Type declarations for Typescript are available for version 3.0 of the library. To install, run:
Type declarations for Typescript are available for version `^3.0.0` of the library.
``` bash
npm install @types/bitcoinjs-lib
You should now be able to use bitcoinjs-lib as if it was a typescript library.
You can now use `bitcoinjs-lib` as a typescript compliant library.
``` javascript
import { HDNode, Transaction } from 'bitcoinjs-lib'
VSCode (and possibly other editors) users writing plain javascript are also advised to install the type declarations, as the intelisense uses that information to help you code (autocompletion, static analysis).
For VSCode (and other editors), users are advised to install the type declarations, as Intellisense uses that information to help you code (autocompletion, static analysis).
Report any typescript related bugs at [@dlebrecht DefinitelyTyped fork](https://github.com/dlebrecht/DefinitelyTyped), submit PRs to [DefinitelyTyped](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped)
Report bugs on the type declaration file at [@dlebrecht DefinitelyTyped fork](https://github.com/dlebrecht/DefinitelyTyped) or do a PR straight at [DefinitelyTyped](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped)
### Flow
Definitions for [Flow typechecker](https://flowtype.org/) are available in flow-typed repository.