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# 5.0.0
- TypeScript support (#1319)
- `Block.prototype.checkTxRoots` will check the merkleRoot and witnessCommit if it exists against the transactions array. (e52abec) (0426c66)
- `Transaction.prototype.getHash` now has `forWitness?: boolean` which when true returns the hash for wtxid (a652d04)
- `Block.calculateMerkleRoot` now has `forWitness?: boolean` which when true returns the witness commit (a652d04)
- `Block.prototype.checkMerkleRoot` was removed, please use `checkTxRoots` (0426c66)
6 years ago
# 4.0.5
- Fixed bug where Angular apps break due to lack of crypto at build time. Reverted #1373 and added (6bead5d).
# 4.0.4
- Fixed bug where Electron v4 breaks due to lack of `'rmd160'` alias for ripemd160 hash. (#1373)
6 years ago
# 4.0.3
- Fixed `TransactionBuilder` to require that the Transaction has outputs before signing (#1151)
- Fixed `payments.p2sh`, which now takes the network from the redeem attribute if one is not given in the object argument (#1232)
- Fixed `Block.calculateTarget` to allow for exponents up to 29 (#1285)
- Fixed some low priority rarely occurring bugs with multisig payments and `TransactionBuilder` multisig processing (#1307)
- Regtest network object to `networks` (#1261)
# 4.0.2
- Fixed `TransactionBuilder` not throwing when payment type validation should fail (#1195)
- Removed rogue `package.json` from `src/payments` (#1216)
# 4.0.1
- Fixed `tiny-secp256k1` dependency version (used `ecurve`) (#1139)
- Fixed `TransactionBuilder` throwing when trying to sign `P2WSH(P2WPKH)` (#1135)
# 4.0.0
- Added [`bip32`]( dependency as a primary export (#1073)
- Added `ECPair.fromPrivateKey` (#1070)
- Added `payments` export, with support for `p2pkh`, `p2pk`, `p2ms`, `p2sh`, `p2wpkh`, `p2wsh` and `embed` payment types (#1096, #1119)
- Added `script.signature.encode/decode` for script signatures (#459)
- `ECPair.prototype.sign` now returns a 64-byte signature `Buffer`, not an `ECSignature` object (#1084)
- `ECPair` (and all ECDSA code) now uses [`tiny-secp256k1`](, which uses the [`libsecp256k1` library]( (#1070)
- `TransactionBuilder` internal variables are now `__` prefixed to discourage public usage (#1038)
- `TransactionBuilder` now defaults to version 2 transaction versions (#1036)
- `script.decompile` now returns `[Buffer]` or `null`, if decompilation failed (#1039)
- Fixed `TransactionBuilder` rejecting uncompressed public keys to comply with BIP143 (#987)
- Removed Node 4/5 LTS support (#1080)
- Removed `ECPair.fromPublicKeyBuffer`, use `ECPair.fromPublicKey` (#1070)
- Removed `ECPair.prototype.getAddress`, use `payments.p2pkh` instead (#1085)
- Removed `ECPair.prototype.getPrivateKey`, use `ECPair.prototype.privateKey` property (#1070)
- Removed `ECPair.prototype.getPublicKey`, use `ECPair.prototype.publicKey` property (#1070)
- Removed `ECPair.prototype.getNetwork`, use `` property (#1070)
- Removed `ECSignature`, use `script.signature.encode/decode` instead (#459)
- Removed `HDNode`, use `bip32` export instead (#1073)
- Removed `bufferutils` (#1035)
- Removed `networks.litecoin`, BYO non-Bitcoin networks instead (#1095)
- Removed `script.isCanonicalSignature`, use `script.isCanonicalScriptSignature` instead (#1094)
- Removed `script.*.input/output/check` functions (`templates`), use `payments.*` instead (`templates` previously added in #681, #682) (#1119)
- Removed dependency `bigi`, uses `bn.js` internally now (via `tiny-secp256k1`) (#1070, #1112)
- Removed public access to `ECPair` constructor, use exported functions `ECPair.fromPrivateKey`, `ECPair.fromWIF`, `ECPair.makeRandom`, or `ECPair.fromPublicKey` (#1070)
# 3.3.2
- Fixed `decodeStack` arbitrarily supporting non-Array arguments (#942)
# 3.3.1
- Increased the `TransactionBuilder` `maximumFeeRate` from 1000 to 2500 satoshis/byte. (#931)
# 3.3.0
- Added `ECSignature.prototype.toRSBuffer`/`ECSignature.fromRSBuffer` (#915)
- Added support to `TransactionBuilder` for 64-byte signatures via `.sign` (#915)
- Added support to `TransactionBuilder` for the `.publicKey` standard as an alternative to `.getPublicKey()` (#915)
# 3.2.1
- Fixed `script.scripthash.input.check` recursion (#898)
- Fixed `TransactionBuilder` sometimes ignoring witness value (#901)
- Fixed `script.witnessScriptHash.input` implementation (previously used the P2SH impl.) (#911)
7 years ago
# 3.2.0
- Added `address.fromBech32/toBech32` (#846)
# 3.1.0
- Added `Transaction.prototype.virtualSize` (#811)
- Added `Transaction.prototype.weight` (#811)
# 3.0.0
From this release users can expect out-of-the-box Segregated Witness support.
