3 changed files with 127 additions and 11 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
/* global describe, it */ |
let assert = require('assert') |
let bitcoin = require('../../') |
let regtestUtils = require('./_regtest') |
let regtest = regtestUtils.network |
let bip68 = require('bip68') |
let alice = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF('cScfkGjbzzoeewVWmU2hYPUHeVGJRDdFt7WhmrVVGkxpmPP8BHWe', regtest) |
let bob = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF('cMkopUXKWsEzAjfa1zApksGRwjVpJRB3831qM9W4gKZsLwjHXA9x', regtest) |
describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transactions w/ CSV)', function () { |
let hashType = bitcoin.Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL |
// IF MTP (from when confirmed) > seconds, aQ can redeem
function csvCheckSigOutput (aQ, bQ, sequence) { |
return bitcoin.script.compile([ |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_IF, |
bitcoin.script.number.encode(sequence), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_DROP, |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_ELSE, |
bQ.getPublicKeyBuffer(), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_ENDIF, |
aQ.getPublicKeyBuffer(), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG |
]) |
} |
// expiry will pass, {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE
it('can create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice can redeem the output after the expiry (in the future)', function (done) { |
this.timeout(30000) |
regtestUtils.height(function (err, height) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
// 5 blocks from now
let sequence = bip68.encode({ blocks: 5 }) |
let redeemScript = csvCheckSigOutput(alice, bob, sequence) |
let scriptPubKey = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.output.encode(bitcoin.crypto.hash160(redeemScript)) |
let address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey, regtest) |
// fund the P2SH(CSV) address
regtestUtils.faucet(address, 1e5, function (err, unspent) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
let txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(regtest) |
txb.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout, sequence) |
txb.addOutput(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, 7e4) |
// {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE
let tx = txb.buildIncomplete() |
let signatureHash = tx.hashForSignature(0, redeemScript, hashType) |
let redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.input.encode([ |
bitcoin.script.signature.encode(alice.sign(signatureHash), hashType), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE |
], redeemScript) |
tx.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig) |
// TODO: test that it failures _prior_ to expiry, unfortunately, race conditions when run concurrently
// ...
// into the future!
regtestUtils.mine(10, function (err) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex(), function (err) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
regtestUtils.verify({ |
txId: tx.getId(), |
address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, |
vout: 0, |
value: 7e4 |
}, done) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
// expiry in the future, {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE
it('can create (but fail to broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice attempts to redeem before the expiry', function (done) { |
this.timeout(30000) |
// two hours after confirmation
let sequence = bip68.encode({ seconds: 7168 }) |
let redeemScript = csvCheckSigOutput(alice, bob, sequence) |
let scriptPubKey = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.output.encode(bitcoin.crypto.hash160(redeemScript)) |
let address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey, regtest) |
// fund the P2SH(CSV) address
regtestUtils.faucet(address, 2e4, function (err, unspent) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
let txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(regtest) |
txb.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout, sequence) |
txb.addOutput(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, 1e4) |
// {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE
let tx = txb.buildIncomplete() |
let signatureHash = tx.hashForSignature(0, redeemScript, hashType) |
let redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.input.encode([ |
bitcoin.script.signature.encode(alice.sign(signatureHash), hashType), |
bitcoin.script.signature.encode(bob.sign(signatureHash), hashType), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE |
], redeemScript) |
tx.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig) |
regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex(), function (err) { |
assert.throws(function () { |
if (err) throw err |
}, /Error: 64: non-BIP68-final/) |
done() |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
Reference in new issue