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* @file gulpfile.js
* Defines tasks that can be run on gulp.
* Summary: <ul>
* <li> `test` - runs all the tests on node and the browser (mocha and karma)
* <ul>
* <li> `test:node`
* <li> `test:node:nofail` - internally used for watching (due to bug on gulp-mocha)
* <li> `test:browser`
* </ul>`
* <li> `watch:test` - watch for file changes and run tests
* <ul>
* <li> `watch:test:node`
* <li> `watch:test:browser`
* </ul>`
* <li> `browser` - generate files needed for browser (browserify)
* <ul>
* <li> `browser:uncompressed` - build `browser/bitcore.js`
* <li> `browser:compressed` - build `browser/bitcore.min.js`
* <li> `browser:maketests` - build `browser/tests.js`, needed for testing without karma
* </ul>`
* <li> `errors` - autogenerate the `./lib/errors/index.js` file with error definitions
* <li> `lint` - run `jshint`
* <li> `coverage` - run `istanbul` with mocha to generate a report of test coverage
* <li> `jsdoc` - run `jsdoc` to generate the API reference
* </ul>
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var closureCompiler = require('gulp-closure-compiler');
var jsdoc = require('gulp-jsdoc');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var mocha = require('gulp-mocha');
var runSequence = require('run-sequence');
var shell = require('gulp-shell');
var files = ['lib/**/*.js'];
var tests = ['test/**/*.js'];
var alljs = files.concat(tests);
var jsdocReadme = 'doc/';
function ignoreError() {
/* jshint ignore:start */ // using `this` in this context is weird
/* jshint ignore:end */
var testMocha = function() {
return gulp.src(tests).pipe(new mocha({
reporter: 'spec'
var testKarma = shell.task([
'./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --single-run --browsers Firefox'
* Testing
gulp.task('test:node', ['errors'], testMocha);
gulp.task('test:node:nofail', ['errors'], function() {
return testMocha().on('error', ignoreError);
gulp.task('test:browser', ['browser:uncompressed', 'browser:maketests'], testKarma);
gulp.task('test', function(callback) {
runSequence(['test:node'], ['test:browser'], callback);
* File generation
gulp.task('browser:makefolder', shell.task([
'if [ ! -d "browser" ]; then mkdir browser; fi'
gulp.task('browser:uncompressed', ['browser:makefolder', 'errors'], shell.task([
'./node_modules/.bin/browserify index.js --insert-global-vars=true --standalone=bitcore -o browser/bitcore.js'
gulp.task('browser:compressed', ['browser:makefolder', 'errors'], function() {
return gulp.src('dist/bitcore.js')
fileName: 'bitcore.min.js',
compilerPath: 'node_modules/closure-compiler-jar/compiler.jar',
compilerFlags: {
language_in: 'ECMASCRIPT5',
jscomp_off: 'suspiciousCode'
gulp.task('browser:maketests', ['browser:makefolder'], shell.task([
'find test/ -type f -name "*.js" | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/browserify -t brfs -o browser/tests.js'
gulp.task('browser', ['errors'], function(callback) {
runSequence(['browser:uncompressed'], ['browser:compressed'], ['browser:maketests'], callback);
gulp.task('errors', shell.task([
'node ./lib/errors/build.js'
* Code quality and documentation
gulp.task('lint', function() {
return gulp.src(alljs)
gulp.task('plato', shell.task['plato -d report -r -l .jshintrc -t bitcore lib']);
gulp.task('jsdoc', shell.task['jsdoc -c .jsdoc.conf lib']);
gulp.task('coverage', shell.task(['istanbul cover _mocha -- --recursive']));
* Watch tasks
gulp.task('watch:test', function() {
// TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['test']);
gulp.task('watch:test:node', function() {
// TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['test:node']);
gulp.task('watch:test:browser', function() {
// TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['test:browser']);
gulp.task('watch:jsdoc', function() {
// TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['jsdoc']);
gulp.task('watch:coverage', function() {
// TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['coverage']);
gulp.task('watch:lint', function() {
// TODO: Only lint files that are linked to file changes by doing
// something smart like reading through the require statements
return, ['lint']);
gulp.task('watch:browser', function() {
return, ['browser']);
* Default task
gulp.task('default', function(callback) {
return runSequence(['lint', 'jsdoc'],
['browser:uncompressed', 'test'],
['coverage', 'browser:compressed'],