The majority of breaking changes have been in how `script` encoding/decoding occurs, with the introduction of witness stacks.
- Added `script.types` enums (#679)
- Added `script.*.*.{check,encode,decode[,encodeStack,decodeStack]}` functions (#681, #682)
- Added minimal `` absurd fee-safety (#696)
- Added `script.(decompile/compile)PushOnly` and `script.toStack` functions (#700)
- Added `Transaction.prototype.toBuffer` Segregated Witness serialization support (#684, #701)
- Added `Transaction.prototype.hasWitnesses` (#718)
- Added `script.witnessCommitment.*` template
- Added `TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign` now has two additional parameters, `witnessValue`, and `witnessScript`
- Added `Transaction.hashForWitnessV0` and `Transaction.setWitness` (5c2fdb60436714f18440dc709f0be065928c1e49)
- Fixed `script` must compile minimally (#638)
- Fixed `Transaction` and `Block` versions should be Int32, signed integers (#662)
- Removed `ecdsa.calcPubKeyRecoveryParam`, `ecdsa.recoverPubKey` (#456)
- Removed `buffer-equals`/`buffer-compare` dependencies (#650)
- Removed `HDNode.prototype.toString` (#665)
- Removed `dogecoin` network (#675)
- Removed `message` export, moved to [`bitcoinjs-message`]( (#456)
- Removed `script.*` functions in favour of `bitcoin.script.*.(input/output).(encode/decode/check)` style (#682)
# 2.3.0
- Added `HDNode.prototype.isNeutered` (#536)
- Added `HDNode.prototype.derivePath` (#538)
- Added typeforce checking for `HDNode.prototype.derive*` (#539)
- Added `Transaction.prototype.isCoinbase` (#578)
- Added `Block.prototype.checkMerkleRoot` (#580)
- Added `Block.calculateMerkleRoot` (#580)
- Added `TransactionBuilder.prototype.setVersion` (#599)
- Added `script.isWitnessPubKeyHashOutput` (#602)
- Added `script.isWitnessScriptHashOutput` (#602)
- Added `script.witnessPubKeyHashOutput` (#602)
- Added `script.witnessScriptHashOutput` (#602)
- Added `script.witnessScriptHashInput` (#602)
- Fixed "BIP32 is undefined" when network list given to `HDNode` but no compatible version found (#550)
- Fixed `writePushDataInt` output to adhere to minimal data push policy (#617)
# 2.2.0
- Added `Block.calculateTarget` for difficulty calculations (#509)
- Added `Block.prototype.checkProofOfWork` (#509)
- Added `opcodes.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY` alias for `OP_NOP2` (#511)
- Added `script.number.[encode/decode]` for CScriptNum-encoded `Buffer`s (#516)
- Added `TransactionBuilder.prototype.setLockTime` (#507)
- Bumped `typeforce` version to fix erroneous error message from `types.Hash*bit` types (#534)
# 2.1.4
- script.isPubKeyHashOutput and script.isScriptHashOutput no longer allow for non-minimal data pushes (per bitcoin/bitcoin `IsStandard` policy) (#499)
- TransactionBuilder.addOutput now allows for SIGHASH_SINGLE, throwing if the contract is violated (#504)
- remove use of `const`, use ES5 only (#502)
# 2.1.3
- Bumped typeforce to 1.5.5 (see #493)
# 2.1.2
- Add missing CHANGELOG entry for 2.1.1
9 years ago
# 2.1.1
9 years ago
- removed use of `buffer-reverse`, dependency only kept for `bufferutils.reverse`, to be deprecated (#478)
9 years ago
- `isMultisigOutput` no longer allows data chunks for `m`/`n` (#482)
- `isMultisigOutput`'s `n` value must now match the number of public keys (as per bitcoin/bitcoin) (#484)
# 2.1.0
From this release users should use the HDNode directly (compared to accessing `.keyPair`) when performing ECDSA operations such as `sign` or `verify`.
