Browse Source

TxBuilder: Initial commit and tests

Daniel Cousens 10 years ago
  1. 159
  2. 113
  3. 228


@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
var assert = require('assert')
var scripts = require('./scripts')
var ECKey = require('./eckey')
var Transaction = require('./transaction')
var Script = require('./script')
function TransactionBuilder() {
this.prevOutMap = {}
this.prevOutScripts = {}
this.prevOutTypes = {}
this.signatures = []
this.tx = new Transaction()
TransactionBuilder.prototype.addInput = function(prevTx, index, prevOutScript) {
var prevOutHash
if (typeof prevTx === 'string') {
prevOutHash = new Buffer(prevTx, 'hex')
// TxId hex is big-endian, we want little-endian hash
} else if (prevTx instanceof Transaction) {
assert(prevOutScript === undefined, 'Unnecessary Script provided')
prevOutHash = prevTx.getHash()
prevOutScript = prevTx.outs[index].script
} else {
prevOutHash = prevTx
var prevOutType
if (prevOutScript !== undefined) {
prevOutType = scripts.classifyOutput(prevOutScript)
assert.notEqual(prevOutType, 'nonstandard', 'PrevOutScript not supported (nonstandard)')
assert(this.signatures.every(function(input) {
return input.hashType & Transaction.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY
}), 'No, this would invalidate signatures')
var prevOut = prevOutHash.toString('hex') + ':' + index
assert(!(prevOut in this.prevOutMap), 'Transaction is already an input')
var vout = this.tx.addInput(prevOutHash, index)
this.prevOutMap[prevOut] = true
this.prevOutScripts[vout] = prevOutScript
this.prevOutTypes[vout] = prevOutType
return vout
TransactionBuilder.prototype.addOutput = function(scriptPubKey, value) {
assert(this.signatures.every(function(signature) {
return (signature.hashType & 0x1f) === Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE
}), 'No, this would invalidate signatures')
return this.tx.addOutput(scriptPubKey, value)
TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign = function(index, privKey, redeemScript, hashType) {
assert(this.tx.ins.length >= index, 'No input at index: ' + index)
hashType = hashType || Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL
var prevOutScript = this.prevOutScripts[index]
var prevOutType = this.prevOutTypes[index]
var scriptType, hash
if (redeemScript) {
prevOutScript = prevOutScript || scripts.scriptHashOutput(redeemScript.getHash())
prevOutType = prevOutType || 'scripthash'
assert.equal(prevOutType, 'scripthash', 'PrevOutScript must be P2SH')
scriptType = scripts.classifyOutput(redeemScript)
assert.notEqual(scriptType, 'scripthash', 'RedeemScript can\'t be P2SH')
assert.notEqual(scriptType, 'nonstandard', 'RedeemScript not supported (nonstandard)')
hash = this.tx.hashForSignature(index, redeemScript, hashType)
} else {
prevOutScript = prevOutScript ||
scriptType = prevOutType || 'pubkeyhash'
assert.notEqual(scriptType, 'scripthash', 'PrevOutScript requires redeemScript')
hash = this.tx.hashForSignature(index, prevOutScript, hashType)
var signature = privKey.sign(hash)
if (!(index in this.signatures)) {
this.signatures[index] = {
hashType: hashType,
pubKeys: [],
redeemScript: redeemScript,
scriptType: scriptType,
signatures: []
var input = this.signatures[index]
assert.equal(input.hashType, hashType, 'Inconsistent hashType')
assert.deepEqual(input.redeemScript, redeemScript, 'Inconsistent redeemScript')
} = function(allowIncomplete) {
if (!allowIncomplete) {
assert(this.tx.ins.length > 0, 'Transaction has no inputs')
assert(this.tx.outs.length > 0, 'Transaction has no outputs')
assert.equal(this.signatures.length, this.tx.ins.length, 'Transaction is missing signatures')
var tx = this.tx.clone()
this.signatures.forEach(function(input, index) {
var scriptSig
if (input.scriptType === 'pubkeyhash') {
var signature = input.signatures[0].toScriptSignature(input.hashType)
var publicKey = input.pubKeys[0]
scriptSig = scripts.pubKeyHashInput(signature, publicKey)
} else if (input.scriptType === 'multisig') {
var redeemScript = allowIncomplete ? undefined : input.redeemScript
var signatures = {
return signature.toScriptSignature(input.hashType)
scriptSig = scripts.multisigInput(signatures, redeemScript)
} else if (input.scriptType === 'pubkey') {
var signature = input.signatures[0]
scriptSig = scripts.pubKeyInput(signature)
} else {
assert(false, input.scriptType + ' not supported')
if (input.redeemScript) {
scriptSig = scripts.scriptHashInput(scriptSig, input.redeemScript)
tx.setInputScript(index, scriptSig)
return tx
module.exports = TransactionBuilder


