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250 lines
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'use strict';
var chai = chai || require('chai');
var bitcore = bitcore || require('../bitcore');
var should = chai.should();
var expect = chai.expect;
var Address = bitcore.Address;
var Key = bitcore.Key;
describe('Address', function() {
it('should be able to create class', function() {
it('should be able to create instance', function() {
var a = new Address('1KfyjCgBSMsLqiCbakfSdeoBUqMqLUiu3T');
it('should be able to transform to string', function() {
var a = new Address('1GfGL3iLTfX43KSCd95WhMi4bgU36qjzC1');
var data = [
['1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa', true],
['11111111111111111111111111122222234', false], // totally invalid
['32QBdjycLwbDTuGafUwaU5p5GxzSLPYoF6', true],
['1Q1pE5vPGEEMqRcVRMbtBK842Y6Pzo6nK9', true],
['1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNb', false], //bad checksum ... thanks @wtogami
['1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i', true],
['1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW600', false], // bad checksum
['1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW620', false], // bad checksum
['1ANNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i', false], // data changed, original checksum.
['1A Na15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62i', false], // invalid chars
['1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62j', false], // checksums don't match.
['1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62!', false], // bad char (!)
['1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62iz', false], // too long Bitcoin address
['1AGNa15ZQXAZUgFiqJ2i7Z2DPU2J6hW62izz', false],// too long Bitcoin address
['2cFupjhnEsSn59qHXstmK2ffpLv2', false], // valid base58 invalid data
['dB7cwYdcPSgiyAwKWL3JwCVwSk6epU2txw', false], // valid base58, valid length, invalid network
['2MnmgiRH4eGLyLc9eAqStzk7dFgBjFtUCtu', false], // valid base58, valid length, invalid network
['32QBdjycLwbDTuGafUwaU5p5GxzSLPYoF6', true], // valid base58, valid length, valid network
data.forEach(function(datum) {
var address = datum[0];
var result = datum[1];
it('should validate correctly ' + address, function() {
var a = new Address(address);
var s = a.toString();
s.should.equal(a.toString()); // check that validation doesn't change data
it('should be able to detect network from an address', function() {
// livenet
var a = new Address('1KfyjCgBSMsLqiCbakfSdeoBUqMqLUiu3T');
a = new Address('1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp');
a = new Address('3QRhucKtEn5P9i7YPxzXCqBtPJTPbRFycn');
a = new Address('mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE');
a = new Address('n2ekxibY5keRiMaoKFGfiNfXQCS4zTUpct');
a = new Address('2NBSBcf2KfjPEEqVusmrWdmUeNHRiUTS3Li');
it('#isScript should work', function() {
// invalid
new Address('1T').isScript().should.equal(false);
// pubKeyHash livenet
new Address('1KfyjCgBSMsLqiCbakfSdeoBUqMqLUiu3T').isScript().should.equal(false);
// script livenet
new Address('3QRhucKtEn5P9i7YPxzXCqBtPJTPbRFycn').isScript().should.equal(true);
// pubKeyHash testnet
new Address('mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE').isScript().should.equal(false);
// script testnet
new Address('2NBSBcf2KfjPEEqVusmrWdmUeNHRiUTS3Li').isScript().should.equal(true);
describe('#Address constructor', function() {
it('should produce a valid address from a hash', function() {
var privkey = bitcore.util.sha256('test');
var key = new bitcore.Key();
key.private = privkey;
var hash = bitcore.util.sha256ripe160(key.public);
var addr = new bitcore.Address(0, hash);
it('should throw an error if you try to use a public key instead of a hash', function() {
var privkey = bitcore.util.sha256('test');
var key = new bitcore.Key();
key.private = privkey;
var f = function() {new bitcore.Address(0, key.public);};
describe('constructor, 2 params', function() {
it('should make an address from a version, hash', function() {
var hash = new Buffer('1ab59a0fd1d5fc446d38746ee033c8af57ed6bc0', 'hex');
var addr = new Address(0, hash);
it('should fail with param version, string', function() {
var hash = '1ab59a0fd1d5fc446d38746ee033c8af57ed6bc0';
( function (){
var addr = new Address(0, hash);
describe('#fromPubKey', function() {
it('should make pubkeyhash address from an uncompressed public key', function() {
