import { Psbt as PsbtBase } from 'bip174'; import { PartialSig, PsbtInput, TransactionInput, TransactionOutput, } from 'bip174/src/lib/interfaces'; import { checkForInput } from 'bip174/src/lib/utils'; import { toOutputScript } from './address'; import { reverseBuffer } from './bufferutils'; import { hash160 } from './crypto'; import { Signer, SignerAsync } from './ecpair'; import { bitcoin as btcNetwork, Network } from './networks'; import * as payments from './payments'; import * as bscript from './script'; import { Transaction } from './transaction'; const varuint = require('varuint-bitcoin'); export class Psbt extends PsbtBase { private __TX: Transaction; private __TX_BUF_CACHE?: Buffer; private opts: PsbtOpts; constructor(opts: PsbtOptsOptional = {}) { super(); // set defaults this.opts = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTS, opts); this.__TX = Transaction.fromBuffer(this.globalMap.unsignedTx!); this.setVersion(2); // set cache const self = this; delete this.globalMap.unsignedTx; Object.defineProperty(this.globalMap, 'unsignedTx', { enumerable: true, get(): Buffer { if (self.__TX_BUF_CACHE !== undefined) { return self.__TX_BUF_CACHE; } else { self.__TX_BUF_CACHE = self.__TX.toBuffer(); return self.__TX_BUF_CACHE; } }, set(data: Buffer): void { self.__TX_BUF_CACHE = data; }, }); // Make data hidden when enumerating const dpew = ( obj: any, attr: string, enumerable: boolean, writable: boolean, ): any => Object.defineProperty(obj, attr, { enumerable, writable, }); dpew(this, '__TX', false, false); dpew(this, '__TX_BUF_CACHE', false, true); dpew(this, 'opts', false, true); } setVersion(version: number): this { this.__TX.version = version; this.__TX_BUF_CACHE = undefined; return this; } setLocktime(locktime: number): this { this.__TX.locktime = locktime; this.__TX_BUF_CACHE = undefined; return this; } addInput(inputData: TransactionInput): this { const self = this; const inputAdder = ( _inputData: TransactionInput, txBuf: Buffer, ): Buffer => { if ( !txBuf || (_inputData as any).hash === undefined || (_inputData as any).index === undefined || (!Buffer.isBuffer((_inputData as any).hash) && typeof (_inputData as any).hash !== 'string') || typeof (_inputData as any).index !== 'number' ) { throw new Error('Error adding input.'); } const prevHash = Buffer.isBuffer(_inputData.hash) ? _inputData.hash : reverseBuffer(Buffer.from(_inputData.hash, 'hex')); self.__TX.ins.push({ hash: prevHash, index: _inputData.index, script: Buffer.alloc(0), sequence: _inputData.sequence || Transaction.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE, witness: [], }); console.log(self.__TX); return self.__TX.toBuffer(); }; return super.addInput(inputData, inputAdder); } addOutput(outputData: TransactionOutput): this { const { address } = outputData as any; if (typeof address === 'string') { const { network } = this.opts; const script = toOutputScript(address, network); outputData = Object.assign(outputData, { script }); } const self = this; const outputAdder = ( _outputData: TransactionOutput, txBuf: Buffer, ): Buffer => { if ( !txBuf || (_outputData as any).script === undefined || (_outputData as any).value === undefined || !Buffer.isBuffer((_outputData as any).script) || typeof (_outputData as any).value !== 'number' ) { throw new Error('Error adding output.'); } self.__TX.outs.push({ script: (_outputData as any).script!, value: _outputData.value, }); console.log(self.__TX); return self.