/* global describe, it, beforeEach */ var assert = require('assert') var bscript = require('../src/script') var fixtures = require('./fixtures/transaction') var Transaction = require('../src/transaction') describe('Transaction', function () { function fromRaw (raw, noWitness) { var tx = new Transaction() tx.version = raw.version tx.locktime = raw.locktime raw.ins.forEach(function (txIn, i) { var txHash = new Buffer(txIn.hash, 'hex') var scriptSig if (txIn.data) { scriptSig = new Buffer(txIn.data, 'hex') } else if (txIn.script) { scriptSig = bscript.fromASM(txIn.script) } tx.addInput(txHash, txIn.index, txIn.sequence, scriptSig) if (!noWitness && txIn.witness) { var witness = txIn.witness.map(function (x) { return new Buffer(x, 'hex') }) tx.setWitness(i, witness) } }) raw.outs.forEach(function (txOut) { var script if (txOut.data) { script = new Buffer(txOut.data, 'hex') } else if (txOut.script) { script = bscript.fromASM(txOut.script) } tx.addOutput(script, txOut.value) }) return tx } describe('fromBuffer/fromHex', function () { function importExport (f) { var id = f.id || f.hash var txHex = f.hex || f.txHex it('imports ' + f.description + ' (' + id + ')', function () { var actual = Transaction.fromHex(txHex) assert.strictEqual(actual.toHex(), txHex) }) if (f.whex) { it('imports ' + f.description + ' (' + id + ') as witness', function () { var actual = Transaction.fromHex(f.whex) assert.strictEqual(actual.toHex(), f.whex) }) } } fixtures.valid.forEach(importExport) fixtures.hashForSignature.forEach(importExport) fixtures.hashForWitnessV0.forEach(importExport) fixtures.invalid.fromBuffer.forEach(function (f) { it('throws on ' + f.exception, function () { assert.throws(function () { Transaction.fromHex(f.hex) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) }) it('.version should be interpreted as an int32le', function () { var txHex = 'ffffffff0000ffffffff' var tx = Transaction.fromHex(txHex) assert.equal(-1, tx.version) assert.equal(0xffffffff, tx.locktime) }) }) describe('toBuffer/toHex', function () { fixtures.valid.forEach(function (f) { it('exports ' + f.description + ' (' + f.id + ')', function () { if (f.whex) { var wactual = fromRaw(f.raw) assert.strictEqual(wactual.toHex(), f.whex) } var actual = fromRaw(f.raw, true) assert.strictEqual(actual.toHex(), f.hex) }) }) it('accepts target Buffer and offset parameters', function () { var f = fixtures.valid[0] var actual = fromRaw(f.raw) var byteLength = actual.byteLength() var target = new Buffer(byteLength * 2) var a = actual.toBuffer(target, 0) var b = actual.toBuffer(target, byteLength) assert.strictEqual(a.length, byteLength) assert.strictEqual(b.length, byteLength) assert.strictEqual(a.toString('hex'), f.hex) assert.strictEqual(b.toString('hex'), f.hex) assert.deepEqual(a, b) assert.deepEqual(a, target.slice(0, byteLength)) assert.deepEqual(b, target.slice(byteLength)) }) }) describe('addInput', function () { var prevTxHash beforeEach(function () { prevTxHash = new Buffer('ffffffff00ffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000101010ff', 'hex') }) it('returns an index', function () { var tx = new Transaction() assert.strictEqual(tx.addInput(prevTxHash, 0), 0) assert.strictEqual(tx.addInput(prevTxHash, 0), 1) }) it('defaults to empty script, witness and 0xffffffff SEQUENCE number', function () { var tx = new Transaction() tx.addInput(prevTxHash, 0) assert.strictEqual(tx.ins[0].script.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(tx.ins[0].witness.length, 0) assert.strictEqual(tx.ins[0].sequence, 0xffffffff) }) fixtures.invalid.addInput.forEach(function (f) { it('throws on ' + f.exception, function () { var tx = new Transaction() var hash = new Buffer(f.hash, 'hex') assert.throws(function () { tx.addInput(hash, f.index) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) }) }) describe('addOutput', function () { it('returns an index', function () { var tx = new Transaction() assert.strictEqual(tx.addOutput(new Buffer(0), 0), 0) assert.strictEqual(tx.addOutput(new Buffer(0), 0), 1) }) }) describe('clone', function () { fixtures.valid.forEach(function (f) { var actual, expected beforeEach(function () { expected = Transaction.fromHex(f.hex) actual = expected.clone() }) it('should have value equality', function () { assert.deepEqual(actual, expected) }) it('should not have reference equality', function () { assert.notEqual(actual, expected) }) }) }) describe('getHash/getId', function () { function verify (f) { it('should return the id for ' + f.id, function () { var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.whex || f.hex) assert.strictEqual(tx.getHash().toString('hex'), f.hash) assert.strictEqual(tx.getId(), f.id) }) } fixtures.valid.forEach(verify) }) describe('isCoinbase', function () { function verify (f) { it('should return ' + f.coinbase + ' for ' + f.id, function () { var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.hex) assert.strictEqual(tx.isCoinbase(), f.coinbase) }) } fixtures.valid.forEach(verify) }) describe('hashForSignature', function () { fixtures.hashForSignature.forEach(function (f) { it('should return ' + f.hash + ' for ' + (f.description ? ('case "' + f.description + '"') : f.script), function () { var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex) var script = bscript.fromASM(f.script) assert.strictEqual(tx.hashForSignature(f.inIndex, script, f.type).toString('hex'), f.hash) }) }) }) describe('hashForWitnessV0', function () { fixtures.hashForWitnessV0.forEach(function (f) { it('should return ' + f.hash + ' for ' + (f.description ? ('case "' + f.description + '"') : ''), function () { var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex) var script = bscript.fromASM(f.script) assert.strictEqual(tx.hashForWitnessV0(f.inIndex, script, f.value, f.type).toString('hex'), f.hash) }) }) }) })