@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
"valid": {
"build": [
"description": "pubKeyHash 1:1 transaction",
"txid": "bd641f4b0aa8bd70189ab45e935c4762f0e1c49f294b4779d79887937b7cf42e",
"inputs": [
"index": 0,
"prevTx": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
"privKeys": ["KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M7rFU73sVHnoWn"]
"outputs": [
"script": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 aa4d7985c57e011a8b3dd8e0e5a73aaef41629c5 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"value": 10000
"description": "2-of-2 P2SH multisig Transaction",
"txid": "8c500ce6eef6c78a10de923b68394cf31120151bdc4600e4b12de865defa9d24",
"inputs": [
"index": 0,
"prevTx": "4971f016798a167331bcbc67248313fbc444c6e92e4416efd06964425588f5cf",
"privKeys": ["91avARGdfge8E4tZfYLoxeJ5sGBdNJQH4kvjJoQFacbgwmaKkrx", "91avARGdfge8E4tZfYLoxeJ5sGBdNJQH4kvjJoQFacbgww7vXtT"],
"redeemScript": "OP_2 0479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8 04c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee51ae168fea63dc339a3c58419466ceaeef7f632653266d0e1236431a950cfe52a OP_2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG"
"outputs": [
"script": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 faf1d99bf040ea9c7f8cc9f14ac6733ad75ce246 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"value": 10000
"invalid": {
"build": [
"exception": "Transaction has no inputs",
"hex": "",
"outputs": [
"script": "",
"value": 1000
"exception": "Transaction has no outputs",
"hex": "",
"inputs": [
"hash": "",
"index": 0
"exception": "Transaction has no signatures",
"hex": "",
"inputs": [
"hash": "",
"index": 0
"outputs": [
"script": "",
"value": 1000
"exception": "Transaction is missing signatures",
"hex": "",
"inputs": [
"hash": "",
"index": 0
"hash": "",
"index": 1
"outputs": [
"script": "",
"value": 1000
"signatures": [
"wif": "",
"index": 0
"fromTransaction": [
"exception": "Transaction contains unsupported script types",
"hex": ""


