@ -5,14 +5,6 @@ const bitcoin = require('../../') |
const regtestUtils = require('./_regtest') |
const regtest = regtestUtils.network |
// TODO: remove
const baddress = bitcoin.address |
const bcrypto = bitcoin.crypto |
function getAddress (node, network) { |
network = network || bitcoin.networks.bitcoin |
return baddress.toBase58Check(bcrypto.hash160(node.publicKey), network.pubKeyHash) |
} |
function rng () { |
return Buffer.from('YT8dAtK4d16A3P1z+TpwB2jJ4aFH3g9M1EioIBkLEV4=', 'base64') |
} |
@ -59,18 +51,22 @@ describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transactions)', function () { |
const alice2 = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: regtest }) |
const aliceChange = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: regtest, rng: rng }) |
const alice1pkh = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: alice1.publicKey, network: regtest }) |
const alice2pkh = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: alice2.publicKey, network: regtest }) |
const aliceCpkh = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: aliceChange.publicKey, network: regtest }) |
// give Alice 2 unspent outputs
regtestUtils.faucet(getAddress(alice1, regtest), 5e4, function (err, unspent0) { |
regtestUtils.faucet(alice1pkh.address, 5e4, function (err, unspent0) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
regtestUtils.faucet(getAddress(alice2, regtest), 7e4, function (err, unspent1) { |
regtestUtils.faucet(alice2pkh.address, 7e4, function (err, unspent1) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
const txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(regtest) |
txb.addInput(unspent0.txId, unspent0.vout) // alice1 unspent
txb.addInput(unspent1.txId, unspent1.vout) // alice2 unspent
txb.addOutput('mwCwTceJvYV27KXBc3NJZys6CjsgsoeHmf', 8e4) // the actual "spend"
txb.addOutput(getAddress(aliceChange, regtest), 1e4) // Alice's change
txb.addOutput(aliceCpkh.address, 1e4) // Alice's change
// (in)(4e4 + 2e4) - (out)(1e4 + 3e4) = (fee)2e4 = 20000, this is the miner fee
// Alice signs each input with the respective private keys
@ -88,8 +84,9 @@ describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transactions)', function () { |
this.timeout(30000) |
const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: regtest }) |
const p2pkh = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network: regtest }) |
regtestUtils.faucet(getAddress(keyPair, regtest), 2e5, function (err, unspent) { |
regtestUtils.faucet(p2pkh.address, 2e5, function (err, unspent) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
const txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(regtest) |
@ -150,20 +147,16 @@ describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transactions)', function () { |
this.timeout(30000) |
const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: regtest }) |
const pubKeyHash = bitcoin.crypto.hash160(keyPair.publicKey) |
const p2wpkh = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network: regtest }) |
const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: p2wpkh, network: regtest }) |
const redeemScript = bitcoin.script.witnessPubKeyHash.output.encode(pubKeyHash) |
const redeemScriptHash = bitcoin.crypto.hash160(redeemScript) |
const scriptPubKey = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.output.encode(redeemScriptHash) |
const address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey, regtest) |
regtestUtils.faucet(address, 5e4, function (err, unspent) { |
regtestUtils.faucet(p2sh.address, 5e4, function (err, unspent) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
const txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(regtest) |
txb.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout) |
txb.addOutput(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, 2e4) |
txb.sign(0, keyPair, redeemScript, null, unspent.value) |
txb.sign(0, keyPair, p2sh.redeem.output, null, unspent.value) |
const tx = txb.build() |
@ -190,22 +183,21 @@ describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transactions)', function () { |
bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: regtest }), |
bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: regtest }) |
] |
const pubKeys = keyPairs.map(function (x) { return x.publicKey }) |
const pubkeys = keyPairs.map(x => x.publicKey) |
const witnessScript = bitcoin.script.multisig.output.encode(3, pubKeys) |
const redeemScript = bitcoin.script.witnessScriptHash.output.encode(bitcoin.crypto.sha256(witnessScript)) |
const scriptPubKey = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.output.encode(bitcoin.crypto.hash160(redeemScript)) |
const address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey, regtest) |
const p2ms = bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: 3, pubkeys, network: regtest }) |
const p2wsh = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ redeem: p2ms, network: regtest }) |
const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: p2wsh, network: regtest }) |
regtestUtils.faucet(address, 6e4, function (err, unspent) { |
regtestUtils.faucet(p2sh.address, 6e4, function (err, unspent) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
const txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(regtest) |
txb.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout) |
txb.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout, null, p2sh.output) |
txb.addOutput(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, 3e4) |
txb.sign(0, keyPairs[0], redeemScript, null, unspent.value, witnessScript) |
txb.sign(0, keyPairs[2], redeemScript, null, unspent.value, witnessScript) |
txb.sign(0, keyPairs[3], redeemScript, null, unspent.value, witnessScript) |
txb.sign(0, keyPairs[0], p2sh.redeem.output, null, unspent.value, p2wsh.redeem.output) |
txb.sign(0, keyPairs[2], p2sh.redeem.output, null, unspent.value, p2wsh.redeem.output) |
txb.sign(0, keyPairs[3], p2sh.redeem.output, null, unspent.value, p2wsh.redeem.output) |
const tx = txb.build() |
@ -235,12 +227,14 @@ describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transactions)', function () { |
tx.ins.forEach(function (input, i) { |
const keyPair = keyPairs[i] |
const prevOutScript = bitcoin.address.toOutputScript(getAddress(keyPair)) |
const scriptSig = bitcoin.script.pubKeyHash.input.decode(input.script) |
const ss = bitcoin.script.signature.decode(scriptSig.signature) |
const hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, prevOutScript, ss.hashType) |
const p2pkh = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ |
pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, |
input: input.script |
}) |
const ss = bitcoin.script.signature.decode(p2pkh.signature) |
const hash = tx.hashForSignature(i, p2pkh.output, ss.hashType) |
assert.strictEqual(scriptSig.pubKey.toString('hex'), keyPair.publicKey.toString('hex')) |
assert.strictEqual(keyPair.verify(hash, ss.signature), true) |
}) |
}) |