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Many cleanups to Transaction, see detailed.

Default-ize the sequence rather than use a number, and default to bytes
for input. I doubt anybody ever uses this anyways.

Remove weird convenience code, and remove wallet logic. Checking a TX's
affects on a wallet should be managed by the wallet object.

Remove parsing for the weirder SIGHASH types. People use this library
for creating SIGHASH_ALL transactions, and I don't see the need to
support these other types at the moment since this library's more used
for wallets than for hardcore bitcoin tx analysis/creation. They weren't
tested anyways.

Add note about potentially improving performance by providing
pubkey/address. Deriving from the private key is slower, that
information should probably be cached by the end user.
Kyle Drake 11 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 8BE721072E1864BE
  1. 212
  2. 4


@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ var BigInteger = require('./jsbn/jsbn');
var Script = require('./script');
var util = require('./util');
var convert = require('./convert');
var Wallet = require('./wallet');
var ECKey = require('./eckey').ECKey;
var ECDSA = require('./ecdsa');
var Address = require('./address');
@ -15,8 +14,7 @@ var Transaction = function (doc) {
this.locktime = 0;
this.ins = [];
this.outs = [];
this.timestamp = null;
this.block = null;
this.defaultSequence = [255, 255, 255, 255] // 0xFFFFFFFF
if (doc) {
if (typeof doc == "string" || Array.isArray(doc)) {
@ -35,27 +33,11 @@ var Transaction = function (doc) {
this.addOutput(new TransactionOut(doc.outs[i]));
if (doc.timestamp) this.timestamp = doc.timestamp;
if (doc.block) this.block = doc.block;
this.hash = this.hash || this.getHash()
* Turn transaction data into Transaction objects.
* Takes an array of plain JavaScript objects containing transaction data and
* returns an array of Transaction objects.
Transaction.objectify = function (txs) {
var objs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) {
objs.push(new Transaction(txs[i]));
return objs;
* Create a new txin.
@ -85,7 +67,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.addInput = function (tx, outIndex) {
index: outIndex
script: new Script(),
sequence: 4294967295
sequence: this.defaultSequence
@ -138,7 +120,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.serialize = function () {
var scriptBytes = txin.script.buffer;
buffer = buffer.concat(convert.numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
buffer = buffer.concat(convert.numToBytes(parseInt(txin.sequence),4));
buffer = buffer.concat(txin.sequence);
buffer = buffer.concat(convert.numToVarInt(this.outs.length));
for (var i = 0; i < this.outs.length; i++) {
@ -191,23 +173,6 @@ function (connectedScript, inIndex, hashType)
txTmp.ins[inIndex].script = connectedScript;
// Blank out some of the outputs
if ((hashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_NONE) {
txTmp.outs = [];
// Let the others update at will
for (var i = 0; i < txTmp.ins.length; i++)
if (i != inIndex)
txTmp.ins[i].sequence = 0;
} else if ((hashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
// TODO: Implement
// Blank out other inputs completely, not recommended for open transactions
txTmp.ins = [txTmp.ins[inIndex]];
var buffer = txTmp.serialize();
buffer = buffer.concat(convert.numToBytes(parseInt(hashType),4));
@ -246,169 +211,6 @@ Transaction.prototype.clone = function ()
return newTx;
* Analyze how this transaction affects a wallet.
* Returns an object with properties 'impact', 'type' and 'addr'.
* 'impact' is an object, see Transaction#calcImpact.
* 'type' can be one of the following:
* recv:
* This is an incoming transaction, the wallet received money.
* 'addr' contains the first address in the wallet that receives money
* from this transaction.
* self:
* This is an internal transaction, money was sent within the wallet.
* 'addr' is undefined.
* sent:
* This is an outgoing transaction, money was sent out from the wallet.
* 'addr' contains the first external address, i.e. the recipient.
* other:
* This method was unable to detect what the transaction does. Either it
Transaction.prototype.analyze = function (wallet) {
if (!(wallet instanceof Wallet)) return null;
var allFromMe = true,
allToMe = true,
firstRecvHash = null,
firstMeRecvHash = null,
firstSendHash = null;
for (var i = this.outs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var txout = this.outs[i];
var hash = txout.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash();
if (!wallet.hasHash(hash)) {
allToMe = false;
