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191 lines
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"use strict";
/* jshint unused: false */
/* jshint latedef: false */
var should = require("chai").should();
var expect = require("chai").expect;
var _ = require("lodash");
var bitcore = require("../..");
var BN = bitcore.crypto.BN;
var BufferWriter = bitcore.encoding.BufferWriter;
var BufferReader = bitcore.encoding.BufferReader;
var Output = bitcore.Transaction.Output;
var Script = bitcore.Script;
var errors = bitcore.errors;
describe("Output", function() {
var output = new Output({
satoshis: 0,
script: Script.empty()
it("throws error with unrecognized argument", function() {
(function() {
var out = new Output(12345);
it("can be assigned a satoshi amount in big number", function() {
var newOutput = new Output({
satoshis: new BN(100),
script: Script.empty()
it("can be assigned a satoshi amount with a string", function() {
var newOutput = new Output({
satoshis: "100",
script: Script.empty()
describe("will error if output is not a positive integer", function() {
it("-100", function() {
(function() {
var newOutput = new Output({
satoshis: -100,
script: Script.empty()
}.should.throw("Output satoshis is not a natural number"));
it("1.1", function() {
(function() {
var newOutput = new Output({
satoshis: 1.1,
script: Script.empty()
}.should.throw("Output satoshis is not a natural number"));
it("NaN", function() {
(function() {
var newOutput = new Output({
satoshis: NaN,
script: Script.empty()
}.should.throw("Output satoshis is not a natural number"));
it("Infinity", function() {
(function() {
var newOutput = new Output({
satoshis: Infinity,
script: Script.empty()
}.should.throw("Output satoshis is not a natural number"));
var expectEqualOutputs = function(a, b) {
it("deserializes correctly a simple output", function() {
var writer = new BufferWriter();
var deserialized = Output.fromBufferReader(
new BufferReader(writer.toBuffer())
expectEqualOutputs(output, deserialized);
it("can instantiate from an object", function() {
var out = new Output(output.toObject());
it("can set a script from a buffer", function() {
var newOutput = new Output(output.toObject());
newOutput.inspect().should.equal("<Output (0 sats) <Script: OP_0>>");
it("has a inspect property", function() {
output.inspect().should.equal("<Output (0 sats) <Script: >>");
var output2 = new Output({
satoshis: 1100000000,
script: new Script(
"OP_2 21 0x038282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39" +
"cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508 21 0x038282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de23" +
"8d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508 OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG OP_EQUAL"
it("toBufferWriter", function() {
"00ab904100000000485215038282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de2" +
"38d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f5150815038282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172d" +
it("roundtrips to/from object", function() {
var newOutput = new Output({
satoshis: 50,
script: new Script().add(0)
var otherOutput = new Output(newOutput.toObject());
expectEqualOutputs(newOutput, otherOutput);
it("toObject will handle an invalid (null) script", function() {
// block 000000000000000b7e48f88e86ceee3e97b4df7c139f5411d14735c1b3c36791 (livenet)
// transaction index 2
// txid ebc9fa1196a59e192352d76c0f6e73167046b9d37b8302b6bb6968dfd279b767
var transaction = bitcore.Transaction();
var obj = transaction.toObject();
it("#toObject roundtrip will handle an invalid (null) script", function() {
var invalidOutputScript = new Buffer("0100000000000000014c", "hex");
var br = new bitcore.encoding.BufferReader(invalidOutputScript);
var output = Output.fromBufferReader(br);
var output2 = new Output(output.toObject());
should.equal(output2.script, null);
should.equal(output2._scriptBuffer.toString("hex"), "4c");
it("inspect will work with an invalid (null) script", function() {
var invalidOutputScript = new Buffer("0100000000000000014c", "hex");
var br = new bitcore.encoding.BufferReader(invalidOutputScript);
var output = Output.fromBufferReader(br);
output.inspect().should.equal("<Output (1 sats) 4c>");
it("roundtrips to/from JSON", function() {
var json = JSON.stringify(output2);
var o3 = new Output(JSON.parse(json));
it("setScript fails with invalid input", function() {
var out = new Output(output2.toJSON());
out.setScript.bind(out, 45).should.throw("Invalid argument type: script");
it("sets script to null if it is an InvalidBuffer", function() {
var output = new Output({
satoshis: 1000,
script: new Buffer("4c", "hex")
should.equal(output.script, null);