheader, rlength]), rbuf, new Buffer([sheader, slength]), sbuf]); return der; }; Signature.prototype.toString = function() { var buf = this.toDER(); return buf.toString('hex'); }; module.exports = Signature;