'use strict';

var Address = require('./address');
var BufferReader = require('./encoding/bufferreader');
var BufferWriter = require('./encoding/bufferwriter');
var Hash = require('./crypto/hash');
var Opcode = require('./opcode');
var PublicKey = require('./publickey');
var Signature = require('./crypto/signature');

var _ = require('lodash');
var buffer = require('buffer');
var bufferUtil = require('./util/buffer');
var jsUtil = require('./util/js');

 * A bitcoin transaction script. Each transaction's inputs and outputs
 * has a script that is evaluated to validate it's spending.
 * See https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object|string|Buffer} [from] optional data to populate script
var Script = function Script(from) {
  if (!(this instanceof Script)) {
    return new Script(from);

  this.chunks = [];

  if (bufferUtil.isBuffer(from)) {
    return Script.fromBuffer(from);
  } else if (from instanceof Script) {
    return Script.fromBuffer(from.toBuffer());
  } else if (typeof from === 'string') {
    return Script.fromString(from);
  } else if (typeof from !== 'undefined') {

Script.prototype.set = function(obj) {
  this.chunks = obj.chunks || this.chunks;
  return this;

Script.fromBuffer = function(buffer) {
  var script = new Script();
  script.chunks = [];

  var br = new BufferReader(buffer);
  while (!br.eof()) {
    var opcodenum = br.readUInt8();

    var len, buf;
    if (opcodenum > 0 && opcodenum < Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
      len = opcodenum;
        buf: br.read(len),
        len: len,
        opcodenum: opcodenum
    } else if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
      len = br.readUInt8();
      buf = br.read(len);
        buf: buf,
        len: len,
        opcodenum: opcodenum
    } else if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA2) {
      len = br.readUInt16LE();
      buf = br.read(len);
        buf: buf,
        len: len,
        opcodenum: opcodenum
    } else if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA4) {
      len = br.readUInt32LE();
      buf = br.read(len);
        buf: buf,
        len: len,
        opcodenum: opcodenum
    } else {

  return script;

Script.prototype.toBuffer = function() {
  var bw = new BufferWriter();

  for (var i = 0; i < this.chunks.length; i++) {
    var chunk = this.chunks[i];
    var opcodenum;
    if (typeof chunk === 'number') {
      opcodenum = chunk;
    } else {
      opcodenum = chunk.opcodenum;
      if (opcodenum < Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
      } else if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
      } else if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA2) {
      } else if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA4) {

  return bw.concat();

Script.fromString = function(str) {
  if (jsUtil.isHexa(str)) {
    return new Script(new buffer.Buffer(str, 'hex'));
  var script = new Script();
  script.chunks = [];

  var tokens = str.split(' ');
  var i = 0;
  while (i < tokens.length) {
    var token = tokens[i];
    var opcode = Opcode(token);
    var opcodenum = opcode.toNumber();

    if (typeof opcodenum === 'undefined') {
      opcodenum = parseInt(token);
      if (opcodenum > 0 && opcodenum < Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
          buf: new Buffer(tokens[i + 1].slice(2), 'hex'),
          len: opcodenum,
          opcodenum: opcodenum
        i = i + 2;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Invalid script: ' + JSON.stringify(str));
    } else if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1 ||
      opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA2 ||
      opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA4) {
      if (tokens[i + 2].slice(0, 2) !== '0x') {
        throw new Error('Pushdata data must start with 0x');
        buf: new Buffer(tokens[i + 2].slice(2), 'hex'),
        len: parseInt(tokens[i + 1]),
        opcodenum: opcodenum
      i = i + 3;
    } else {
      i = i + 1;
  return script;

Script.prototype.toString = function() {
  var str = '';

  for (var i = 0; i < this.chunks.length; i++) {
    var chunk = this.chunks[i];
    var opcodenum;
    if (typeof chunk === 'number') {
      opcodenum = chunk;
      str = str + Opcode(opcodenum).toString() + ' ';
    } else {
      opcodenum = chunk.opcodenum;
      if (opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1 ||
        opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA2 ||
        opcodenum === Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA4) {
        str = str + Opcode(opcodenum).toString() + ' ';
      str = str + chunk.len + ' ';
      str = str + '0x' + chunk.buf.toString('hex') + ' ';

  return str.substr(0, str.length - 1);

// script classification methods

 * @returns true if this is a pay to pubkey hash output script
Script.prototype.isPublicKeyHashOut = function() {
  return this.chunks[0] === Opcode('OP_DUP').toNumber() &&
    this.chunks[1] === Opcode('OP_HASH160').toNumber() &&
    this.chunks[2].buf &&
    this.chunks[3] === Opcode('OP_EQUALVERIFY').toNumber() &&
    this.chunks[4] === Opcode('OP_CHECKSIG').toNumber();

 * @returns true if this is a pay to public key hash input script
Script.prototype.isPublicKeyHashIn = function() {
  return !!(this.chunks.length === 2 &&
    this.chunks[0].buf &&
    this.chunks[0].buf.length >= 0x47 &&
    this.chunks[0].buf.length <= 0x49 &&
    this.chunks[1].buf &&