__TX.toBuffer(); }; return super.addOutput(outputData, true, outputAdder); } extractTransaction(): Transaction { if (!this.inputs.every(isFinalized)) throw new Error('Not finalized'); const tx = Transaction.fromBuffer(this.globalMap.unsignedTx!); this.inputs.forEach((input, idx) => { if (input.finalScriptSig) tx.ins[idx].script = input.finalScriptSig; if (input.finalScriptWitness) { tx.ins[idx].witness = scriptWitnessToWitnessStack( input.finalScriptWitness, ); } }); return tx; } finalizeAllInputs(): { result: boolean; inputResults: boolean[]; } { const inputResults = range(this.inputs.length).map(idx => this.finalizeInput(idx), ); const result = inputResults.every(val => val === true); return { result, inputResults, }; } finalizeInput(inputIndex: number): boolean { const input = checkForInput(this.inputs, inputIndex); const { script, isP2SH, isP2WSH, isSegwit } = getScriptFromInput( inputIndex, input, this.globalMap.unsignedTx!, ); if (!script) return false; const scriptType = classifyScript(script); if (!canFinalize(input, script, scriptType)) return false; const { finalScriptSig, finalScriptWitness } = getFinalScripts( script, scriptType, input.partialSig!, isSegwit, isP2SH, isP2WSH, ); if (finalScriptSig) this.addFinalScriptSigToInput(inputIndex, finalScriptSig); if (finalScriptWitness) this.addFinalScriptWitnessToInput(inputIndex, finalScriptWitness); if (!finalScriptSig && !finalScriptWitness) return false; this.clearFinalizedInput(inputIndex); return true; } signInput(inputIndex: number, keyPair: Signer): Psbt { if (!keyPair || !keyPair.publicKey) throw new Error('Need Signer to sign input'); const { hash, sighashType } = getHashAndSighashType( this.inputs, inputIndex, keyPair.publicKey, this.globalMap.unsignedTx!, ); const partialSig = { pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, signature: bscript.signature.encode(keyPair.sign(hash), sighashType), }; return this.addPartialSigToInput(inputIndex, partialSig); } signInputAsync(inputIndex: number, keyPair: SignerAsync): Promise { if (!keyPair || !keyPair.publicKey) throw new Error('Need Signer to sign input'); const { hash, sighashType } = getHashAndSighashType( this.inputs, inputIndex, keyPair.publicKey, this.globalMap.unsignedTx!, ); return keyPair.sign(hash).then(signature => { const partialSig = { pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, signature: bscript.signature.encode(signature, sighashType), }; this.addPartialSigToInput(inputIndex, partialSig); }); } } // // // // // Helper functions // // // // interface PsbtOptsOptional { network?: Network; } interface PsbtOpts { network: Network; } const DEFAULT_OPTS = { network: btcNetwork, }; function isFinalized(input: PsbtInput): boolean { return !!input.finalScriptSig || !!input.finalScriptWitness; } function getHashAndSighashType( inputs: PsbtInput[], inputIndex: number, pubkey: Buffer, txBuf: Buffer, ): { hash: Buffer; sighashType: number; } { const input = checkForInput(inputs, inputIndex); const { hash, sighashType, script } = getHashForSig(inputIndex, input, txBuf); checkScriptForPubkey(pubkey, script); return { hash, sighashType, }; } function getFinalScripts( script: Buffer, scriptType: string, partialSig: PartialSig[], isSegwit: boolean, isP2SH: boolean, isP2WSH: boolean, ): { finalScriptSig: Buffer | undefined; finalScriptWitness: Buffer | undefined; } { let finalScriptSig: Buffer | undefined; let finalScriptWitness: Buffer | undefined; // Wow, the payments API is very handy const payment: payments.Payment = getPayment(script, scriptType, partialSig); const p2wsh = !isP2WSH ? null : payments.p2wsh({ redeem: payment }); const p2sh = !isP2SH ? null : payments.p2sh({ redeem: p2wsh || payment }); if (isSegwit) { if (p2wsh) { finalScriptWitness = witnessStackToScriptWitness(p2wsh.witness!); } else { finalScriptWitness = witnessStackToScriptWitness(payment.witness!); } if (p2sh) { finalScriptSig = p2sh.input; } } else { if (p2sh) { finalScriptSig = p2sh.input; } else { finalScriptSig = payment.input; } } return { finalScriptSig, finalScriptWitness, }; } function getSortedSigs(script: Buffer, partialSig: PartialSig[]): Buffer[] { const p2ms = payments.p2ms({ output: script }); // for each pubkey in order of p2ms script return p2ms .pubkeys!.map(pk => { // filter partialSig array by pubkey being equal return ( partialSig.filter(ps => { return ps.pubkey.equals(pk); })[0] || {} ).signature; // Any pubkey without a match will return undefined // this last filter removes all the undefined items in the array. }) .filter(v => !!v); } function getPayment( script: Buffer, scriptType: string, partialSig: PartialSig[], ): payments.Payment { let payment: payments.Payment; switch (scriptType) { case 'multisig': const sigs = getSortedSigs(script, partialSig); payment = payments.p2ms({ output: script, signatures: sigs, }); break; case 'pubkey': payment = payments.p2pk({ output: script, signature: partialSig[0].signature, }); break; case 'pubkeyhash': payment = payments.p2pkh({ output: script, pubkey: partialSig[0].pubkey, signature: partialSig[0].signature, }); break; case 'witnesspubkeyhash': payment = payments.p2wpkh({ output: script, pubkey: partialSig[0].pubkey, signature: partialSig[0].signature, }); break; } return payment!; } function canFinalize( input: PsbtInput, script: Buffer, scriptType: string, ): boolean { switch (scriptType) { case 'pubkey': case 'pubkeyhash': case 'witnesspubkeyhash': return hasSigs(1, input.partialSig); case 'multisig': const p2ms = payments.p2ms({ output: script }); return hasSigs(p2ms.m!, input.partialSig); default: return false; } } function checkScriptForPubkey(pubkey: Buffer, script: Buffer): void { const pubkeyHash = hash160(pubkey); const decompiled = bscript.decompile(script); if (decompiled === null) throw new Error('Unknown script error'); const hasKey = decompiled.some(element => { if (typeof element === 'number') return false; return element.equals(pubkey) || element.equals(pubkeyHash); }); if (!hasKey) { throw new Error( `Can not sign for this input with the key ${pubkey.toString('hex')}`, ); } } interface HashForSigData { script: Buffer; hash: Buffer; sighashType: number; } const getHashForSig = ( inputIndex: number, input: PsbtInput, txBuf: Buffer, ): HashForSigData => { const unsignedTx = Transaction.fromBuffer(txBuf); const sighashType = input.sighashType || Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL; let hash: Buffer; let script: Buffer; if (input.nonWitnessUtxo) { const nonWitnessUtxoTx = Transaction.fromBuffer(input.nonWitnessUtxo); const prevoutHash = unsignedTx.ins[inputIndex].hash; const utxoHash = nonWitnessUtxoTx.getHash(); // If a non-witness UTXO is provided, its hash must match the hash specified in the prevout if (!prevoutHash.equals(utxoHash)) { throw new Error( `Non-witness UTXO hash for input #${inputIndex} doesn't match the hash specified in the prevout`, ); } const prevoutIndex = unsignedTx.ins[inputIndex].index; const prevout = nonWitnessUtxoTx.outs[prevoutIndex]; if (input.redeemScript) { // If a redeemScript is provided, the scriptPubKey must be for that redeemScript checkRedeemScript(inputIndex, prevout.script, input.redeemScript); script = input.redeemScript; hash = unsignedTx.hashForSignature( inputIndex, input.redeemScript, sighashType, ); } else { script = prevout.script; hash = unsignedTx.hashForSignature( inputIndex, prevout.script, sighashType, ); } } else if (input.witnessUtxo) { let _script: Buffer; // so we don't shadow the `let script` above if (input.redeemScript) { // If a redeemScript is provided, the scriptPubKey must be for that redeemScript checkRedeemScript( inputIndex, input.witnessUtxo.script, input.redeemScript, ); _script = input.redeemScript; } else { _script = input.witnessUtxo.script; } if (isP2WPKH(_script)) { // P2WPKH uses the P2PKH template for prevoutScript when signing const signingScript = payments.p2pkh({ hash: _script.slice(2) }).output!; hash = unsignedTx.hashForWitnessV0( inputIndex, signingScript, input.witnessUtxo.value, sighashType, ); script = _script; } else { if (!input.witnessScript) throw new Error('Segwit input needs witnessScript if not P2WPKH'); checkWitnessScript(inputIndex, _script, input.witnessScript); hash = unsignedTx.hashForWitnessV0( inputIndex, input.witnessScript, input.witnessUtxo.value, sighashType, ); // want to make sure the script we return is the actual meaningful script script = input.witnessScript; } } else { throw new Error('Need a Utxo input item for signing'); } return { script, sighashType, hash, }; }; type ScriptCheckerFunction = (idx: number, spk: Buffer, rs: Buffer) => void; const