Ideally you shoud not have to directly access `HDNode` internals for general usage, as it can often be confusing and error prone.
- `ECPair.prototype.getNetwork`
- `HDNode.prototype.getNetwork`, wraps the underyling keyPair's `getNetwork` method
- `HDNode.prototype.getPublicKeyBuffer`, wraps the underyling keyPair's `getPublicKeyBuffer` method
- `HDNode.prototype.sign`, wraps the underlying keyPair's `sign` method
- `HDNode.prototype.verify`, wraps the underlying keyPair's `verify` method
9 years ago
# 2.0.0
In this release we have strived to simplify the API, [using native types]( wherevever possible to encourage cross-compatibility with other open source community modules.
The `ecdsa` module has been removed in lieu of using a new ECDSA module (for performance and safety reasons) during the `2.x.y` major release.
Several other cumbersome modules have been removed, with their new independent modules recommended for usage instead for greater modularity in your projects.
Backward incompatible changes:
- export `address`, for `address` based [utility functions](, most compatible, just without `Address` instantiation, see #401, #444
- export `script`, for `script` based [utility functions](, mostly compatible, just without `Script` instantiation, see #438, #444
- export `ECPair`, a merged replacement for `ECKey`/`ECPubKey`, invalid types will throw via `typeforce`
- `address.toOutputScript`, `ECPair.prototype.fromWIF` and `HDNode.prototype.fromBase58` no longer automatically detect the network, `networks.bitcoin` is always assumed unless given.
- `assert` was used for type checking, now replaced by `typeforce`
- `BIP66` compliant strict DER signature validation was added to `ECSignature.fromDER`, changing the exact exception messages slightly, see #448.
- `new HDNode(d/Q, chainCode, network)` -> `new HDNode(keyPair, chainCode)`, now uses `ECPair`
- `HDNode.prototype.toBase58(false)` -> `HDNode.prototype.neutered().toBase58()` for exporting an extended public key
- `HDNode.prototype.toBase58(true)` -> `HDNode.prototype.toBase58()` for exporting an extended private key
- `Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature(prevOutScript, inIndex, hashType)` -> `Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature(inIndex, prevOutScript, hashType)`
- `Transaction.prototype.addInput(hash, ...)`: `hash` could be a string, Transaction or Buffer -> `hash` can now **only** be a `Buffer`.
- `Transaction.prototype.addOutput(scriptPubKey, ...)`: `scriptPubKey ` could be a string, `Address` or a `Buffer` -> `scriptPubKey` can now **only** be a `Buffer`.
- `TransactionBuilder` API unchanged.
- export `Address`, `strings` are now used, benchwith no performance loss for most use cases
- export `base58check`, use [`bs58check`]( instead
- export `ecdsa`, use [`ecurve`]( instead
- export `ECKey`, use new export `ECPair` instead
- export `ECPubKey`, use new export `ECPair` instead
- export `Wallet`, see instead
- export `Script`, use new utility export `script` instead (#438 for more information)
- `crypto.HmacSHA256 `, use [node crypto]( instead
- `crypto.HmacSHA512 `, use [node crypto]( instead
- `Transaction.prototype.sign`, use `TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign`
- `Transaction.prototype.signInput`, use `TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign`
- `Transaction.prototype.validateInput`, use `Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature` and `ECPair.verify`
- `HDNode.fromBuffer`, use `HDNode.fromBase58` instead
- `HDNode.fromHex`, use `HDNode.fromBase58` instead
- `HDNode.toBuffer`, use `HDNode.prototype.toBase58` instead
- `HDNode.toHex`, use `HDNode.prototype.toBase58` instead
- `networks.*.magic`, see the comment [here](
- `networks.[viacoin|viacointestnet|gamerscoin|jumbucks|zetacoin]`, import these yourself (see #383/a0e6ee7)
- `networks.*.estimateFee`, out-dated
9 years ago
- `Message` -> `message`
- `scripts` -> `script`
- `scripts.dataOutput ` -> `script.nullDataOutput` (per [convention](https://org/en/glossary/null-data-transaction))