'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var bitcore = bitcore || require('../bitcore'); var should = chai.should(); var SIN = bitcore.SIN; describe('SIN', function() { it('should be able to create class', function() { should.exist(SIN); }); it('should be able to create instance', function() { var s = new SIN(); should.exist(s); }); it('should be able to convert to string', function() { var s = new SIN('6bqov85Hsatqb8eLtwLW1PBQLWVNJkzPwgdAT3SYNkB6X2aF2n'); s.toString.bind(s).should.not.throw(); }); var data = [ ['6bqov85Hsatqb8eLtwLW1PBQLWVNJkzPwgdAT3SYNkB6X2aF2n', false], ['TfGPWmEYZCTr1FHqinjoGxnYAxdBhsta4qR', true], ['TexvSXam8vtoUviGajQyDuYdPSAEtwTNyZg', true] ]; data.forEach(function(datum) { var sin = datum[0]; var result = datum[1]; it('should validate correctly ' + sin, function() { var a = new SIN(sin); var s = a.toString(); a.isValid().should.equal(result); s.should.equal(a.toString()); // check that validation doesn't change data }); }); describe('#SIN', function() { it('should be able to create a new SIN with a version byte', function() { var myhash = bitcore.util.sha256ripe160('test123123'); var sin = new SIN(SIN.SIN_EPHEM, myhash); should.exist(sin); }); }); describe('#fromPubKey', function() { it('should fail to create a new SIN not using a pub key', function() { (function() { SIN.fromPubKey('1234')}).should.throw(); }); it('should fail to create a new SIN not using a pub key case 2', function() { (function() { SIN.fromPubKey('03e0973263b4e0d5f5f56d25d430e777ab3838ff644db972c0bf32c31da5686c27')}).should.throw(); }); it('should be able to create a new SIN using a pub key', function() { var pubkey1 = new Buffer('03e0973263b4e0d5f5f56d25d430e777ab3838ff644db972c0bf32c31da5686c27', 'hex'); var sin = SIN.fromPubKey(pubkey1); should.exist(sin); sin.toString().should.equal('FrCfKjSFN1Ubp3x6AD6au8M5LTaNAEN8b'); }); }); });