You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
194 lines
6.2 KiB
194 lines
6.2 KiB
'use strict';
var Message = Message || require('./Message');
var RootCerts = require('./common/RootCerts');
var PayPro = require('./common/PayPro');
var asn1 = require('asn1.js');
var rfc3280 = require('asn1.js/rfc/3280');
var rfc5280 = require('asn1.js/rfc/5280');
PayPro.prototype.x509Sign = function(key) {
var self = this;
var crypto = require('crypto');
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type');
var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); // contains one or more x509 certs
pki_data = PayPro.X509Certificates.decode(pki_data);
pki_data = pki_data.certificate;
var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details');
var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase();
var trusted = {
var der = cert.toString('hex');
var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE');
return RootCerts.getTrusted(pem);
// XXX Figure out what to do here
if (!trusted.length) {
// throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.');
} else {
trusted.forEach(function(name) {
// console.log('Certificate: %s', name);
var signature = crypto.createSign('RSA-' + type);
var buf = this.serializeForSig();
var sig = signature.sign(key);
return sig;
PayPro.prototype.x509Verify = function() {
var self = this;
var crypto = require('crypto');
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type');
var sig = this.get('signature');
var pki_data = this.get('pki_data');
pki_data = PayPro.X509Certificates.decode(pki_data);
pki_data = pki_data.certificate;
var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details');
var buf = this.serializeForSig();
var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase();
var verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-' + type);
var signedCert = pki_data[0];
var der = signedCert.toString('hex');
var pem = this._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE');
var verified = verifier.verify(pem, sig);
var chain = pki_data;
// Verifying the cert chain:
// 1. Extract public key from next certificate.
// 2. Extract signature from current certificate.
// 3. If current cert is not trusted, verify that the current cert is signed
// by NEXT by the certificate.
// NOTE: What to do when the certificate is
// revoked -> Hit CRL Distribution Points URL
var chainVerified = chain.every(function(cert, i) {
var der = cert.toString('hex');
var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE');
var name = RootCerts.getTrusted(pem);
var ncert = chain[i + 1];
// The root cert, check if it's trusted:
if (!ncert || name) {
if (!ncert && !name) {
return false;
chain.length = 0;
return true;
var nder = ncert.toString('hex');
var npem = self._DERtoPEM(nder, 'CERTIFICATE');
// Get Public Key from next certificate:
var ndata = new Buffer(nder, 'hex');
var nc = rfc3280.Certificate.decode(ndata, 'der');
var npubKeyAlg = PayPro.getAlgorithm(
var npubKey =;
npubKey = self._DERtoPEM(npubKey, npubKeyAlg + ' PUBLIC KEY');
// Get Signature Value from current certificate:
var data = new Buffer(der, 'hex');
var c = rfc3280.Certificate.decode(data, 'der');
var sigAlg = PayPro.getAlgorithm(c.signatureAlgorithm.algorithm, 1);
var sig =;
// Check Validity of Certificates
var validityVerified = true;
var now =;
var cBefore = c.tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore.value;
var cAfter = c.tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter.value;
var nBefore = nc.tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore.value;
var nAfter = nc.tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter.value;
if (cBefore > now || cAfter < now || nBefore > now || nAfter < now) {
validityVerified = false;
// Check the Issuer matches the Subject of the next certificate:
var issuer = c.tbsCertificate.issuer;
var subject = nc.tbsCertificate.subject;
var issuerVerified = issuer.type === subject.type && issuer.value.every(function(issuerArray, i) {
var subjectArray = subject.value[i];
return issuerArray.every(function(issuerObject, i) {
var subjectObject = subjectArray[i];
var issuerObjectType = issuerObject.type.join('.');
var subjectObjectType = subjectObject.type.join('.');
var issuerObjectValue = issuerObject.value.toString('hex');
var subjectObjectValue = subjectObject.value.toString('hex');
return issuerObjectType === subjectObjectType
&& issuerObjectValue === subjectObjectValue;
// Handle Cert Extensions
var extensions = rfc5280.decodeExtensions(c, 'der', { partial: false });
var extensionsVerified = extensions.verified;
// The two most important extensions:
// "The keyIdentifier field of the authorityKeyIdentifier extension MUST be
// included in all certificates generated by conforming CAs to facilitate
// certification path construction."
var aki = extensions.authorityKeyIdentifier;
aki.sha1Key = aki.raw.slice(4, 24);
var ski = extensions.subjectKeyIdentifier;
ski.sha1Key = ski.decoded;
var ku = extensions.keyUsage;
// Next Extensions:
var nextensions = rfc5280.decodeExtensions(nc, 'der', { partial: false });
var nextensionsVerified = nextensions.verified;
var naki = nextensions.authorityKeyIdentifier;
naki.sha1Key = naki.raw.slice(4, 24);
var nski = nextensions.subjectKeyIdentifier;
nski.sha1Key = nski.decoded;
var nku = nextensions.keyUsage;
// Object.keys(extensions).forEach(function(key) {
// if (extensions[key].execute) {
// c = extensions[key].execute(c);
// }
// });
// Verify current certificate signature
// Create a To-Be-Signed Certificate to verify using asn1.js:
var tbs = rfc3280.TBSCertificate.encode(c.tbsCertificate, 'der');
var verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-' + sigAlg);
var sigVerified = verifier.verify(npubKey, sig);
return validityVerified
&& issuerVerified
&& extensionsVerified
&& sigVerified;
return verified && chainVerified;
module.exports = PayPro;