'use strict'; var sinon = require('sinon'); var should = require('chai').should(); var expect = require('chai').expect; var bitcore = require('../..'); var Insight = bitcore.explorers.Insight; var Address = bitcore.Address; var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; var Networks = bitcore.Networks; describe.only('Insight', function() { describe('instantiation', function() { it('can be created without any parameters', function() { var insight = new Insight(); insight.url.should.equal('https://insight.bitpay.com'); insight.network.should.equal(Networks.livenet); }); it('can be created providing just a network', function() { var insight = new Insight(Networks.testnet); insight.url.should.equal('https://test-insight.bitpay.com'); insight.network.should.equal(Networks.testnet); }); it('can be created with a custom url', function() { var url = 'https://localhost:1234'; var insight = new Insight(url); insight.url.should.equal(url); }); it('can be created with a custom url and network', function() { var url = 'https://localhost:1234'; var insight = new Insight(url, Networks.testnet); insight.url.should.equal(url); insight.network.should.equal(Networks.testnet); }); it('defaults to defaultNetwork on a custom url', function() { var insight = new Insight('https://localhost:1234'); insight.network.should.equal(Networks.defaultNetwork); }); }); describe('getting unspent utxos', function() { var insight = new Insight(); var address = '371mZyMp4t6uVtcEr4DAAbTZyby9Lvia72'; beforeEach(function() { insight.requestPost = sinon.stub(); insight.requestPost.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(2, null, {statusCode: 200}); }); it('can receive an address', function(callback) { insight.getUnspentUtxos(new Address(address), callback); }); it('can receive a address as a string', function(callback) { insight.getUnspentUtxos(address, callback); }); it('can receive an array of addresses', function(callback) { insight.getUnspentUtxos([address, new Address(address)], callback); }); it('errors if server is not available', function(callback) { insight.requestPost.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(2, 'Unable to connect'); insight.getUnspentUtxos(address, function(error) { expect(error).to.equal('Unable to connect'); callback(); }); }); it('errors if server returns errorcode', function(callback) { insight.requestPost.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(2, null, {statusCode: 400}); insight.getUnspentUtxos(address, function(error) { expect(error).to.deep.equal({statusCode: 400}); callback(); }); }); }); describe('broadcasting a transaction', function() { var insight = new Insight(); var tx = require('../data/tx_creation.json')[0][7]; beforeEach(function() { insight.requestPost = sinon.stub(); insight.requestPost.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(2, null, {statusCode: 200}); }); it('accepts a raw transaction', function(callback) { insight.broadcast(tx, callback); }); it('accepts a transaction model', function(callback) { insight.broadcast(new Transaction(tx), callback); }); it('errors if server is not available', function(callback) { insight.requestPost.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(2, 'Unable to connect'); insight.broadcast(tx, function(error) { expect(error).to.equal('Unable to connect'); callback(); }); }); it('errors if server returns errorcode', function(callback) { insight.requestPost.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(2, null, {statusCode: 400}, 'error'); insight.broadcast(tx, function(error) { expect(error).to.equal('error'); callback(); }); }); }); });