# bitcoinjs-lib
[![Build Status ](https://travis-ci.org/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib.png?branch=master )](https://travis-ci.org/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib)
[![Browser Support ](https://ci.testling.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib.png )](https://ci.testling.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib)
A pure JavaScript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers. Backed by (slowly improving) testing, proven by over a million wallet users. The backbone for almost all Bitcoin web wallets in production today.
This is not the original bitcoinjs-lib that was not updated for a while. The current bitcoinjs-lib has been refactored to clean things up, add new functionality and merge improvements from the community. If you are looking for the original, it will be tagged as `0.1.3` . We will use `0.2.x` for releases based on these changes, so be sure to use the `0.1.3` tag if you need the original version.
## Features
- Bitcoin Testnet and Mainnet (production) support
- [HD Wallets ](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki )
- Highly secure random private key / address generation using [window.crypto.getRandomValues ](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window.crypto )
- ECDSA signing and verification
- Transaction creation (pay-to-pubkey-hash), support for multisignature transactions
- A (somewhat incomplete) wallet implementation, improvements ongoing
## Installation
`npm install bitcoinjs-lib`
Note: The npm version is currently out of date, are working to resolve this. The best way to use the latest code is to clone the repository.
## Usage
### Run the test suite
$ npm test
### Node.js
var bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib')
From the repo:
var bitcoin = require('./src/index.js')
### Browser
Compile `bitcoinjs-min.js` with the following command:
$ npm run-script compile
After loading this file in your browser, you will be able to use the global `Bitcoin` object.
## Projects utilizing bitcoinjs-lib
- [Blockchain.info Wallet ](http://blockchain.info/wallet )
- [Bitaddress.org ](https://www.bitaddress.org )
- [Coinpunk ](https://coinpunk.com )
- [DarkWallet ](https://darkwallet.unsystem.net )
Feel free to send pull requests to have your project/startup listed here.
## Alternatives
- [Bitcore ](https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore )
- [Cryptocoin ](https://github.com/cryptocoinjs/cryptocoin )
## License
This library is free and open-source software released under the MIT license.
## Copyright
BitcoinJS (c) 2011-2012 Stefan Thomas
Released under MIT license
JSBN (c) 2003-2005 Tom Wu
Released under BSD license
CryptoJS (c) 2009–2012 by Jeff Mott
Released under New BSD license