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Bitcore provides support for both the main bitcoin network as well as for testnet3
, the current test blockchain. We encourage the use of Networks.livenet
and Networks.testnet
as constants. Note that the library sometimes may check for equality against this object. Avoid creating a deep copy of this object and using that.
The Network
namespace has a function, get(...)
that returns an instance of a Network
or undefined
. The only argument to this function is some kind of identifier of the network: either its name, a reference to a Network object, or a number used as a magic constant to identify the network (for example, the value 0
that gives bitcoin addresses the distinctive '1'
at its beginning on livenet, is a 0x6F
for testnet).
Setting the default network
Most project will only need to work in one of either networks. The value of Networks.defaultNetwork
can be set to Networks.testnet
if the project will needs only to work on testnet (the default is Networks.livenet
Network constants
The functionality of testnet and livenet is mostly similar (except for some relaxed block validation rules on testnet). They differ in the constants being used for human representation of base58 encoded strings. These are sometimes referred to as "version" constants.
Take a look at this modified snippet from (networks.js)[https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore/blob/master/lib/networks.js]
var livenet = new Network();
_.extend(livenet, {
name: 'livenet',
alias: 'mainnet',
pubkeyhash: 0x00,
privatekey: 0x80,
scripthash: 0x05,
xpubkey: 0x0488b21e,
xprivkey: 0x0488ade4,
port: 8333
var testnet = new Network();
_.extend(testnet, {
name: 'testnet',
alias: 'testnet',
pubkeyhash: 0x6f,
privatekey: 0xef,
scripthash: 0xc4,
xpubkey: 0x043587cf,
xprivkey: 0x04358394,
port: 18333