var assert = require('assert') var networks = require('../src/networks') var sec = require('../src/sec') var ecparams = sec("secp256k1") var BigInteger = require('bigi') var HDNode = require('../src/hdnode') var fixtures = require('./fixtures/hdnode.json') describe('HDNode', function() { describe('Constructor', function() { var D = BigInteger.ONE var Q = ecparams.getG().multiply(D) var chainCode = new Buffer(32) chainCode.fill(1) it('calculates the publicKey from a BigInteger', function() { var hd = new HDNode(D, chainCode) assert( }) it('only uses compressed points', function() { var hd = new HDNode(Q, chainCode) var hdP = new HDNode(D, chainCode) assert.strictEqual(, true) assert.strictEqual(, true) }) it('has a default depth/index of 0', function() { var hd = new HDNode(Q, chainCode) assert.strictEqual(hd.depth, 0) assert.strictEqual(hd.index, 0) }) it('defaults to the bitcoin network', function() { var hd = new HDNode(Q, chainCode) assert.equal(, networks.bitcoin) }) it('supports alternative networks', function() { var hd = new HDNode(Q, chainCode, networks.testnet) assert.equal(, networks.testnet) }) it('throws an exception when an unknown network is given', function() { assert.throws(function() { new HDNode(D, chainCode, {}) }, /Unknown BIP32 constants for network/) }) }) describe('fromSeed*', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('calculates privKey and chainCode for ' + f.master.fingerprint, function() { var hd = HDNode.fromSeedHex(f.master.seed) assert.equal(hd.priv.toWIF(), f.master.wif) assert.equal(hd.chainCode.toString('hex'), f.master.chainCode) }) }) }) describe('toBase58', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('exports ' + f.master.base58 + ' (public) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromSeedHex(f.master.seed) assert.equal(hd.toBase58(false), f.master.base58) }) }) fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('exports ' + f.master.base58Priv + ' (private) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromSeedHex(f.master.seed) assert.equal(hd.toBase58(true), f.master.base58Priv) }) }) it('fails when there is no private key', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromBase58(fixtures.valid[0].master.base58) assert.throws(function() { hd.toBase58(true) }, /Missing private key/) }) }) describe('fromBase58', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('imports ' + f.master.base58 + ' (public) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58) assert.equal(hd.toBase58(), f.master.base58) }) }) fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('imports ' + f.master.base58Priv + ' (private) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58Priv) assert.equal(hd.toBase58(), f.master.base58Priv) }) }) fixtures.invalid.fromBase58.forEach(function(f) { it('throws on ' + f.string, function() { assert.throws(function() { HDNode.fromBase58(f.string) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) }) }) describe('fromBuffer/fromHex', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('imports ' + f.master.hex + ' (public) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromHex(f.master.hex) assert.equal(hd.toBuffer().toString('hex'), f.master.hex) }) }) fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('imports ' + f.master.hexPriv + ' (private) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromHex(f.master.hexPriv) assert.equal(hd.toBuffer().toString('hex'), f.master.hexPriv) }) }) fixtures.invalid.fromBuffer.forEach(function(f) { it('throws on ' + f.string, function() { assert.throws(function() { HDNode.fromHex(f.hex) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) }) }) describe('toBuffer/toHex', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('exports ' + f.master.hex + ' (public) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromSeedHex(f.master.seed) assert.equal(hd.toHex(false), f.master.hex) }) }) fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('exports ' + f.master.hexPriv + ' (private) correctly', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromSeedHex(f.master.seed) assert.equal(hd.toHex(true), f.master.hexPriv) }) }) it('fails when there is no private key', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromHex(fixtures.valid[0].master.hex) assert.throws(function() { hd.toHex(true) }, /Missing private key/) }) }) describe('getIdentifier', function() { var f = fixtures.valid[0] it('returns the identifier for ' + f.master.fingerprint, function() { var hd = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58) assert.equal(hd.getIdentifier().toString('hex'), f.master.identifier) }) }) describe('getFingerprint', function() { var f = fixtures.valid[0] it('returns the fingerprint for ' + f.master.fingerprint, function() { var hd = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58) assert.equal(hd.getFingerprint().toString('hex'), f.master.fingerprint) }) }) describe('getAddress', function() { var f = fixtures.valid[0] it('returns the Address (pubKeyHash) for ' + f.master.fingerprint, function() { var hd = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58) assert.equal(hd.getAddress().toString(), f.master.address) }) it('supports alternative networks', function() { var hd = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58) = networks.testnet assert.equal(hd.getAddress().version, networks.testnet.pubKeyHash) }) }) describe('derive', function() { function verifyVector(hd, v, depth) { assert.equal(hd.priv.toWIF(), v.wif) assert.equal(, v.pubKey) assert.equal(hd.chainCode.toString('hex'), v.chainCode) assert.equal(hd.depth, depth || 0) if (v.hardened) { assert.equal(hd.index, v.m + HDNode.HIGHEST_BIT) } else { assert.equal(hd.index, v.m) } } fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f, j) { var hd = HDNode.fromSeedHex(f.master.seed) f.children.forEach(function(c, i) { it(c.description + ' from ' + f.master.fingerprint, function() { if (c.hardened) { hd = hd.deriveHardened(c.m) } else { hd = hd.derive(c.m) } verifyVector(hd, c, i + 1) }) }) }) it('works for public -> public', function() { var f = fixtures.valid[1] var c = f.children[0] var parentNode = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58) var child = parentNode.derive(c.m) assert.equal(child.toBase58(), c.base58) }) it('throws on public -> public (hardened)', function() { var f = fixtures.valid[1] var c = f.children[0] var parentNode = HDNode.fromBase58(f.master.base58) assert.throws(function() { parentNode.deriveHardened(c.m) }, /Could not derive hardened child key/) }) }) })