 * @returns true if this is a public key output script
Script.prototype.isPublicKeyOut = function() {
  return this.chunks.length === 2 &&
    bufferUtil.isBuffer(this.chunks[0].buf) &&
    PublicKey.isValid(this.chunks[0].buf) &&
    this.chunks[1] === Opcode('OP_CHECKSIG').toNumber();

 * @returns true if this is a pay to public key input script
Script.prototype.isPublicKeyIn = function() {
  return this.chunks.length === 1 &&
    bufferUtil.isBuffer(this.chunks[0].buf) &&
    this.chunks[0].buf.length === 0x47;

 * @returns true if this is a p2sh output script
Script.prototype.isScriptHashOut = function() {
  return this.chunks.length === 3 &&
    this.chunks[0] === Opcode('OP_HASH160').toNumber() &&
    this.chunks[1].buf &&
    this.chunks[1].buf.length === 20 &&
    this.chunks[2] === Opcode('OP_EQUAL').toNumber();

 * @returns true if this is a p2sh input script
 * Note that these are frequently indistinguishable from pubkeyhashin
Script.prototype.isScriptHashIn = function() {
  if (this.chunks.length === 0) {
    return false;
  var chunk = this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1];
  if (!chunk) {
    return false;
  var scriptBuf = chunk.buf;
  if (!scriptBuf) {
    return false;
  var redeemScript = new Script(scriptBuf);
  var type = redeemScript.classify();
  return type !== Script.types.UNKNOWN;

 * @returns true if this is a mutlsig output script
Script.prototype.isMultisigOut = function() {
  return (this.chunks.length > 3 &&
    Opcode.isSmallIntOp(this.chunks[0]) &&
    this.chunks.slice(1, this.chunks.length - 2).every(function(obj) {
      return obj.buf && bufferUtil.isBuffer(obj.buf);
    }) &&
    Opcode.isSmallIntOp(this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 2]) &&
    this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1] === Opcode.map.OP_CHECKMULTISIG);

 * @returns true if this is a mutlsig input script
Script.prototype.isMultisigIn = function() {
  return this.chunks[0] === 0 &&
    this.chunks.slice(1, this.chunks.length).every(function(obj) {
      return obj.buf &&
        bufferUtil.isBuffer(obj.buf) &&
        obj.buf.length === 0x47;

 * @returns true if this is an OP_RETURN data script
Script.prototype.isDataOut = function() {
  return (this.chunks[0] === Opcode('OP_RETURN').toNumber() &&
    (this.chunks.length === 1 ||
      (this.chunks.length === 2 &&
        this.chunks[1].buf &&
        this.chunks[1].buf.length <= 40 &&
        this.chunks[1].length === this.chunks.len)));

 * @returns true if the script is only composed of data pushing
 * opcodes or small int opcodes (OP_0, OP_1, ..., OP_16)
Script.prototype.isPushOnly = function() {
  return _.every(this.chunks, function(chunk) {
    var opcodenum = chunk.opcodenum;
    return !_.isUndefined(opcodenum) || chunk <= Opcode.map.OP_16;

Script.types = {};
Script.types.UNKNOWN = 'Unknown';
Script.types.PUBKEY_OUT = 'Pay to public key';
Script.types.PUBKEY_IN = 'Spend from public key';
Script.types.PUBKEYHASH_OUT = 'Pay to public key hash';
Script.types.PUBKEYHASH_IN = 'Spend from public key hash';
Script.types.SCRIPTHASH_OUT = 'Pay to script hash';
Script.types.SCRIPTHASH_IN = 'Spend from script hash';
Script.types.MULTISIG_OUT = 'Pay to multisig';
Script.types.MULTISIG_IN = 'Spend from multisig';
Script.types.DATA_OUT = 'Data push';

Script.identifiers = {};
Script.identifiers.PUBKEY_OUT = Script.prototype.isPublicKeyOut;
Script.identifiers.PUBKEY_IN = Script.prototype.isPublicKeyIn;
Script.identifiers.PUBKEYHASH_OUT = Script.prototype.isPublicKeyHashOut;
Script.identifiers.PUBKEYHASH_IN = Script.prototype.isPublicKeyHashIn;
Script.identifiers.MULTISIG_OUT = Script.prototype.isMultisigOut;
Script.identifiers.MULTISIG_IN = Script.prototype.isMultisigIn;
Script.identifiers.SCRIPTHASH_OUT = Script.prototype.isScriptHashOut;
Script.identifiers.SCRIPTHASH_IN = Script.prototype.isScriptHashIn;
Script.identifiers.DATA_OUT = Script.prototype.isDataOut;

 * @returns {object} The Script type if it is a known form,
 * or Script.UNKNOWN if it isn't
Script.prototype.classify = function() {
  for (var type in Script.identifiers) {
    if (Script.identifiers[type].bind(this)()) {
      return Script.types[type];
  return Script.types.UNKNOWN;

