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function spec(b) {
var util = b.util || require('./util/util');
var Debug1 = b.Debug1 || function() {};
var Script = b.Script || require('./Script').class();
var Bignum = b.Bignum || require('bignum');
var Binary = b.Binary || require('binary');
var Step = b.Step || require('step');
var buffertools = b.buffertools || require('buffertools');
var Transaction = b.Transaction || require('./Transaction').class();
var TransactionIn = Transaction.In;
var TransactionOut = Transaction.Out;
var COINBASE_OP = Transaction.COINBASE_OP;
var VerificationError = b.VerificationError || require('./util/error').VerificationError;
var BlockRules = {
maxTimeOffset: 2 * 60 * 60, // How far block timestamps can be into the future
largestHash: Bignum(2).pow(256)
function Block(data)
if ("object" !== typeof data) {
data = {};
this.hash = data.hash || null;
this.prev_hash = data.prev_hash || util.NULL_HASH;
this.merkle_root = data.merkle_root || util.NULL_HASH;
this.timestamp = data.timestamp || 0;
this.bits = data.bits || 0;
this.nonce = data.nonce || 0;
this.version = data.version || 0;
this.height = data.height || 0;
this.size = data.size || 0; = || false;
this.chainWork = data.chainWork || util.EMPTY_BUFFER;
this.txs = data.txs || [];
Block.prototype.getHeader = function getHeader() {
var buf = new Buffer(80);
var ofs = 0;
buf.writeUInt32LE(this.version, ofs); ofs += 4;
this.prev_hash.copy(buf, ofs); ofs += 32;
this.merkle_root.copy(buf, ofs); ofs += 32;
buf.writeUInt32LE(this.timestamp, ofs); ofs += 4;
buf.writeUInt32LE(this.bits, ofs); ofs += 4;
buf.writeUInt32LE(this.nonce, ofs); ofs += 4;
return buf;
Block.prototype.parse = function parse(parser, headerOnly) {
this.version = parser.word32le();
this.prev_hash = parser.buffer(32);
this.merkle_root = parser.buffer(32);
this.timestamp = parser.word32le();
this.bits = parser.word32le();
this.nonce = parser.word32le();
this.txs = [];
this.size = 0;
if (headerOnly)
var txCount = parser.varInt();
for (var i = 0; i < txCount; i++) {
var tx = new Transaction();
Block.prototype.calcHash = function calcHash() {
var header = this.getHeader();
return util.twoSha256(header);
Block.prototype.checkHash = function checkHash() {
if (!this.hash || !this.hash.length) return false;
return, this.hash) == 0;
Block.prototype.getHash = function getHash() {
if (!this.hash || !this.hash.length) this.hash = this.calcHash();
return this.hash;
Block.prototype.checkProofOfWork = function checkProofOfWork() {
var target = util.decodeDiffBits(this.bits);
// TODO: Create a compare method in node-buffertools that uses the correct
// endian so we don't have to reverse both buffers before comparing.
if (, target) > 0) {
throw new VerificationError('Difficulty target not met');
// Return the hash to its normal order
return true;
* Returns the amount of work that went into this block.
* Work is defined as the average number of tries required to meet this
* block's difficulty target. For example a target that is greater than 5%
* of all possible hashes would mean that 20 "work" is required to meet it.
Block.prototype.getWork = function getWork() {
var target = util.decodeDiffBits(this.bits, true);
return BlockRules.largestHash.div(target.add(1));
Block.prototype.checkTimestamp = function checkTimestamp() {
var currentTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
if (this.timestamp > currentTime + BlockRules.maxTimeOffset) {
throw new VerificationError('Timestamp too far into the future');
return true;
Block.prototype.checkTransactions = function checkTransactions(txs) {
if (!Array.isArray(txs) || txs.length <= 0) {
throw new VerificationError('No transactions');
if (!txs[0].isCoinBase()) {
throw new VerificationError('First tx must be coinbase');
for (var i = 1; i < txs.length; i++) {
if (txs[i].isCoinBase()) {
throw new VerificationError('Tx index '+i+' must not be coinbase');
return true;
* Build merkle tree.
* Ported from Java. Original code: BitcoinJ by Mike Hearn
* Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
Block.prototype.getMerkleTree = function getMerkleTree(txs) {
// The merkle hash is based on a tree of hashes calculated from the transactions:
// merkleHash
// /\
// / \
// A B
// / \ / \
// tx1 tx2 tx3 tx4
// Basically transactions are hashed, then the hashes of the transactions are hashed
// again and so on upwards into the tree. The point of this scheme is to allow for
// disk space savings later on.
