const { describe, it } = require('mocha') const assert = require('assert') const ECPair = require('../src/ecpair') const Psbt = require('..').Psbt const fixtures = require('./fixtures/psbt') describe(`Psbt`, () => { describe('BIP174 Test Vectors', () => { fixtures.bip174.invalid.forEach(f => { it(`Invalid: ${f.description}`, () => { assert.throws(() => { Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) }, {message: f.errorMessage}) }) }) fixtures.bip174.valid.forEach(f => { it(`Valid: ${f.description}`, () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) }) }) }) fixtures.bip174.failSignChecks.forEach(f => { const keyPair = ECPair.makeRandom() it(`Fails Signer checks: ${f.description}`, () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) assert.throws(() => { psbt.signInput(f.inputToCheck, keyPair) }, {message: f.errorMessage}) }) }) fixtures.bip174.creator.forEach(f => { it('Creates expected PSBT', () => { const psbt = new Psbt() for (const input of f.inputs) { psbt.addInput(input) } for (const output of f.outputs) { const script = Buffer.from(output.script, 'hex'); psbt.addOutput({...output, script}) } assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.result) }) }) }) describe('signInput', () => { fixtures.signInput.checks.forEach(f => { it(f.description, () => { const psbtThatShouldsign = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldSign.psbt) assert.doesNotThrow(() => { psbtThatShouldsign.signInput( f.shouldSign.inputToCheck, ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldSign.WIF), ) }) const psbtThatShouldThrow = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldThrow.psbt) assert.throws(() => { psbtThatShouldThrow.signInput( f.shouldThrow.inputToCheck, ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldThrow.WIF), ) }, {message: f.shouldThrow.errorMessage}) }) }) }) })