 * @returns true if script is one of the known types
Script.prototype.isStandard = function() {
  // TODO: Add BIP62 compliance
  return this.classify() !== Script.types.UNKNOWN;

// Script construction methods

 * Adds a script element at the start of the script.
 * @param {*} obj a string, number, Opcode, Bufer, or object to add
 * @returns {Script} this script instance
Script.prototype.prepend = function(obj) {
  this._addByType(obj, true);
  return this;

 * Adds a script element to the end of the script.
 * @param {*} obj a string, number, Opcode, Bufer, or object to add
 * @returns {Script} this script instance
Script.prototype.add = function(obj) {
  this._addByType(obj, false);
  return this;

Script.prototype._addByType = function(obj, prepend) {
  if (typeof obj === 'string') {
    this._addOpcode(obj, prepend);
  } else if (typeof obj === 'number') {
    this._addOpcode(obj, prepend);
  } else if (obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name && obj.constructor.name === 'Opcode') {
    this._addOpcode(obj, prepend);
  } else if (bufferUtil.isBuffer(obj)) {
    this._addBuffer(obj, prepend);
  } else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
    this._insertAtPosition(obj, prepend);
  } else {
    throw new Error('Invalid script chunk');

Script.prototype._insertAtPosition = function(op, prepend) {
  if (prepend) {
  } else {

Script.prototype._addOpcode = function(opcode, prepend) {
  var op;
  if (typeof opcode === 'number') {
    op = opcode;
  } else if (opcode.constructor && opcode.constructor.name && opcode.constructor.name === 'Opcode') {
    op = opcode.toNumber();
  } else {
    op = Opcode(opcode).toNumber();
  this._insertAtPosition(op, prepend);
  return this;

Script.prototype._addBuffer = function(buf, prepend) {
  var opcodenum;
  var len = buf.length;
  if (len === 0) {
  } else if (len > 0 && len < Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
    opcodenum = len;
  } else if (len < Math.pow(2, 8)) {
    opcodenum = Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA1;
  } else if (len < Math.pow(2, 16)) {
    opcodenum = Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA2;
  } else if (len < Math.pow(2, 32)) {
    opcodenum = Opcode.map.OP_PUSHDATA4;
  } else {
    throw new Error('You can\'t push that much data');
    buf: buf,
    len: len,
    opcodenum: opcodenum
  }, prepend);
  return this;

Script.prototype.removeCodeseparators = function() {
  var chunks = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < this.chunks.length; i++) {
    if (this.chunks[i] !== Opcode.OP_CODESEPARATOR) {
  this.chunks = chunks;
  return this;

// high level script builder methods

 * @returns a new Multisig output script for given public keys,
 * requiring m of those public keys to spend
 * @param {PublicKey[]} pubkeys - list of all public keys controlling the output
 * @param {number} m - amount of required signatures to spend the output
 * @param {Object} [opts] - Several options: 
 *        - noSorting: defaults to false, if true, don't sort the given
 *                      public keys before creating the script
Script.buildMultisigOut = function(pubkeys, m, opts) {
  opts = opts || {};
  var s = new Script();
  var sorted = pubkeys;
  if (!opts.noSorting) {
    sorted = _.sortBy(pubkeys, function(pubkey) {
      return pubkey.toString('hex');
  for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
    var pubkey = sorted[i];
  return s;

 * @returns a new pay to public key hash output for the given
 * address or public key
 * @param {(Address|PublicKey)} to - destination address or public key
Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut = function(to) {
  if (to instanceof PublicKey) {
    to = to.toAddress();
  } else if (_.isString(to)) {
    to = new Address(to);
  var s = new Script();
  return s;

 * @returns a new pay to public key output for the given
 *  public key
Script.buildPublicKeyOut = function(pubkey) {
  var s = new Script();
  return s;

 * @returns a new OP_RETURN script with data
 * @param {(string|Buffer)} to - the data to embed in the output
Script.buildDataOut = function(data) {
  if (typeof data === 'string') {
    data = new Buffer(data);
  var s = new Script();
  return s;

 * @param {Script} script - the redeemScript for the new p2sh output
 * @returns Script new pay to script hash script for given script
Script.buildScriptHashOut = function(script) {
  var s = new Script();
  return s;

 * Builds a scriptSig (a script for an input) that signs a public key hash
 * output script.
 * @param {Buffer|string|PublicKey} publicKey
 * @param {Buffer} signature - the signature in DER cannonical encoding
 * @param {number=1} sigtype - the type of the signature (defaults to SIGHASH_ALL)
Script.buildPublicKeyHashIn = function(publicKey, signature, sigtype) {
  var script = new Script()
      bufferUtil.integerAsSingleByteBuffer(sigtype || Signature.SIGHASH_ALL)
    .add(new PublicKey(publicKey).toBuffer());
  return script;

 * @returns Script an empty script
Script.empty = function() {
  return new Script();

 * @returns Script a new pay to script hash script that pays to this script
Script.prototype.toScriptHashOut = function() {
  return Script.buildScriptHashOut(this);

module.exports = Script;