var assert = require('assert') var ecdsa = require('../src/ecdsa') var scripts = require('../src/scripts') var Address = require('../src/address') var BigInteger = require('bigi') var ECKey = require('../src/eckey') var Script = require('../src/script') var Transaction = require('../src/transaction') var TransactionBuilder = require('../src/transaction_builder') var fixtures = require('./fixtures/transaction_builder') describe('TransactionBuilder', function() { var privAddress, privScript var prevTx, prevTxHash var privKey var txb beforeEach(function() { txb = new TransactionBuilder() prevTx = new Transaction() prevTx.addOutput('1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH', 0) prevTx.addOutput('1cMh228HTCiwS8ZsaakH8A8wze1JR5ZsP', 1) prevTxHash = prevTx.getHash() prevTxId = prevTx.getId() privKey = new ECKey(BigInteger.ONE, false) privAddress = privScript = privAddress.toOutputScript() value = 10000 }) describe('addInput', function() { it('accepts a txHash and index', function() { var vin = txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1) assert.equal(vin, 0) var txin = txb.tx.ins[0] assert.equal(txin.hash, prevTxHash) assert.equal(txin.index, 1) assert.equal(txb.prevOutScripts[0], undefined) }) it('accepts a txHash, index and scriptPubKey', function() { var vin = txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1, prevTx.outs[1].script) assert.equal(vin, 0) var txin = txb.tx.ins[0] assert.equal(txin.hash, prevTxHash) assert.equal(txin.index, 1) assert.equal(txb.prevOutScripts[0], prevTx.outs[1].script) }) it('accepts a prevTx and index', function() { var vin = txb.addInput(prevTx, 1) assert.equal(vin, 0) var txin = txb.tx.ins[0] assert.deepEqual(txin.hash, prevTxHash) assert.equal(txin.index, 1) assert.equal(txb.prevOutScripts[0], prevTx.outs[1].script) }) it('returns the input index', function() { assert.equal(txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0), 0) assert.equal(txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 1), 1) }) it('throws if a Tx and prevOutScript is given', function() { assert.throws(function() { txb.addInput(prevTx, 0, privScript) }, /Unnecessary Script provided/) }) it('throws if prevOutScript is not supported', function() { assert.throws(function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0, Script.EMPTY) }, /PrevOutScript not supported \(nonstandard\)/) }) it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) txb.sign(0, privKey) assert.throws(function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/) }) }) describe('addOutput', function() { it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) txb.addOutput(privScript, value) txb.sign(0, privKey) assert.throws(function() { txb.addOutput(privScript, 9000) }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/) }) }) describe('sign', function() { describe('when prevOutScript is undefined', function() { it('assumes pubKeyHash', function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) txb.sign(0, privKey) assert.strictEqual(txb.signatures[0].redeemScript, undefined) assert.equal(txb.signatures[0].scriptType, 'pubkeyhash') }) }) describe('when redeemScript is defined', function() { it('assumes scriptHash', function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) txb.sign(0, privKey, privScript) assert.equal(txb.signatures[0].redeemScript, privScript) }) it('throws if prevOutScript is not P2SH', function() { txb.addInput(prevTx, 0) assert.throws(function() { txb.sign(0, privKey, privScript) }, /PrevOutScript must be P2SH/) }) it('throws if redeemScript is P2SH', function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) var privScriptP2SH = scripts.scriptHashOutput(privScript.getHash()) assert.throws(function() { txb.sign(0, privKey, privScriptP2SH) }, /RedeemScript can\'t be P2SH/) }) it('throws if redeemScript not supported', function() { txb.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) assert.throws(function() { txb.sign(0, privKey, Script.EMPTY) }, /RedeemScript not supported \(nonstandard\)/) }) }) }) describe('build', function() { { it('builds the correct transaction', function() { f.inputs.forEach(function(input) { var prevTx if (input.prevTx.length === 64) { prevTx = input.prevTx } else { prevTx = Transaction.fromHex(input.prevTx) } txb.addInput(prevTx, input.index) }) f.outputs.forEach(function(output) { var script = Script.fromASM(output.script) txb.addOutput(script, output.value) }) f.inputs.forEach(function(input, index) { var redeemScript if (input.redeemScript) { redeemScript = Script.fromASM(input.redeemScript) } input.privKeys.forEach(function(wif) { var privKey = ECKey.fromWIF(wif) txb.sign(index, privKey, redeemScript) }) }) var tx = assert.equal(tx.getId(), f.txid) }) }) { it('throws on ' + f.exception, function() { f.inputs.forEach(function(input) { var prevTx if (input.prevTx.length === 64) { prevTx = input.prevTx } else { prevTx = Transaction.fromHex(input.prevTx) } txb.addInput(prevTx, input.index) }) f.outputs.forEach(function(output) { var script = Script.fromASM(output.script) txb.addOutput(script, output.value) }) f.inputs.forEach(function(input, index) { var redeemScript if (input.redeemScript) { redeemScript = Script.fromASM(input.redeemScript) } input.privKeys.forEach(function(wif) { var privKey = ECKey.fromWIF(wif) txb.sign(index, privKey, redeemScript) }) }) assert.throws(function() { }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) }) }) })