scriptCheckerFactory = ( payment: any, paymentScriptName: string, ): ScriptCheckerFunction => ( inputIndex: number, scriptPubKey: Buffer, redeemScript: Buffer, ): void => { const redeemScriptOutput = payment({ redeem: { output: redeemScript }, }).output as Buffer; if (!scriptPubKey.equals(redeemScriptOutput)) { throw new Error( `${paymentScriptName} for input #${inputIndex} doesn't match the scriptPubKey in the prevout`, ); } }; const checkRedeemScript = scriptCheckerFactory(payments.p2sh, 'Redeem script'); const checkWitnessScript = scriptCheckerFactory( payments.p2wsh, 'Witness script', ); type isPaymentFunction = (script: Buffer) => boolean; const isPaymentFactory = (payment: any): isPaymentFunction => ( script: Buffer, ): boolean => { try { payment({ output: script }); return true; } catch (err) { return false; } }; const isP2WPKH = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2wpkh); const isP2PKH = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2pkh); const isP2MS = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2ms); const isP2PK = isPaymentFactory(payments.p2pk); const classifyScript = (script: Buffer): string => { if (isP2WPKH(script)) return 'witnesspubkeyhash'; if (isP2PKH(script)) return 'pubkeyhash'; if (isP2MS(script)) return 'multisig'; if (isP2PK(script)) return 'pubkey'; return 'nonstandard'; }; interface GetScriptReturn { script: Buffer | null; isSegwit: boolean; isP2SH: boolean; isP2WSH: boolean; } function getScriptFromInput( inputIndex: number, input: PsbtInput, _unsignedTx: Buffer, ): GetScriptReturn { const res: GetScriptReturn = { script: null, isSegwit: false, isP2SH: false, isP2WSH: false, }; if (input.nonWitnessUtxo) { if (input.redeemScript) { res.isP2SH = true; res.script = input.redeemScript; } else { const unsignedTx = Transaction.fromBuffer(_unsignedTx); const nonWitnessUtxoTx = Transaction.fromBuffer(input.nonWitnessUtxo); const prevoutIndex = unsignedTx.ins[inputIndex].index; res.script = nonWitnessUtxoTx.outs[prevoutIndex].script; } } else if (input.witnessUtxo) { res.isSegwit = true; res.isP2SH = !!input.redeemScript; res.isP2WSH = !!input.witnessScript; if (input.witnessScript) { res.script = input.witnessScript; } else if (input.redeemScript) { res.script = payments.p2wpkh({ hash: input.redeemScript.slice(2), }).output!; } else { res.script = payments.p2wpkh({ hash: input.witnessUtxo.script.slice(2), }).output!; } } return res; } const hasSigs = (neededSigs: number, partialSig?: any[]): boolean => { if (!partialSig) return false; if (partialSig.length > neededSigs) throw new Error('Too many signatures'); return partialSig.length === neededSigs; }; function witnessStackToScriptWitness(witness: Buffer[]): Buffer { let buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); function writeSlice(slice: Buffer): void { buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, Buffer.from(slice)]); } function writeVarInt(i: number): void { const currentLen = buffer.length; const varintLen = varuint.encodingLength(i); buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, Buffer.allocUnsafe(varintLen)]); varuint.encode(i, buffer, currentLen); } function writeVarSlice(slice: Buffer): void { writeVarInt(slice.length); writeSlice(slice); } function writeVector(vector: Buffer[]): void { writeVarInt(vector.length); vector.forEach(writeVarSlice); } writeVector(witness); return buffer; } function scriptWitnessToWitnessStack(buffer: Buffer): Buffer[] { let offset = 0; function readSlice(n: number): Buffer { offset += n; return buffer.slice(offset - n, offset); } function readVarInt(): number { const vi = varuint.decode(buffer, offset); offset += varuint.decode.bytes; return vi; } function readVarSlice(): Buffer { return readSlice(readVarInt()); } function readVector(): Buffer[] { const count = readVarInt(); const vector: Buffer[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) vector.push(readVarSlice()); return vector; } return readVector(); } const range = (n: number): number[] => [...Array(n).keys()];