var base58check = require('./base58check'); var constants = require('./constants'); var Hash = require('./hash'); var Pubkey = require('./pubkey'); var Script = require('./script'); var Random = require('./random'); function Identity(buf) { // TODO: instantiate identities without providing any configuration if (!(this instanceof Identity)) return new Identity(buf); if (Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) { this.fromBuffer(buf); } else if (typeof buf === 'string') { var str = buf; this.fromString(str); } else if (buf) { var obj = buf; this.set(obj); } }; Identity.prototype.set = function(obj) { this.hashbuf = obj.hashbuf || this.hashbuf || null; this.networkstr = obj.networkstr || this.networkstr || 'ephemeral'; this.typestr = obj.typestr || this.typestr || 'identity'; return this; }; Identity.prototype.fromBuffer = function(buf) { // Identities are prefix + type + key if (buf.length !== 1 + 1 + 20) throw new Error('Identity buffers must be exactly 22 bytes'); var prefix = buf[0]; var version = buf[1]; if (prefix !== constants['ephemeral'][ prefix ]) throw new Error('Identity buffers must contain an identity prefix (0x0f)'); if (version === constants['ephemeral']['identity']) { this.networkstr = 'ephemeral'; this.typestr = 'identity'; } else if (version === constants['mainnet']['identity']) { this.networkstr = 'mainnet'; this.typestr = 'identity'; } else if (version === constants['testnet']['identity']) { this.networkstr = 'testnet'; this.typestr = 'identity'; } else { this.networkstr = 'unknown'; this.typestr = 'unknown'; } this.hashbuf = buf.slice( 2 ); return this; }; Identity.prototype.fromHashbuf = function(hashbuf, networkstr, typestr) { if (hashbuf.length !== 20) throw new Error('hashbuf must be exactly 20 bytes'); this.hashbuf = hashbuf; this.networkstr = networkstr || 'ephemeral'; this.typestr = typestr || 'identity'; return this; }; Identity.prototype.fromPubkey = function(pubkey, networkstr) { this.hashbuf = Hash.sha256ripemd160( pubkey.toBuffer() ); this.networkstr = networkstr || 'ephemeral'; this.typestr = 'identity'; return this; }; Identity.prototype.fromString = function(str) { var buf = base58check.decode(str); return this.fromBuffer(buf); } Identity.isValid = function(addrstr) { try { var address = new Identity().fromString( addrstr ); } catch (e) { return false; } return address.isValid(); }; Identity.prototype.isValid = function() { try { this.validate(); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; Identity.prototype.toBuffer = function() { var prefix = new Buffer([ constants[ this.networkstr ][ 'prefix' ] ]) var version = new Buffer([ constants[ this.networkstr ][ this.typestr ] ]);; var buf = Buffer.concat([ prefix , version, this.hashbuf ]); return buf; }; Identity.prototype.toString = function() { return base58check.encode( this.toBuffer() ); }; Identity.prototype.validate = function() { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(this.hashbuf) || this.hashbuf.length !== 20) throw new Error('hash must be a buffer of 20 bytes'); if (['ephemeral', 'mainnet', 'testnet'].indexOf( this.networkstr )) throw new Error('networkstr must be "mainnet" or "testnet"'); if (this.typestr !== 'identephem' && this.typestr !== 'identpersist') throw new Error('typestr must be "identephem" or "identpersist"'); return this; }; module.exports = Identity;