
function spec(b) {
  var config = b.config || require('./config');
  var log = b.log || require('./util/log');
  var Script = b.Script || require('./Script').class();
  var ScriptInterpreter = b.ScriptInterpreter || require('./ScriptInterpreter').class();
  var util = b.util || require('./util/util');
  var bignum = b.bignum || require('bignum');
  var Put = b.Put || require('bufferput');
  var Parser = b.Parser || require('./util/BinaryParser').class();
  var Step = b.Step || require('step');

  var error = b.error || require('./util/error');
  var VerificationError = error.VerificationError;
  var MissingSourceError = error.MissingSourceError;

  var COINBASE_OP = util.NULL_HASH.concat(new Buffer("FFFFFFFF", 'hex'));

  function TransactionIn(data) {
    if ("object" !== typeof data) {
      data = {};
    if (data.o) {
      this.o = data.o;
    this.s = Buffer.isBuffer(data.s) ? data.s :
             Buffer.isBuffer(data.script) ? data.script : util.EMPTY_BUFFER;
    this.q = data.q ? data.q : data.sequence;

  TransactionIn.prototype.getScript = function getScript() {
    return new Script(this.s);

  TransactionIn.prototype.isCoinBase = function isCoinBase() {
    return === 0;

  TransactionIn.prototype.serialize = function serialize() {
    var slen = util.varIntBuf(this.s.length);
    var qbuf = new Buffer(4);
    qbuf.writeUInt32LE(this.q, 0);

    return Buffer.concat([this.o, slen, this.s, qbuf]);

  TransactionIn.prototype.getOutpointHash = function getOutpointHash() {
    if ("undefined" !== typeof this.o.outHashCache) {
      return this.o.outHashCache;

    return this.o.outHashCache = this.o.slice(0, 32);

  TransactionIn.prototype.getOutpointIndex = function getOutpointIndex() {
    return (this.o[32]      ) +
           (this.o[33] <<  8) +
           (this.o[34] << 16) +
           (this.o[35] << 24);

  TransactionIn.prototype.setOutpointIndex = function setOutpointIndex(n) {
    this.o[32] = n       & 0xff;
    this.o[33] = n >>  8 & 0xff;
    this.o[34] = n >> 16 & 0xff;
    this.o[35] = n >> 24 & 0xff;

  function TransactionOut(data) {
    if ("object" !== typeof data) {
      data = {};
    this.v = data.v ? data.v : data.value;
    this.s = data.s ? data.s : data.script;

  TransactionOut.prototype.getValue = function getValue() {
    return new Parser(this.v).word64lu();

  TransactionOut.prototype.getScript = function getScript() {
    return new Script(this.s);

  TransactionOut.prototype.serialize = function serialize() {
    var slen = util.varIntBuf(this.s.length);
    return Buffer.concat([this.v, slen, this.s]);

  function Transaction(data) {
    if ("object" !== typeof data) {
      data = {};
    this.hash = data.hash || null;
    this.version = data.version;
    this.lock_time = data.lock_time;
    this.ins = Array.isArray(data.ins) ? (data) {
      var txin = new TransactionIn();
      txin.s = data.s;
      txin.q = data.q;
      txin.o = data.o;
      return txin;
    }) : [];
    this.outs = Array.isArray(data.outs) ? (data) {
      var txout = new TransactionOut();
      txout.v = data.v;
      txout.s = data.s;
      return txout;
    }) : [];
    if (data.buffer) this._buffer = data.buffer;
  this.class = Transaction;
  Transaction.In = TransactionIn;
  Transaction.Out = TransactionOut;

  Transaction.prototype.isCoinBase = function () {
    return this.ins.length == 1 && this.ins[0].isCoinBase();

  Transaction.prototype.isStandard = function isStandard() {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) {
      if (this.ins[i].getScript().getInType() == "Strange") {
        return false;
    for (i = 0; i < this.outs.length; i++) {
      if (this.outs[i].getScript().getOutType() == "Strange") {
        return false;
    return true;

