/** * Implement the Paillier cryptosystem in JavaScript. * * Paillier is useful for multiparty calculation. It is not currently part of any * BitcoinJS-lib distribution, but it is included here for experimental use. */ Bitcoin.Paillier = (function () { var rng = new SecureRandom(); var TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2); var Paillier = { generate: function (bitLength) { var p, q; do { p = new BigInteger(bitLength, 1, rng); q = new BigInteger(bitLength, 1, rng); } while (p.equals(q)); var n = p.multiply(q); // p - 1 var p1 = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); // q - 1 var q1 = q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); var nSq = n.multiply(n); // lambda var l = p1.multiply(q1).divide(p1.gcd(q1)); var coprimeBitLength = n.bitLength() - Math.floor(Math.random()*10); var alpha = new BigInteger(coprimeBitLength, 1, rng); var beta = new BigInteger(coprimeBitLength, 1, rng); var g = alpha.multiply(n).add(BigInteger.ONE) .multiply(beta.modPow(n,nSq)).mod(nSq); // mu var m = g.modPow(l,nSq).mod(nSq) .subtract(BigInteger.ONE).divide(n).modInverse(n); return new Paillier.PrivateKey(n,g,l,m,nSq); } }; Paillier.PublicKey = function (n,g,nSq) { this.n = n; this.g = g; this.nSq = nSq || n.multiply(n); }; Paillier.PublicKey.prototype.encrypt = function (i, r) { if (!r) { var coprimeBitLength = this.n.bitLength() - Math.floor(Math.random()*10); r = new BigInteger(coprimeBitLength, 1, rng); } return this.g.modPow(i,this.nSq).multiply(r.modPow(this.n,this.nSq)) .mod(this.nSq); }; Paillier.PublicKey.prototype.add = function (c, f) { return c.multiply(this.encrypt(f)).mod(this.nSq); }; Paillier.PublicKey.prototype.addCrypt = function (c, f) { return c.multiply(f).mod(this.nSq); }; Paillier.PublicKey.prototype.multiply = function (c, f) { return c.modPow(f, this.nSq); }; Paillier.PublicKey.prototype.rerandomize = function (c, r) { if (!r) { var coprimeBitLength = this.n.bitLength() - Math.floor(Math.random()*10); r = new BigInteger(coprimeBitLength, 1, rng); } return c.multiply(r.modPow(this.n, this.nSq)).mod(this.nSq); }; Paillier.PrivateKey = function (n,g,l,m,nSq) { this.l = l; this.m = m; this.n = n; this.nSq = nSq || n.multiply(n); this.pub = new Paillier.PublicKey(n,g,this.nSq); }; Paillier.PrivateKey.prototype.decrypt = function (c) { return c.modPow(this.l, this.nSq).subtract(BigInteger.ONE) .divide(this.n).multiply(this.m).mod(this.n); }; Paillier.PrivateKey.prototype.decryptR = function (c, i) { if (!i) { i = this.decrypt(c); } var rn = c.multiply(this.pub.g.modPow(i, this.nSq).modInverse(this.nSq)) .mod(this.nSq); var a = this.l.modInverse(this.n).multiply(this.n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)); var e = a.multiply(this.l).add(BigInteger.ONE).divide(this.n); return rn.modPow(e, this.n); }; function createProxyMethod(name) { return function () { return this.pub[name].apply(this.pub, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); }; }; var a = ["add", "addCrypt", "multiply", "rerandomize", "encrypt"]; for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { Paillier.PrivateKey.prototype[a[i]] = createProxyMethod(a[i]); } return Paillier; })();