var run = function() { bitcore = typeof (bitcore) === 'undefined' ? require('../bitcore') : bitcore; console.log('ECIES: Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme'); console.log('A way of encrypting with a public key and decrypting with a private key.'); var key = bitcore.Key.generateSync(); console.log('Private key: ' + key.private.toString('hex')); console.log('Public key: ' + key.public.toString('hex')); var message = new Buffer('This is a message to be encrypted'); console.log('Message: "' + message.toString() + '"'); var encrypted = bitcore.ECIES.encrypt(key.public, message); console.log('Encrypted (with public key): ' + encrypted.toString('hex')); var decrypted = bitcore.ECIES.decrypt(key.private, encrypted); console.log('Decrypted (with private key): "' + decrypted.toString() + '"'); }; // This is just for browser & mocha compatibility if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { = run; if (require.main === module) { run(); } } else { run(); }