  Transaction.prototype.serialize = function serialize() {
    var bufs = [];

    var buf = new Buffer(4);
    buf.writeUInt32LE(this.version, 0);

    this.ins.forEach(function (txin) {

    this.outs.forEach(function (txout) {

    var buf = new Buffer(4);
    buf.writeUInt32LE(this.lock_time, 0);

    return this._buffer = Buffer.concat(bufs);

  Transaction.prototype.getBuffer = function getBuffer() {
    if (this._buffer) return this._buffer;

    return this.serialize();

  Transaction.prototype.calcHash = function calcHash() {
    return util.twoSha256(this.getBuffer());

  Transaction.prototype.checkHash = function checkHash() {
    if (!this.hash || !this.hash.length) return false;

    return this.calcHash().compare(this.hash) == 0;

  Transaction.prototype.getHash = function getHash() {
    if (!this.hash || !this.hash.length) {
      this.hash = this.calcHash();
    return this.hash;

  // convert encoded list of inputs to easy-to-use JS list-of-lists
  Transaction.prototype.inputs = function inputs() {
    var res = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) {
      var txin = this.ins[i];
      var outHash = txin.getOutpointHash();
      var outIndex = txin.getOutpointIndex();
      res.push([outHash, outIndex]);

    return res;

   * Load and cache transaction inputs.
   * This function will try to load the inputs for a transaction.
   * @param {BlockChain} blockChain A reference to the BlockChain object.
   * @param {TransactionMap|null} txStore Additional transactions to consider.
   * @param {Boolean} wait Whether to keep trying until the dependencies are
   * met (or a timeout occurs.)
   * @param {Function} callback Function to call on completion.
  Transaction.prototype.cacheInputs =
  function cacheInputs(blockChain, txStore, wait, callback) {
    var self = this;

    var txCache = new TransactionInputsCache(this);
    txCache.buffer(blockChain, txStore, wait, callback);

  Transaction.prototype.verify = function verify(txCache, blockChain, callback) {
    var self = this;

    var txIndex = txCache.txIndex;

    var outpoints = [];

    var valueIn = bignum(0);
    var valueOut = bignum(0);

    function getTxOut(txin, n) {
      var outHash = txin.getOutpointHash();
      var outIndex = txin.getOutpointIndex();
      var outHashBase64 = outHash.toString('base64');
      var fromTxOuts = txIndex[outHashBase64];

      if (!fromTxOuts) {
        throw new MissingSourceError(
          "Source tx " + util.formatHash(outHash) +
            " for inputs " + n  + " not found",
          // We store the hash of the missing tx in the error
          // so that the txStore can watch out for it.

      var txout = fromTxOuts[outIndex];

      if (!txout) {
        throw new Error("Source output index "+outIndex+
                        " for input "+n+" out of bounds");

      return txout;

      function verifyInputs() {
        var group =;

        if (self.isCoinBase()) {
          throw new Error("Coinbase tx are invalid unless part of a block");

        self.ins.forEach(function (txin, n) {
          var txout = getTxOut(txin, n);

          // TODO: Verify coinbase maturity

          valueIn = valueIn.add(util.valueToBigInt(txout.v));


          self.verifyInput(n, txout.getScript(), group());

      function verifyInputsResults(err, results) {
        if (err) throw err;

        for (var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++) {
          if (!results[i]) {
            var txout = getTxOut(self.ins[i]);
            log.debug('Script evaluated to false');
            log.debug('|- scriptSig', ""+self.ins[i].getScript());
            log.debug('`- scriptPubKey', ""+txout.getScript());
            throw new VerificationError('Script for input '+i+' evaluated to false');


      function queryConflicts(err) {
        if (err) throw err;