// This function is a direct translation of CBlock::BuildMerkleTree().
if (txs.length == 0) {
return [util.NULL_HASH.slice(0)];
// Start by adding all the hashes of the transactions as leaves of the tree.
var tree = (tx) {
return tx instanceof Transaction ? tx.getHash() : tx;
var j = 0;
// Now step through each level ...
for (var size = txs.length; size > 1; size = Math.floor((size + 1) / 2)) {
// and for each leaf on that level ..
for (var i = 0; i < size; i += 2) {
var i2 = Math.min(i + 1, size - 1);
var a = tree[j + i];
var b = tree[j + i2];
j += size;
return tree;
Block.prototype.calcMerkleRoot = function calcMerkleRoot(txs) {
var tree = this.getMerkleTree(txs);
return tree[tree.length - 1];
Block.prototype.checkMerkleRoot = function checkMerkleRoot(txs) {
if (!this.merkle_root || !this.merkle_root.length) {
throw new VerificationError('No merkle root');
if (, this.merkle_root) == 0) {
throw new VerificationError('Merkle root incorrect');
return true;
Block.prototype.checkBlock = function checkBlock(txs) {
if (!this.checkHash()) {
throw new VerificationError("Block hash invalid");
if (txs) {
if (!this.checkMerkleRoot(txs)) {
throw new VerificationError("Merkle hash invalid");
return true;
Block.getBlockValue = function getBlockValue(height) {
var subsidy = Bignum(50).mul(util.COIN);
subsidy = subsidy.div(Bignum(2).pow(Math.floor(height / 210000)));
return subsidy;
Block.prototype.getBlockValue = function getBlockValue() {
return Block.getBlockValue(this.height);
Block.prototype.toString = function toString() {
return "<Block " + util.formatHashAlt(this.hash) + " height="+this.height+">";
* Initializes some properties based on information from the parent block.
Block.prototype.attachTo = function attachTo(parent) {
this.height = parent.height + 1;
Block.prototype.setChainWork = function setChainWork(chainWork) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(chainWork)) {
// Nothing to do
} else if ("function" === typeof chainWork.toBuffer) { // duck-typing bignum
chainWork = chainWork.toBuffer();
} else {
throw new Error("Block.setChainWork(): Invalid datatype");
this.chainWork = chainWork;
Block.prototype.getChainWork = function getChainWork() {
return Bignum.fromBuffer(this.chainWork);
* Compares the chainWork of two blocks.
Block.prototype.moreWorkThan = function moreWorkThan(otherBlock) {
return this.getChainWork().cmp(otherBlock.getChainWork()) > 0;
* Returns the difficulty target for the next block after this one.
Block.prototype.getNextWork =
function getNextWork(blockChain, nextBlock, callback) {
var self = this;
var powLimit = blockChain.getMinDiff();
var powLimitTarget = util.decodeDiffBits(powLimit, true);
var targetTimespan = blockChain.getTargetTimespan();
var targetSpacing = blockChain.getTargetSpacing();
var interval = targetTimespan / targetSpacing;
if (this.height == 0) {
callback(null, this.bits);
if ((this.height+1) % interval !== 0) {
if (blockChain.isTestnet()) {
// Special testnet difficulty rules
var lastBlock = blockChain.getTopBlock();
// If the new block's timestamp is more than 2 * 10 minutes
// then allow mining of a min-difficulty block.
if (nextBlock.timestamp > this.timestamp + targetSpacing*2) {
callback(null, powLimit);
} else {
// Return last non-"special-min-difficulty" block
if (this.bits != powLimit) {
// Current block is non-min-diff
callback(null, this.bits);
} else {
// Recurse backwards until a non min-diff block is found.
