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var Keypair = require('../lib/keypair');
var StealthMessage = require('../lib/expmt/stealthmessage');
var Stealthkey = require('../lib/expmt/stealthkey');
var StealthAddress = require('../lib/expmt/stealthaddress');
var KDF = require('../lib/kdf');
var Hash = require('../lib/hash');
var should = require('chai').should();
var Address = require('../lib/address');
describe('StealthMessage', function() {
var payloadKeypair = KDF.buf2keypair(new Buffer('key1'));
var scanKeypair = KDF.buf2keypair(new Buffer('key2'));
var fromKeypair = KDF.buf2keypair(new Buffer('key3'));
var enchex = 'f557994f16d0d628fa4fdb4ab3d7e0bc5f2754f20381c7831a20c7c9ec88dcf092ea3683261798ccda991ed65a3a54a036d8125dec0381c7831a20c7c9ec88dcf092ea3683261798ccda991ed65a3a54a036d8125dec9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad01560ba2904d3bc8395b6c4a6f87648edb33db6a22170e5e26f340c7ba943169210234cd6a753ad13919b0ab7d678b47b5e7d63e452382de2c2590fb57ef048f7b3';
var encbuf = new Buffer(enchex, 'hex');
var ivbuf = Hash.sha256(new Buffer('test')).slice(0, 128 / 8);
var sk = Stealthkey().set({payloadKeypair: payloadKeypair, scanKeypair: scanKeypair});
var sa = StealthAddress().fromStealthkey(sk);
var messagebuf = new Buffer('this is my message');
it('should make a new stealthmessage', function() {
var sm = new StealthMessage();
sm = StealthMessage()
it('should allow "set" style syntax', function() {
var encbuf = StealthMessage().set({
messagebuf: messagebuf,
toStealthAddress: sa
describe('#set', function() {
it('should set the messagebuf', function() {
var sm = StealthMessage().set({messagebuf: messagebuf});
describe('@encrypt', function() {
it('should encrypt a message', function() {
var encbuf = StealthMessage.encrypt(messagebuf, sa);
it('should encrypt a message with this fromKeypair and ivbuf the same each time', function() {
var encbuf = StealthMessage.encrypt(messagebuf, sa, fromKeypair, ivbuf);
describe('@decrypt', function() {
it('should decrypt this known message correctly', function() {
var messagebuf2 = StealthMessage.decrypt(encbuf, sk);
describe('@isForMe', function() {
it('should know that this message is for me', function() {
StealthMessage.isForMe(encbuf, sk).should.equal(true);
it('should know that this message is for me even if my payloadPrivkey is not present', function() {
var sk2 = new Stealthkey();
sk2.scanKeypair = sk.scanKeypair;
sk2.payloadKeypair = Keypair().set({pubkey: sk.payloadKeypair.pubkey});
StealthMessage.isForMe(encbuf, sk2).should.equal(true);
describe('#encrypt', function() {
it('should encrypt this message', function() {
var sm = StealthMessage().set({
messagebuf: messagebuf,
toStealthAddress: sa,
fromKeypair: fromKeypair
describe('#decrypt', function() {
it('should decrypt that which was encrypted', function() {
var sm = StealthMessage().set({
messagebuf: messagebuf,
toStealthAddress: sa
var messagebuf2 = StealthMessage().set({
encbuf: sm.encbuf,
fromKeypair: sm.fromKeypair,
toStealthkey: sk
describe('#isForMe', function() {
it('should know that this message is for me', function() {
encbuf: encbuf,
toStealthkey: sk,
fromKeypair: fromKeypair,
receiveAddress: Address().set({hashbuf: encbuf.slice(0, 20)})
it('should know that this message is not for me', function() {
encbuf: encbuf,
toStealthkey: sk,
fromKeypair: fromKeypair,
receiveAddress: Address().set({hashbuf: encbuf.slice(0, 20)})