        // Make sure there are no other transactions spending the same outs
        blockChain.countConflictingTransactions(outpoints, this);
      function checkConflicts(err, count) {
        if (err) throw err;

        self.outs.forEach(function (txout) {
          valueOut = valueOut.add(util.valueToBigInt(txout.v));

        if (valueIn.cmp(valueOut) < 0) {
          var outValue = util.formatValue(valueOut);
          var inValue = util.formatValue(valueIn);
          throw new Error("Tx output value (BTC "+outValue+") "+
                          "exceeds input value (BTC "+inValue+")");

        var fees = valueIn.sub(valueOut);

        if (count) {
          // Spent output detected, retrieve transaction that spends it
          blockChain.getConflictingTransactions(outpoints, function (err, results) {
            if (results.length) {
              if (results[0].getHash().compare(self.getHash()) == 0) {
                log.warn("Detected tx re-add (recoverable db corruption): "
                            + util.formatHashAlt(results[0].getHash()));
                // TODO: Needs to return an error for the memory pool case?
                callback(null, fees);
              } else {
                callback(new Error("At least one referenced output has"
                                   + " already been spent in tx "
                                   + util.formatHashAlt(results[0].getHash())));
            } else {
              callback(new Error("Outputs of this transaction are spent, but "+
                                 "the transaction(s) that spend them are not "+
                                 "available. This probably means you need to "+
                                 "reset your database."));

        // Success
        this(null, fees);

  Transaction.prototype.verifyInput = function verifyInput(n, scriptPubKey, callback) {
    return ScriptInterpreter.verify(this.ins[n].getScript(),
                                    this, n, 0,

   * Returns an object containing all pubkey hashes affected by this transaction.
   * The return object contains the base64-encoded pubKeyHash values as keys
   * and the original pubKeyHash buffers as values.
  Transaction.prototype.getAffectedKeys = function getAffectedKeys(txCache) {
    // TODO: Function won't consider results cached if there are no affected
    //       accounts.
    if (!(this.affects && this.affects.length)) {
      this.affects = [];

      // Index any pubkeys affected by the outputs of this transaction
      for (var i = 0, l = this.outs.length; i < l; i++) {
        try {
          var txout = this.outs[i];
          var script = txout.getScript();

          var outPubKey = script.simpleOutPubKeyHash();
          if (outPubKey) {
        } catch (err) {
          // It's not our job to validate, so we just ignore any errors and issue
          // a very low level log message.
          log.debug("Unable to determine affected pubkeys: " +
                       (err.stack ? err.stack : ""+err));

      // Index any pubkeys affected by the inputs of this transaction
      var txIndex = txCache.txIndex;
      for (var i = 0, l = this.ins.length; i < l; i++) {
        try {
          var txin = this.ins[i];

          if (txin.isCoinBase()) continue;

          // In the case of coinbase or IP transactions, the txin doesn't
          // actually contain the pubkey, so we look at the referenced txout
          // instead.
          var outHash = txin.getOutpointHash();
          var outIndex = txin.getOutpointIndex();
          var outHashBase64 = outHash.toString('base64');
          var fromTxOuts = txIndex[outHashBase64];

          if (!fromTxOuts) {
            throw new Error("Input not found!");

          var txout = fromTxOuts[outIndex];
          var script = txout.getScript();

          var outPubKey = script.simpleOutPubKeyHash();
          if (outPubKey) {
        } catch (err) {
          // It's not our job to validate, so we just ignore any errors and issue
          // a very low level log message.
          log.debug("Unable to determine affected pubkeys: " +
                       (err.stack ? err.stack : ""+err));

    var affectedKeys = {};

    this.affects.forEach(function (pubKeyHash) {
      affectedKeys[pubKeyHash.toString('base64')] = pubKeyHash;

    return affectedKeys;


  var SIGHASH_ALL = 1;
  var SIGHASH_NONE = 2;

  Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature =
  function hashForSignature(script, inIndex, hashType) {
    if (+inIndex !== inIndex ||
        inIndex < 0 || inIndex >= this.ins.length) {
      throw new Error("Input index '"+inIndex+"' invalid or out of bounds "+
                      "("+this.ins.length+" inputs)");

    // Clone transaction
    var txTmp = new Transaction();
    this.ins.forEach(function (txin, i) {
      txTmp.ins.push(new TransactionIn(txin));
    this.outs.forEach(function (txout) {
      txTmp.outs.push(new TransactionOut(txout));
    txTmp.version = this.version;
    txTmp.lock_time = this.lock_time;

    // In case concatenating two scripts ends up with two codeseparators,
    // or an extra one at the end, this prevents all those possible
    // incompatibilities.

    // Get mode portion of hashtype
    var hashTypeMode = hashType & 0x1f;

    // Generate modified transaction data for hash
    var bytes = Put();

    // Serialize inputs
    if (hashType & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) {
      // Blank out all inputs except current one, not recommended for open
      // transactions.
    } else {
      for (var i = 0, l = this.ins.length; i < l; i++) {
        var txin = this.ins[i];

        // Current input's script gets set to the script to be signed, all others
        // get blanked.
        if (inIndex === i) {
        } else {

        if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_NONE && inIndex !== i) {
        } else {

    // Serialize outputs
    if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_NONE) {
    } else {
      var outsLen;
      if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
        // TODO: Untested
        if (inIndex >= txTmp.outs.length) {
          throw new Error("Transaction.hashForSignature(): SIGHASH_SINGLE " +
                          "no corresponding txout found - out of bounds");
        outsLen = inIndex + 1;
      } else {
        outsLen = this.outs.length;

      // TODO: If hashTypeMode !== SIGHASH_SINGLE, we could memcpy this whole
      //       section from the original transaction as is.
      for (var i = 0; i < outsLen; i++) {
        if (hashTypeMode === SIGHASH_SINGLE && i !== inIndex) {
          // Zero all outs except the one we want to keep
        } else {


    var buffer = bytes.buffer();

    // Append hashType
    buffer = buffer.concat(new Buffer([parseInt(hashType), 0, 0, 0]));

    return util.twoSha256(buffer);

   * Returns an object with the same field names as jgarzik's getblock patch.
  Transaction.prototype.getStandardizedObject = function getStandardizedObject() {
    var tx = {
      hash: util.formatHashFull(this.getHash()),
      version: this.version,
      lock_time: this.lock_time

    var totalSize = 8; // version + lock_time
    totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(this.ins.length); // tx_in count
    var ins = (txin) {
      var txinObj = {
        prev_out: {
          hash: new Buffer(txin.getOutpointHash()).reverse().toString(hex),
          n: txin.getOutpointIndex()
      if (txin.isCoinBase()) {
        txinObj.coinbase = txin.s.toString('hex');
      } else {
        txinObj.scriptSig = new Script(txin.s).getStringContent(false, 0);
      totalSize += 36 + util.getVarIntSize(txin.s.length) +
        txin.s.length + 4; // outpoint + script_len + script + sequence
      return txinObj;

    totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(this.outs.length);
    var outs = (txout) {
      totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(txout.s.length) +
        txout.s.length + 8; // script_len + script + value
      return {
        value: util.formatValue(txout.v),
        scriptPubKey: new Script(txout.s).getStringContent(false, 0)

    tx.size = totalSize;

    tx["in"] = ins;
    tx["out"] = outs;

    return tx;

  // Add some Mongoose compatibility functions to the plain object
  Transaction.prototype.toObject = function toObject() {
    return this;