function lookForLastNonMinDiff(block, callback) {
try {
if (block.height > 0 &&
block.height % interval !== 0 &&
block.bits == powLimit) {
block.height - 1,
function (err, lastBlock) {
try {
if (err) throw err;
lookForLastNonMinDiff(lastBlock, callback);
} catch (err) {
} else {
callback(null, block.bits);
} catch (err) {
lookForLastNonMinDiff(this, callback);
} else {
// Not adjustment interval, next block has same difficulty
callback(null, this.bits);
} else {
// Get the first block from the old difficulty period
this.height - interval + 1,
function (err, lastBlock) {
try {
if (err) throw err;
// Determine how long the difficulty period really took
var actualTimespan = self.timestamp - lastBlock.timestamp;
// There are some limits to how much we will adjust the difficulty in
// one step
if (actualTimespan < targetTimespan/4) {
actualTimespan = targetTimespan/4;
if (actualTimespan > targetTimespan*4) {
actualTimespan = targetTimespan*4;
var oldTarget = util.decodeDiffBits(self.bits, true);
var newTarget = oldTarget.mul(actualTimespan).div(targetTimespan);
if (newTarget.cmp(powLimitTarget) > 0) {
newTarget = powLimitTarget;
Debug1('Difficulty retarget (target='+targetTimespan +
', actual='+actualTimespan+')');
Debug1('Before: '+oldTarget.toBuffer().toString('hex'));
Debug1('After: '+newTarget.toBuffer().toString('hex'));
callback(null, util.encodeDiffBits(newTarget));
} catch (err) {
var medianTimeSpan = 11;
Block.prototype.getMedianTimePast =
function getMedianTimePast(blockChain, callback)
var self = this;
function getBlocks() {
var heights = [];
for (var i = 0, m = medianTimeSpan; i < m && (self.height - i) >= 0; i++) {
heights.push(self.height - i);
blockChain.getBlocksByHeights(heights, this);
function calcMedian(err, blocks) {
if (err) throw err;
var timestamps = (block) {
if (!block) {
throw new Error("Prior block missing, cannot calculate median time");
return +block.timestamp;
// Sort timestamps
timestamps = timestamps.sort();
// Return median timestamp
this(null, timestamps[Math.floor(timestamps.length/2)]);
Block.prototype.verifyChild =
function verifyChild(blockChain, child, callback)
var self = this;
function getExpectedDifficulty() {
self.getNextWork(blockChain, child, this);
function verifyExpectedDifficulty(err, nextWork) {
if (err) throw err;
if (+child.bits !== +nextWork) {
throw new VerificationError("Incorrect proof of work '"+child.bits+"',"+
" should be '"+nextWork+"'.");
function getMinimumTimestamp(err) {
if (err) throw err;
self.getMedianTimePast(blockChain, this);
function verifyTimestamp(err, medianTimePast) {
if (err) throw err;
if (child.timestamp <= medianTimePast) {
throw new VerificationError("Block's timestamp is too early");
Block.prototype.createCoinbaseTx =
function createCoinbaseTx(beneficiary)
var tx = new Transaction();
tx.ins.push(new TransactionIn({
q: 0xffffffff,
tx.outs.push(new TransactionOut({
v: util.bigIntToValue(this.getBlockValue()),
s: Script.createPubKeyOut(beneficiary).getBuffer()
return tx;
Block.prototype.prepareNextBlock =
function prepareNextBlock(blockChain, beneficiary, time, callback)
var self = this;
var newBlock = new Block();
function getMedianTimePastStep() {
self.getMedianTimePast(blockChain, this);
function getNextWorkStep(err, medianTimePast) {
if (err) throw err;
if (!time) {
// TODO: Use getAdjustedTime for the second timestamp
time = Math.max(medianTimePast+1,
Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000));
self.getNextWork(blockChain, newBlock, this);
function applyNextWorkStep(err, nextWork) {
if (err) throw err;
newBlock.bits = nextWork;
function miscStep(err) {
if (err) throw err;
newBlock.version = 1;
newBlock.timestamp = time;
newBlock.prev_hash = self.getHash().slice(0);
newBlock.height = self.height+1;
// Create coinbase transaction
var txs = [];
var tx = newBlock.createCoinbaseTx(beneficiary);
newBlock.merkle_root = newBlock.calcMerkleRoot(txs);
// Return reference to (unfinished) block
this(null, {block: newBlock, txs: txs});
Block.prototype.mineNextBlock =
function mineNextBlock(blockChain, beneficiary, time, miner, callback)
this.prepareNextBlock(blockChain, beneficiary, time, function (err, data) {
try {
if (err) throw err;
var newBlock = data.block;
var txs = data.txs;
newBlock.solve(miner, function (err, nonce) {
newBlock.nonce = nonce;
// Make sure hash is cached
callback(err, newBlock, txs);
// Return reference to (unfinished) block
return newBlock;
} catch (e) {
Block.prototype.solve = function solve(miner, callback) {
var header = this.getHeader();
var target = util.decodeDiffBits(this.bits);
miner.solve(header, target, callback);
* Returns an object with the same field names as jgarzik's getblock patch.
Block.prototype.getStandardizedObject =
function getStandardizedObject(txs)
var block = {
hash: util.formatHashFull(this.getHash()),
version: this.version,
prev_block: util.formatHashFull(this.prev_hash),
mrkl_root: util.formatHashFull(this.merkle_root),
time: this.timestamp,
bits: this.bits,
nonce: this.nonce,
height: this.height
if (txs) {
var mrkl_tree = this.getMerkleTree(txs).map(function (buffer) {
return util.formatHashFull(buffer);
block.mrkl_root = mrkl_tree[mrkl_tree.length - 1];
block.n_tx = txs.length;
var totalSize = 80; // Block header
totalSize += util.getVarIntSize(txs.length); // txn_count
txs = (tx) {
tx = tx.getStandardizedObject();
totalSize += tx.size;
return tx;
block.size = totalSize;
block.tx = txs;
block.mrkl_tree = mrkl_tree;
} else {
block.size = this.size;
return block;
return Block;