@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
/* global describe, it */ |
/* global describe, it, beforeEach */ |
var assert = require('assert') |
var bitcoin = require('../../') |
@ -40,80 +40,109 @@ describe('bitcoinjs-lib (advanced)', function () { |
tx.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout) |
tx.addOutput(dataScript, 1000) |
tx.sign(0, keyPair) |
var txRaw = tx.build() |
var txBuilt = tx.build() |
blockchain.t.transactions.propagate(txRaw.toHex(), done) |
}) |
}) |
describe('can create transactions using OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY', function (done) { |
var network = bitcoin.networks.testnet |
var alice = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF('cScfkGjbzzoeewVWmU2hYPUHeVGJRDdFt7WhmrVVGkxpmPP8BHWe', network) |
var bob = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF('cMkopUXKWsEzAjfa1zApksGRwjVpJRB3831qM9W4gKZsLwjHXA9x', network) |
// now - 3 hours
var threeHoursAgo = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - (3600 * 3) |
var redeemScript = bitcoin.script.compile([ |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_IF, |
bitcoin.script.number.encode(threeHoursAgo), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_DROP, |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_ELSE, |
bob.getPublicKeyBuffer(), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, |
blockchain.t.transactions.propagate(txBuilt.toHex(), function (err) { |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_ENDIF, |
alice.getPublicKeyBuffer(), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG |
]) |
var scriptPubKey = bitcoin.script.scriptHashOutput(bitcoin.crypto.hash160(redeemScript)) |
var txId |
beforeEach(function (done) { |
this.timeout(10000) |
blockchain.t.faucet(alice.getAddress(), 2e4, function (err, unspents) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
// check that the transaction was propagated
blockchain.t.transactions.get(txBuilt.getId(), function (err, transaction) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
// use the oldest unspent
var unspent = unspents.pop() |
// build the transaction
var tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network) |
tx.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout) |
tx.addOutput(scriptPubKey, 1e4) |
tx.sign(0, alice) |
var txRaw = tx.build() |
var actual = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(transaction.txHex) |
var actualScript = actual.outs[0].script |
assert.deepEqual(actualScript, dataScript) |
txId = txRaw.getId() |
done() |
}) |
blockchain.t.transactions.propagate(txRaw.toHex(), done) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
it('can create a transaction using OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY', function (done) { |
this.timeout(30000) |
// expiry past, {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE
it('where Alice can redeem after the expiry is past', function (done) { |
this.timeout(30000) |
var network = bitcoin.networks.testnet |
var keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network: network }) |
var address = keyPair.getAddress() |
var tx2 = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network) |
// tx2.setLockTime(threeHoursAgo) // TODO
tx2.addInput(txId, 0, 0xfffffffe) |
tx2.addOutput(alice.getAddress(), 1000) |
blockchain.t.faucet(address, 2e4, function (err, unspents) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
var tx2Raw = tx2.buildIncomplete() |
tx2Raw.locktime = threeHoursAgo // TODO
// use the oldest unspent
var unspent = unspents.pop() |
var tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network) |
var hashType = bitcoin.Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL |
var signatureHash = tx2Raw.hashForSignature(0, redeemScript, hashType) |
var signature = alice.sign(signatureHash) |
// now + 2 hours
var hodlDate = Math.floor((Date.now() + new Date(0).setSeconds(7200)) / 1000) |
var hodlLockTimeBuffer = new Buffer(4) |
hodlLockTimeBuffer.writeInt32LE(hodlDate | 0, 0) |
// {signature} {signature} or
// OP_0 {signature} after 1 month
var hodlScript = bitcoin.script.compile([ |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_IF, |
hodlLockTimeBuffer, |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_DROP, |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_ELSE, |
keyPair.getPublicKeyBuffer(), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_ENDIF, |
keyPair.getPublicKeyBuffer(), |
bitcoin.opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG |
]) |
var redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.script.scriptHashInput([ |
signature.toScriptSignature(hashType), bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE |
], redeemScript) |
tx.addInput(unspent.txId, unspent.vout) |
tx.addOutput(hodlScript, 1000) |
tx.sign(0, keyPair) |
tx2Raw.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig) |
var txBuilt = tx.build() |
blockchain.t.transactions.propagate(tx2Raw.toHex(), done) |
}) |
blockchain.t.transactions.propagate(txBuilt.toHex(), function (err) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
// {Bob's signature} {Alice's signature} OP_FALSE
it('where Alice and Bob can redeem at any time', function (done) { |
this.timeout(30000) |
// check that the transaction was propagated
blockchain.t.transactions.get(txBuilt.getId(), function (err, transaction) { |
if (err) return done(err) |
var tx2 = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network) |
// tx2.setLockTime(threeHoursAgo) // TODO
tx2.addInput(txId, 0, 0xfffffffe) |
tx2.addOutput(alice.getAddress(), 1000) |
var actual = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(transaction.txHex) |
var actualScript = actual.outs[0].script |
assert.deepEqual(actualScript, hodlScript) |
var tx2Raw = tx2.buildIncomplete() |
tx2Raw.locktime = threeHoursAgo // TODO
done() |
}) |
}) |
var hashType = bitcoin.Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL |
var signatureHash = tx2Raw.hashForSignature(0, redeemScript, hashType) |
var signatureA = alice.sign(signatureHash) |
var signatureB = bob.sign(signatureHash) |
var redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.script.scriptHashInput([ |
signatureA.toScriptSignature(hashType), signatureB.toScriptSignature(hashType), bitcoin.opcodes.OP_FALSE |
], redeemScript) |
tx2Raw.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig) |
blockchain.t.transactions.propagate(tx2Raw.toHex(), done) |
}) |
}) |
}) |