'use strict'; var chai = require('chai'); var bitcore = require('../bitcore'); var should = chai.should(); var VersionedDataModule = bitcore.VersionedData; var VersionedData; describe('VersionedData', function() { it('should initialze the main object', function() { should.exist(VersionedDataModule); }); it('should be able to create class', function() { VersionedData = VersionedDataModule; should.exist(VersionedData); }); it('should be able to create an instance', function() { var vd = new VersionedData(); should.exist(vd); }); it('should get correct version', function() { var vda = new VersionedData('1GMx4HdDmN78xzGvdQYkwrVqkmLDG1aMNT'); var vdb = new VersionedData('3746djr32k2Lp23UUbdkCTQ6zhMJ7d8MD7'); vda.version().should.equal(0); vdb.version().should.equal(5); }); });