@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
var assert = require('assert')
var ecdsa = require('../src/ecdsa')
var scripts = require('../src/scripts')
var Address = require('../src/address')
var BigInteger = require('bigi')
var ECKey = require('../src/eckey')
var Script = require('../src/script')
var Transaction = require('../src/transaction')
var TransactionBuilder = require('../src/transaction_builder')
var fixtures = require('./fixtures/transaction_builder')
describe('TransactionBuilder', function() {
var privAddress, privScript
var prevTx, prevTxHash
var privKey
var txb
beforeEach(function() {
txb = new TransactionBuilder()
prevTx = new Transaction()
prevTx.addOutput('1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH', 0)
prevTx.addOutput('1cMh228HTCiwS8ZsaakH8A8wze1JR5ZsP', 1)
prevTxHash = prevTx.getHash()
prevTxId = prevTx.getId()
privKey = new ECKey(BigInteger.ONE, false)
privAddress =
privScript = privAddress.toOutputScript()
value = 10000
describe('addInput', function() {
it('accepts a txHash and index', function() {
var vin = txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1)
assert.equal(vin, 0)
var txin = txb.tx.ins[0]
assert.equal(txin.hash, prevTxHash)
assert.equal(txin.index, 1)
assert.equal(txb.prevOutScripts[0], undefined)
it('accepts a txHash, index and scriptPubKey', function() {
var vin = txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1, prevTx.outs[1].script)
assert.equal(vin, 0)
var txin = txb.tx.ins[0]
assert.equal(txin.hash, prevTxHash)
assert.equal(txin.index, 1)
assert.equal(txb.prevOutScripts[0], prevTx.outs[1].script)
it('accepts a prevTx and index', function() {
var vin = txb.addInput(prevTx, 1)
assert.equal(vin, 0)
var txin = txb.tx.ins[0]
assert.deepEqual(txin.hash, prevTxHash)
assert.equal(txin.index, 1)
assert.equal(txb.prevOutScripts[0], prevTx.outs[1].script)
it('returns the input index', function() {
assert.equal(txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0), 0)
assert.equal(txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1), 1)
it('throws if a Tx and prevOutScript is given', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
txb.addInput(prevTx, 0, privScript)
}, /Unnecessary Script provided/)
it('throws if prevOutScript is not supported', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0, Script.EMPTY)
}, /PrevOutScript not supported \(nonstandard\)/)
it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.sign(0, privKey)
assert.throws(function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
}, /No, this would invalidate signatures/)
describe('addOutput', function() {
it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.addOutput(privScript, value)
txb.sign(0, privKey)
assert.throws(function() {
txb.addOutput(privScript, 9000)
}, /No, this would invalidate signatures/)
describe('sign', function() {
describe('when prevOutScript is undefined', function() {
it('assumes pubKeyHash', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.sign(0, privKey)
assert.strictEqual(txb.signatures[0].redeemScript, undefined)
assert.equal(txb.signatures[0].scriptType, 'pubkeyhash')
describe('when redeemScript is defined', function() {
it('assumes scriptHash', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.sign(0, privKey, privScript)
assert.equal(txb.signatures[0].redeemScript, privScript)
it('throws if prevOutScript is not P2SH', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTx, 0)
assert.throws(function() {
txb.sign(0, privKey, privScript)
}, /PrevOutScript must be P2SH/)
it('throws if redeemScript is P2SH', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
var privScriptP2SH = scripts.scriptHashOutput(privScript.getHash())
assert.throws(function() {
txb.sign(0, privKey, privScriptP2SH)
}, /RedeemScript can\'t be P2SH/)
it('throws if redeemScript not supported', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
assert.throws(function() {
txb.sign(0, privKey, Script.EMPTY)
}, /RedeemScript not supported \(nonstandard\)/)
describe('build', function() { {
it('builds the correct transaction', function() {
f.inputs.forEach(function(input) {
var prevTx
if (input.prevTx.length === 64) {
prevTx = input.prevTx
} else {
prevTx = Transaction.fromHex(input.prevTx)
txb.addInput(prevTx, input.index)
f.outputs.forEach(function(output) {
var script = Script.fromASM(output.script)
txb.addOutput(script, output.value)
f.inputs.forEach(function(input, index) {
var redeemScript
if (input.redeemScript) {
redeemScript = Script.fromASM(input.redeemScript)
input.privKeys.forEach(function(wif) {
var privKey = ECKey.fromWIF(wif)
txb.sign(index, privKey, redeemScript)
var tx =
assert.equal(tx.getId(), f.txid)
it('throws if Transaction has no inputs', function() {
txb.addOutput(privScript, value)
assert.throws(function() {
}, /Transaction has no inputs/)
it('throws if Transaction has no outputs', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
assert.throws(function() {
}, /Transaction has no outputs/)
it('throws if Transaction has no signatures', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.addOutput(privScript, value)
assert.throws(function() {
}, /Transaction is missing signatures/)
it('throws if Transaction has not enough signatures', function() {
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0)
txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1)
txb.addOutput(privScript, value)
txb.sign(0, privKey)
assert.throws(function() {
}, /Transaction is missing signatures/)