} else {
firstMeRecvHash = hash;
firstRecvHash = hash;
for (var i = this.ins.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var txin = this.ins[i];
firstSendHash = txin.script.simpleInPubKeyHash();
if (!wallet.hasHash(firstSendHash)) {
allFromMe = false;
var impact = this.calcImpact(wallet);
var analysis = {};
analysis.impact = impact;
if (impact.sign > 0 && impact.value > 0) {
analysis.type = 'recv';
analysis.addr = new Address(firstMeRecvHash);
} else if (allFromMe && allToMe) {
analysis.type = 'self';
} else if (allFromMe) {
analysis.type = 'sent';
// TODO: Right now, firstRecvHash is the first output, which - if the
// transaction was not generated by this library could be the
// change address.
analysis.addr = new Address(firstRecvHash);
} else {
analysis.type = "other";
return analysis;
* Get a human-readable version of the data returned by Transaction#analyze.
* This is merely a convenience function. Clients should consider implementing
* this themselves based on their UI, I18N, etc.
Transaction.prototype.getDescription = function (wallet) {
var analysis = this.analyze(wallet);
if (!analysis) return "";
switch (analysis.type) {
case 'recv':
return "Received with "+analysis.addr;
case 'sent':
return "Payment to "+analysis.addr;
case 'self':
return "Payment to yourself";
case 'other':
return "";
* Get the total amount of a transaction's outputs.
Transaction.prototype.getTotalOutValue = function () {
return this.outs.reduce(function(t,o) { return t + o.value },0);
* Old name for Transaction#getTotalOutValue.
* @deprecated
Transaction.prototype.getTotalValue = Transaction.prototype.getTotalOutValue;
* Calculates the impact a transaction has on this wallet.
* Based on the its public keys, the wallet will calculate the
* credit or debit of this transaction.
* It will return an object with two properties:
* - sign: 1 or -1 depending on sign of the calculated impact.
* - value: amount of calculated impact
* @returns Object Impact on wallet
Transaction.prototype.calcImpact = function (wallet) {
if (!(wallet instanceof Wallet)) return 0;
// Calculate credit to us from all outputs
var valueOut = this.outs.filter(function(o) {
return wallet.hasHash(convert.bytesToHex(o.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash()));
.reduce(function(t,o) { return t+o.value },0);
var valueIn = this.ins.filter(function(i) {
return wallet.hasHash(convert.bytesToHex(i.script.simpleInPubKeyHash()))
&& wallet.txIndex[i.outpoint.hash];
.reduce(function(t,i) {
return t + wallet.txIndex[i.outpoint.hash].outs[i.outpoint.index].value
if (valueOut > valueIn) {
return {
sign: 1,
value: valueOut - valueIn
} else {
return {
sign: -1,
value: valueIn - valueOut
* Converts a serialized transaction into a transaction object
@ -451,7 +253,7 @@ Transaction.deserialize = function(buffer) {
index: readAsInt(4)
script: new Script(readVarString()),
sequence: readAsInt(4)
sequence: readBytes(4)
var outs = readVarInt();
@ -473,6 +275,9 @@ Transaction.deserialize = function(buffer) {
Transaction.prototype.sign = function(index, key, type) {
type = type || SIGHASH_ALL;
key = new ECKey(key);
// TODO: getPub is slow, sha256ripe160 probably is too.
// This could be sped up a lot by providing these as inputs.
var pub = key.getPub().export('bytes'),
hash160 = util.sha256ripe160(pub),
script = Script.createOutputScript(new Address(hash160)),
@ -533,7 +338,6 @@ Transaction.prototype.validateSig = function(index, script, sig, pub) {
var TransactionIn = function (data) {
if (typeof data == "string")
this.outpoint = { hash: data.split(':')[0], index: data.split(':')[1] }
@ -549,7 +353,7 @@ var TransactionIn = function (data) {
this.script = new Script(data.script)
this.sequence = data.sequence || 4294967295;
this.sequence = data.sequence || this.defaultSequence
TransactionIn.prototype.clone = function () {


@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ describe('Transaction', function() {
assert.equal(tx.ins.length, 1)
var input = tx.ins[0]
assert.equal(input.sequence, 4294967295)
assert.deepEqual(input.sequence, [255, 255, 255, 255])
assert.equal(input.outpoint.index, 0)
assert.equal(input.outpoint.hash, "69d02fc05c4e0ddc87e796eee42693c244a3112fffe1f762c3fb61ffcb304634")
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ describe('Transaction', function() {
assert.equal(tx.ins.length, 1)
var input = tx.ins[0]
assert.equal(input.sequence, 4294967295)
assert.deepEqual(input.sequence, [255, 255, 255, 255])
assert.equal(input.outpoint.index, 0)
assert.equal(input.outpoint.hash, "0cb859105100ebc3344f749c835c7af7d7103ec0d8cbc3d8ccbd5d28c3c36b57")
