var assert = require('assert')
var bufferutils = require('./bufferutils')
var crypto = require('./crypto')
var opcodes = require('./opcodes')
function Script(buffer, chunks) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(buffer), 'Expected Buffer, got ' + buffer)
assert(Array.isArray(chunks), 'Expected Array, got ' + chunks)
this.buffer = buffer
this.chunks = chunks
// Import operations
Script.fromBuffer = function(buffer) {
var chunks = Script.parseChunks(buffer)
return new Script(buffer, chunks)
Script.fromHex = function(hex) {
return Script.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'))
// Export operations
Script.prototype.toBuffer = function() {
return this.buffer
Script.prototype.toHex = function() {
return this.toBuffer().toString('hex')
* Parse a Script from a Buffer to its chunked representation.
Script.parseChunks = function(buffer) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(buffer), 'Expected Buffer, got ' + buffer)
var chunks = []
var i = 0
while (i < buffer.length) {
var opcode = buffer.readUInt8(i)
if ((opcode > opcodes.OP_0) && (opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4)) {
var d = bufferutils.readPushDataInt(buffer, i)
i += d.size
var data = buffer.slice(i, i + d.number)
i += d.number
} else {
return chunks
* Compare the script to known templates of scriptPubKey.
* This method will compare the script to a small number of standard script
* templates and return a string naming the detected type.
* Currently supported are:
* Pubkeyhash (address)
* Paying to a Bitcoin address which is the hash of a pubkey.
* Pubkey
* Paying to a public key directly.
* [pubKey] OP_CHECKSIG
* Scripthash (P2SH)
* Paying to an address which is the hash of a script
* OP_HASH160 [Scripthash] OP_EQUAL
* Multisig
* Paying to multiple pubkeys and require a number of the signatures
* m [pubkey] [pubkey] [pubkey] n OP_CHECKMULTISIG
* Nulldata
* Provably prune-able outputs
* OP_RETURN [data]
* Nonstandard:
* Any other script (no template matched).
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/19e5b9d2dfcac4efadba636745485d9660fb1abe/src/script.cpp#L75
Script.prototype.getOutType = function() {
if (isPubkeyhash.call(this)) {
return 'pubkeyhash'
} else if (isPubkey.call(this)) {
return 'pubkey'
} else if (isScripthash.call(this)) {
return 'scripthash'
} else if (isMultisig.call(this)) {
return 'multisig'
} else if (isNulldata.call(this)) {
return 'nulldata'
} else {
return 'nonstandard'
function isPubkeyhash() {
return this.chunks.length == 5 &&
this.chunks[0] == opcodes.OP_DUP &&
this.chunks[1] == opcodes.OP_HASH160 &&
Buffer.isBuffer(this.chunks[2]) &&
this.chunks[2].length === 20 &&
this.chunks[3] == opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY &&
this.chunks[4] == opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG
function isPubkey() {
return this.chunks.length === 2 &&
Buffer.isBuffer(this.chunks[0]) &&
this.chunks[1] === opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG
function isScripthash() {
return this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1] == opcodes.OP_EQUAL &&
this.chunks[0] == opcodes.OP_HASH160 &&
Buffer.isBuffer(this.chunks[1]) &&
this.chunks[1].length === 20 &&
this.chunks.length == 3
function isMultisig() {
return this.chunks.length > 3 &&
// m is a smallint
isSmallIntOp(this.chunks[0]) &&
// n is a smallint
isSmallIntOp(this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 2]) &&
// n greater or equal to m
this.chunks[0] <= this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 2] &&
// n cannot be 0
this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 2] !== opcodes.OP_0 &&
// n is the size of chunk length minus 3 (m, n, OP_CHECKMULTISIG)
this.chunks.length - 3 === this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 2] - opcodes.OP_RESERVED &&
// last chunk is OP_CHECKMULTISIG
this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1] == opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG
function isNulldata() {
return this.chunks[0] === opcodes.OP_RETURN
function isSmallIntOp(opcode) {
return ((opcode == opcodes.OP_0) ||
((opcode >= opcodes.OP_1) && (opcode <= opcodes.OP_16)))
Script.prototype.getHash = function() {
return crypto.hash160(this.buffer)
* Compare the script to known templates of scriptSig.
* This method will compare the script to a small number of standard script
* templates and return a string naming the detected type.
