143 lines
4.1 KiB
143 lines
4.1 KiB
'use strict';
var docsURL = 'http://bitcore.io/';
module.exports = [{
name: 'InvalidB58Char',
message: 'Invalid Base58 character: {0} in {1}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidB58Checksum',
message: 'Invalid Base58 checksum for {0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidNetwork',
message: 'Invalid version for network: got {0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidState',
message: 'Invalid state: {0}'
}, {
name: 'NotImplemented',
message: 'Function {0} was not implemented yet'
}, {
name: 'InvalidNetworkArgument',
message: 'Invalid network: must be "livenet" or "testnet", got {0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidArgument',
message: function() {
return 'Invalid Argument' + (arguments[0] ? (': ' + arguments[0]) : '') +
(arguments[1] ? (' Documentation: ' + docsURL + arguments[1]) : '');
}, {
name: 'AbstractMethodInvoked',
message: 'Abstract Method Invokation: {0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidArgumentType',
message: function() {
return 'Invalid Argument for ' + arguments[2] + ', expected ' + arguments[1] + ' but got ' + typeof arguments[0];
}, {
name: 'Unit',
message: 'Internal Error on Unit {0}',
errors: [{
'name': 'UnknownCode',
'message': 'Unrecognized unit code: {0}'
}, {
'name': 'InvalidRate',
'message': 'Invalid exchange rate: {0}'
}, {
name: 'Transaction',
message: 'Internal Error on Transaction {0}',
errors: [{
name: 'Input',
message: 'Internal Error on Input {0}',
errors: [{
name: 'MissingScript',
message: 'Need a script to create an input'
}, {
name: 'UnsupportedScript',
message: 'Unsupported input script type: {0}'
}, {
name: 'NeedMoreInfo',
message: '{0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidIndex',
message: 'Invalid index: {0} is not between 0, {1}'
}, {
name: 'UnableToVerifySignature',
message: 'Unable to verify signature: {0}'
}, {
name: 'DustOutputs',
message: 'Dust amount detected in one output'
}, {
name: 'FeeError',
message: 'Fees are not correctly set {0}',
}, {
name: 'ChangeAddressMissing',
message: 'Change address is missing'
}, {
name: 'BlockHeightTooHigh',
message: 'Block Height can be at most 2^32 -1'
}, {
name: 'NLockTimeOutOfRange',
message: 'Block Height can only be between 0 and 499 999 999'
}, {
name: 'LockTimeTooEarly',
message: 'Lock Time can\'t be earlier than UNIX date 500 000 000'
}, {
name: 'Script',
message: 'Internal Error on Script {0}',
errors: [{
name: 'UnrecognizedAddress',
message: 'Expected argument {0} to be an address'
}, {
name: 'HDPrivateKey',
message: 'Internal Error on HDPrivateKey {0}',
errors: [{
name: 'InvalidDerivationArgument',
message: 'Invalid derivation argument {0}, expected string, or number and boolean'
}, {
name: 'InvalidEntropyArgument',
message: 'Invalid entropy: must be an hexa string or binary buffer, got {0}',
errors: [{
name: 'TooMuchEntropy',
message: 'Invalid entropy: more than 512 bits is non standard, got "{0}"'
}, {
name: 'NotEnoughEntropy',
message: 'Invalid entropy: at least 128 bits needed, got "{0}"'
}, {
name: 'InvalidLength',
message: 'Invalid length for xprivkey string in {0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidPath',
message: 'Invalid derivation path: {0}'
}, {
name: 'UnrecognizedArgument',
message: 'Invalid argument: creating a HDPrivateKey requires a string, buffer, json or object, got "{0}"'
}, {
name: 'HDPublicKey',
message: 'Internal Error on HDPublicKey {0}',
errors: [{
name: 'ArgumentIsPrivateExtended',
message: 'Argument is an extended private key: {0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidDerivationArgument',
message: 'Invalid derivation argument: got {0}'
}, {
name: 'InvalidLength',
message: 'Invalid length for xpubkey: got "{0}"'
}, {
name: 'InvalidPath',
message: 'Invalid derivation path, it should look like: "m/1/100", got "{0}"'
}, {
name: 'MustSupplyArgument',
message: 'Must supply an argument to create a HDPublicKey'
}, {
name: 'UnrecognizedArgument',
message: 'Invalid argument for creation, must be string, json, buffer, or object'