  Transaction.prototype.parse = function (parser) {
    if (Buffer.isBuffer(parser)) {
      parser = new Parser(parser);

    var i, sLen, startPos = parser.pos;

    this.version = parser.word32le();
    var txinCount = parser.varInt();

    this.ins = [];
    for (j = 0; j < txinCount; j++) {
      var txin = new TransactionIn();
      txin.o = parser.buffer(36);               // outpoint
      sLen = parser.varInt();                   // script_len
      txin.s = parser.buffer(sLen);             // script
      txin.q = parser.word32le();               // sequence

    var txoutCount = parser.varInt();

    this.outs = [];
    for (j = 0; j < txoutCount; j++) {
      var txout = new TransactionOut();
      txout.v = parser.buffer(8);               // value
      sLen = parser.varInt();                   // script_len
      txout.s = parser.buffer(sLen);            // script

    this.lock_time = parser.word32le();

  var TransactionInputsCache = exports.TransactionInputsCache =
  function TransactionInputsCache(tx)
    var txList = [];
    var txList64 = [];
    var reqOuts = {};

    // Get list of transactions required for verification
    tx.ins.forEach(function (txin) {
      if (txin.isCoinBase()) return;

      var hash = txin.o.slice(0, 32);
      var hash64 = hash.toString('base64');
      if (txList64.indexOf(hash64) == -1) {
      if (!reqOuts[hash64]) {
        reqOuts[hash64] = [];
      reqOuts[hash64][txin.getOutpointIndex()] = true;

    this.tx = tx;
    this.txList = txList;
    this.txList64 = txList64;
    this.txIndex = {};
    this.requiredOuts = reqOuts;
    this.callbacks = [];

  TransactionInputsCache.prototype.buffer = function buffer(blockChain, txStore, wait, callback)
    var self = this;

    var complete = false;

    if ("function" === typeof callback) {

    var missingTx = {};
    self.txList64.forEach(function (hash64) {
      missingTx[hash64] = true;

    // A utility function to create the index object from the txs result lists
    function indexTxs(err, txs) {
      if (err) throw err;

      // Index memory transactions
      txs.forEach(function (tx) {
        var hash64 = tx.getHash().toString('base64');
        var obj = {};
        Object.keys(self.requiredOuts[hash64]).forEach(function (o) {
          obj[+o] = tx.outs[+o];
        self.txIndex[hash64] = obj;
        delete missingTx[hash64];


      // First find and index memory transactions (if a txStore was provided)
      function findMemTx() {
        if (txStore) {
          txStore.find(self.txList64, this);
        } else {
          this(null, []);
      // Second find and index persistent transactions
      function findBlockChainTx(err) {
        if (err) throw err;

        // TODO: Major speedup should be possible if we load only the outs and not
        //       whole transactions.
        var callback = this;
        blockChain.getOutputsByHashes(self.txList, function (err, result) {
          callback(err, result);
      function saveTxCache(err) {
        if (err) throw err;

        var missingTxDbg = '';
        if (Object.keys(missingTx).length) {
          missingTxDbg = Object.keys(missingTx).map(function (hash64) {
            return util.formatHash(new Buffer(hash64, 'base64'));

        if (wait && Object.keys(missingTx).length) {
          // TODO: This might no longer be needed now that saveTransactions uses
          //       the safe=true option.
          setTimeout(function () {
            var missingHashes = Object.keys(missingTx);
            if (missingHashes.length) {
              self.callback(new Error('Missing inputs (timeout while searching): '
                                      + missingTxDbg));
            } else if (!complete) {
              self.callback(new Error('Callback failed to trigger'));
          }, 10000);
        } else {
          complete = true;
          this(null, self);

  TransactionInputsCache.prototype.callback = function callback(err)
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);

    // Empty the callback array first (because downstream functions could add new
    // callbacks or otherwise interfere if were not in a consistent state.)
    var cbs = this.callbacks;
    this.callbacks = [];

    try {
      cbs.forEach(function (cb) {
        cb.apply(null, args);
    } catch (err) {
      log.err("Callback error after connecting tx inputs: "+
                   (err.stack ? err.stack : err.toString()));

  return Transaction;