* WARNING: Use this method with caution. It merely represents a heuristic
* based on common transaction formats. A non-standard transaction could
* very easily match one of these templates by accident.
* Currently supported are:
* Address:
* Paying to a Bitcoin address which is the hash of a pubkey.
* [sig] [pubKey]
* Pubkey:
* Paying to a public key directly.
* [sig]
* Multisig:
* Paying to M-of-N public keys.
* Nonstandard:
* Any other script (no template matched).
Script.prototype.getInType = function() {
if (this.chunks.length == 1 &&
Buffer.isBuffer(this.chunks[0])) {
// Direct IP to IP transactions only have the signature in their scriptSig.
// TODO: We could also check that the length of the data is correct.
return 'pubkey'
} else if (this.chunks.length == 2 &&
Buffer.isBuffer(this.chunks[0]) &&
Buffer.isBuffer(this.chunks[1])) {
return 'pubkeyhash'
} else if (this.chunks[0] == opcodes.OP_0 &&
this.chunks.slice(1).reduce(function(t, chunk, i) {
return t && Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) && (chunk[0] == 48 || i == this.chunks.length - 1)
}, true)) {
return 'multisig'
} else {
return 'nonstandard'
// {pubKey} OP_CHECKSIG
Script.createPubKeyScriptPubKey = function(pubKey) {
return Script.fromChunks([
Script.createPubKeyHashScriptPubKey = function(hash) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(hash), 'Expected Buffer, got ' + hash)
return Script.fromChunks([
// OP_HASH160 {scriptHash} OP_EQUAL
Script.createP2SHScriptPubKey = function(hash) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(hash), 'Expected Buffer, got ' + hash)
return Script.fromChunks([
// m [pubKeys ...] n OP_CHECKMULTISIG
Script.createMultisigScriptPubKey = function(m, pubKeys) {
assert(Array.isArray(pubKeys), 'Expected Array, got ' + pubKeys)
assert(pubKeys.length >= m, 'Not enough pubKeys provided')
var pubKeyBuffers = pubKeys.map(function(pubKey) {
return pubKey.toBuffer()
var n = pubKeys.length
return Script.fromChunks([].concat(
(opcodes.OP_1 - 1) + m,
(opcodes.OP_1 - 1) + n,
// {signature}
Script.createPubKeyScriptSig = function(signature) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(signature), 'Expected Buffer, got ' + signature)
return Script.fromChunks(signature)
// {signature} {pubKey}
Script.createPubKeyHashScriptSig = function(signature, pubKey) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(signature), 'Expected Buffer, got ' + signature)
return Script.fromChunks([signature, pubKey.toBuffer()])
// <scriptSig> {serialized scriptPubKey script}
Script.createP2SHScriptSig = function(scriptSig, scriptPubKey) {
return Script.fromChunks([].concat(
// OP_0 [signatures ...]
Script.createMultisigScriptSig = function(signatures, scriptPubKey) {
if (scriptPubKey) {
var m = scriptPubKey.chunks[0]
var k = m - (opcodes.OP_1 - 1)
assert(k <= signatures.length, 'Not enough signatures provided')
return Script.fromChunks([].concat(opcodes.OP_0, signatures))
Script.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Script(this.buffer, this.chunks)
Script.fromChunks = function fromChunks(chunks) {
assert(Array.isArray(chunks), 'Expected Array, got ' + chunks)
var bufferSize = chunks.reduce(function(accum, chunk) {
var chunkSize
if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
chunkSize = bufferutils.pushDataSize(chunk.length) + chunk.length
} else {
chunkSize = 1
return accum + chunkSize
}, 0.0)
var buffer = new Buffer(bufferSize)
var offset = 0
chunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
offset += bufferutils.writePushDataInt(buffer, chunk.length, offset)
chunk.copy(buffer, offset)
offset += chunk.length
} else {
assert(typeof chunk == 'number')
buffer.writeUInt8(chunk, offset)
offset += 1
assert.equal(offset, buffer.length, 'Could not decode chunks')
return new Script(buffer, chunks)
// FIXME: doesn't work for data chunks, maybe time to use buffertools.compare...
Script.prototype.without = function(needle) {
return Script.fromChunks(this.chunks.filter(function(op) {
return op !== needle
// Constants
Script.EMPTY = Script.fromChunks([])
module.exports = Script