2.6 KiB


Unit is a utility for handling and converting bitcoin units. We strongly recommend to always use satoshis to represent amount inside your application and only convert them to other units in the front-end.

To understand the need of using the Unit class when dealing with unit conversions, see this example:

> 81.99 * 100000 // wrong
> var bitcore = require('bitcore');
> var Unit = bitcore.Unit;
> Unit.fromMilis(81.99).toSatoshis() // correct

Supported units

The supported units are BTC, mBTC, bits (micro BTCs, uBTC) and satoshis. The codes for each unit can be found as members of the Unit class.

var btcCode = Unit.BTC;
var mbtcCode = Unit.mBTC;
var ubtcCode = Unit.uBTC;
var bitsCode = Unit.bits;
var satsCode = Unit.satoshis;

Creating units

There are two ways for creating a unit instance. You can instantiate the class using a value and a unit code; alternatively if the unit it's fixed you could you some of the static methods. Check some examples below:

var unit;
var amount = 100;

// using a unit code
var unitPreference = Unit.BTC;
unit = new Unit(amount, unitPreference);

// using a known unit
unit = Unit.fromBTC(amount);
unit = Unit.fromMilis(amount);
unit = Unit.fromBits(amount);
unit = Unit.fromSatoshis(amount);


Once you have a unit instance, you can check its representation in all the available units. For your convenience the classes expose three ways to accomplish this. Using the .to(unitCode) method, using a fixed unit like .toSatoshis() or by using the accessors.

var unit;

// using a unit code
var unitPreference = Unit.BTC;
value = Unit.fromSatoshis(amount).to(unitPreference);

// using a known unit
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).toBTC();
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).toMilis();
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).toBits();
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).toSatoshis();

// using accessors
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).BTC;
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).mBTC;
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).bits;
value = Unit.fromBTC(amount).satoshis;

Using a fiat currency

The unit class also provides a convenient alternative to create an instance from a fiat amount and the corresponding BTC/fiat exchange rate. Any unit instance can be converted to a fiat amount by providing the current exchange rate. Check the example below:

var unit, fiat;
var amount = 100;
var exchangeRate = 350;

unit = new Unit(amount, exchangeRate);
unit = Unit.fromFiat(amount, exchangeRate);

fiat = Unit.fromBits(amount).atRate(exchangeRate);
fiat = Unit.fromBits(amount).to(exchangeRate);