diff --git a/src/transaction_builder.js b/src/transaction_builder.js index ec6cb31..af2e04c 100644 --- a/src/transaction_builder.js +++ b/src/transaction_builder.js @@ -90,8 +90,6 @@ function expandInput (scriptSig, witnessStack) { if (!redeemScript.equals(witnessProgram)) { throw new Error('Redeem script didn\'t match witnessScript') } - prevOutScript = bscript.scriptHash.output.encode(bcrypto.hash160(witnessProgram)) - prevOutType = scriptTypes.P2SH } if (SIGNABLE.indexOf(bscript.classifyOutput(witnessScript)) === -1) { @@ -117,26 +115,20 @@ function expandInput (scriptSig, witnessStack) { if (!redeemScript.equals(witnessProgram)) { throw new Error('Redeem script did not have the right witness program') } - prevOutScript = bscript.scriptHash.output.encode(bcrypto.hash160(witnessProgram)) - prevOutType = scriptTypes.P2SH } scriptType = scriptTypes.P2PKH chunks = witnessStack } else if (redeemScript) { - redeemScriptType = bscript.classifyOutput(redeemScript) if (P2SH.indexOf(redeemScriptType) === -1) { throw new Error('Bad redeemscript!') } script = redeemScript scriptType = redeemScriptType - prevOutType = scriptTypes.P2SH - prevOutScript = bscript.scriptHash.output.encode(bcrypto.hash160(redeemScript)) chunks = scriptSigChunks.slice(0, -1) } else { - var bareType = bscript.classifyInput(scriptSig) - prevOutType = scriptType = bareType + prevOutType = scriptType = bscript.classifyInput(scriptSig) chunks = scriptSigChunks }