'use strict'; var chai = require('chai'); var bitcore = require('../bitcore'); var should = chai.should(); var test_data = require('./testdata'); var bignum = bitcore.bignum; var base58 = bitcore.base58; var base58Check = base58.base58Check; var util = bitcore.util; var buffertools = require('buffertools'); describe('Miscelaneous stuff', function() { it('should initialze the config object', function() { should.exist(bitcore.config); }); it('should initialze the log object', function() { should.exist(bitcore.log); }); it('should initialze the util object', function() { should.exist(bitcore.util); }); it('should initialze the const object', function() { should.exist(bitcore.const); }); it('should initialze the Deserialize object', function() { should.exist(bitcore.Deserialize); should.exist(bitcore.Deserialize.intFromCompact); }); // bignum it('should initialze the bignum object', function() { should.exist(bitcore.bignum); }); it('should create a bignum from string', function() { var n = bignum('9832087987979879879879879879879879879879879879'); should.exist(n); }); it('should perform basic math operations for bignum', function() { var b = bignum('782910138827292261791972728324982') .sub('182373273283402171237474774728373') .div(13); b.toNumber().should.equal(46195143503376160811884457968969); }); // base58 it('should initialze the base58 object', function() { should.exist(bitcore.base58); }); it('should obtain the same string in base58 roundtrip', function() { var m = 'mqqa8xSMVDyf9QxihGnPtap6Mh6qemUkcu'; base58.encode(base58.decode(m)).should.equal(m); }); it('should obtain the same string in base58Check roundtrip', function() { var m = '1QCJj1gPZKx2EwzGo9Ri8mMBs39STvDYcv'; base58Check.encode(base58Check.decode(m)).should.equal(m); }); test_data.dataEncodeDecode.forEach(function(datum) { it('base58 encode/decode checks ' + datum, function() { base58.encode(new Buffer(datum[0], 'hex')).should.equal(datum[1]); buffertools.toHex(base58.decode(datum[1])).should.equal(datum[0]); }); }); });