var pubkey = new Buffer('04fa05ce8b25010cb6e17a30e0b66668bf083c40687547748ec330ee77adf53a42abd3d26148cbacfcf79c907ddefeb2c37f8bebc0a695ba79d634449d871de218', 'hex');
var hash = bitcore.util.sha256ripe160(pubkey);
var addr = new Address(0, hash);
describe('#fromKey', function() {
it('should make this pubkeyhash address from uncompressed this public key', function() {
var k = new Key();
k.private = new Buffer('43532455C88590A594D552F76DDB70EC1CFD7746F05C10CBB70B1EA9552EDF87', 'hex');
k.compressed = true;
var a = Address.fromKey(k);
describe('#fromPubKeys', function() {
it('should make this p2sh multisig address from these pubkeys', function() {
var pubkey1 = new Buffer('03e0973263b4e0d5f5f56d25d430e777ab3838ff644db972c0bf32c31da5686c27', 'hex');
var pubkey2 = new Buffer('0371f94c57cc013507101e30794161f4e6b9efd58a9ea68838daf429b7feac8cb2', 'hex');
var pubkey3 = new Buffer('032c0d2e394541e2efdc7ac3500e16e7e69df541f38670402e95aa477202fa06bb', 'hex');
var sortedPubKeys = [pubkey3, pubkey2, pubkey1];
var mReq = 2;
var script = bitcore.Script.createMultisig(mReq, sortedPubKeys, {noSorting: true});
var hash = bitcore.util.sha256ripe160(script.getBuffer());
var version = bitcore.networks['livenet'].P2SHVersion;
var addr = new Address(version, hash);
var addr2 = Address.fromPubKeys(mReq, sortedPubKeys);
describe('#fromScript', function() {
it('should make this p2sh multisig address from these pubkeys', function() {
var pubkey1 = new Buffer('03e0973263b4e0d5f5f56d25d430e777ab3838ff644db972c0bf32c31da5686c27', 'hex');
var pubkey2 = new Buffer('0371f94c57cc013507101e30794161f4e6b9efd58a9ea68838daf429b7feac8cb2', 'hex');
var pubkey3 = new Buffer('032c0d2e394541e2efdc7ac3500e16e7e69df541f38670402e95aa477202fa06bb', 'hex');
var pubKeys = [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3];
var mReq = 2;
var script = bitcore.Script.createMultisig(mReq, pubKeys);
var addr = Address.fromScript(script);
var addr2 = Address.fromPubKeys(mReq, pubKeys);
// Same case, using HEX
var scriptHex = bitcore.Script.createMultisig(mReq, pubKeys).getBuffer().toString('hex');
var addrB = Address.fromScript(scriptHex);
var addr2B = Address.fromPubKeys(mReq, pubKeys);
it('it should make this hand-crafted address', function() {
var pubkey1 = new Buffer('03e0973263b4e0d5f5f56d25d430e777ab3838ff644db972c0bf32c31da5686c27', 'hex');
var pubkey2 = new Buffer('0371f94c57cc013507101e30794161f4e6b9efd58a9ea68838daf429b7feac8cb2', 'hex');
var pubkey3 = new Buffer('032c0d2e394541e2efdc7ac3500e16e7e69df541f38670402e95aa477202fa06bb', 'hex');
var pubKeys = [pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3];
var mReq = 2;
var script = bitcore.Script.createMultisig(mReq, pubKeys);
var addr = Address.fromScript(script);
var hash = bitcore.util.sha256ripe160(script.getBuffer());
var version = bitcore.networks['livenet'].P2SHVersion;
var addr2 = new Address(version, hash);
describe('#getScriptPubKey', function() {
var data = [
['76a91423b7530a00dd7951e11791c529389421c0b8d83b88ac', 'mimoZNLcP2rrMRgdeX5PSnR7AjCqQveZZ4'],
['76a914774e603bafb717bd3f070e68bbcccfd907c77d1388ac', 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE'],
['76a914b00127584485a7cff0949ef0f6bc5575f06ce00d88ac', 'mwZabyZXg8JzUtFX1pkGygsMJjnuqiNhgd']
it('validate scriptPubKey for a given address', function() {
for(var i in data) {
var d = data[i];
var b = new Address(d[1]).getScriptPubKey().getBuffer();
describe('#fromScriptPubKey', function() {
// All examples checked againt bitcoind decodescript
var cases = [
['76a91423b7530a00dd7951e11791c529389421c0b8d83b88ac', 'mimoZNLcP2rrMRgdeX5PSnR7AjCqQveZZ4'],
['76a914774e603bafb717bd3f070e68bbcccfd907c77d1388ac', 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE'],
['76a914b00127584485a7cff0949ef0f6bc5575f06ce00d88ac', 'mwZabyZXg8JzUtFX1pkGygsMJjnuqiNhgd'],
['532103bf025eb410407aec5a67c975ce222e363bb88c69bb1acce45d20d85602df2ec52103d76dd6d99127f4b733e772f0c0a09c573ac7e4d69b8bf50272292da2e093de2c2103dd9acd8dd1816c825d6b0739339c171ae2cb10efb53699680537865b07086e9b2102371cabbaf466c3a536034b4bda64ad515807bffd87488f44f93c2373d4d189c9210264cd444358f8d57f8637a7309f9736806f4883aebc4fe7da4bad1e4b37f2d12c55ae', [
for(var i in cases){
var c=cases[i];
it('it should generate the right address', function(){
if (typeof c[1] === 'string') {
(new Address.fromScriptPubKey(c[0],'testnet')).toString().should.equal(c[1]);
var s = new bitcore.Script(new Buffer(c[0],'hex'));
(new Address.fromScriptPubKey(s,'testnet')).toString().should.equal(c[1]);
else {
var as=new Address.fromScriptPubKey(c[0],'testnet');
for(var j in as){