const { describe, it } = require('mocha') const assert = require('assert') const ECPair = require('../src/ecpair') const Psbt = require('..').Psbt const NETWORKS = require('../src/networks') const initBuffers = object => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object), (key, value) => { const regex = new RegExp(/^Buffer.from\(['"](.*)['"], ['"](.*)['"]\)$/) const result = regex.exec(value) if (!result) return value const data = result[1] const encoding = result[2] return Buffer.from(data, encoding) }) const fixtures = initBuffers(require('./fixtures/psbt')) const upperCaseFirstLetter = str => str.replace(/^./, s => s.toUpperCase()) const b = hex => Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'); describe(`Psbt`, () => { describe('BIP174 Test Vectors', () => { fixtures.bip174.invalid.forEach(f => { it(`Invalid: ${f.description}`, () => { assert.throws(() => { Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) }, {message: f.errorMessage}) }) }) fixtures.bip174.valid.forEach(f => { it(`Valid: ${f.description}`, () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) }) }) }) fixtures.bip174.failSignChecks.forEach(f => { const keyPair = ECPair.makeRandom() it(`Fails Signer checks: ${f.description}`, () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) assert.throws(() => { psbt.signInput(f.inputToCheck, keyPair) }, {message: f.errorMessage}) }) }) fixtures.bip174.creator.forEach(f => { it('Creates expected PSBT', () => { const psbt = new Psbt() for (const input of f.inputs) { psbt.addInput(input) } for (const output of f.outputs) { const script = Buffer.from(output.script, 'hex'); psbt.addOutput({...output, script}) } assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.result) }) }) fixtures.bip174.updater.forEach(f => { it('Updates PSBT to the expected result', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) for (const inputOrOutput of ['input', 'output']) { const fixtureData = f[`${inputOrOutput}Data`] if (fixtureData) { for (const [i, data] of fixtureData.entries()) { const attrs = Object.keys(data) for (const attr of attrs) { const upperAttr = upperCaseFirstLetter(attr) let adder = psbt[`add${upperAttr}To${upperCaseFirstLetter(inputOrOutput)}`] if (adder !== undefined) { adder = adder.bind(psbt) const arg = data[attr] if (Array.isArray(arg)) { arg.forEach(a => adder(i, a)) } else { adder(i, arg) } } } } } } assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.result) }) }) fixtures.bip174.signer.forEach(f => { it('Signs PSBT to the expected result', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) f.keys.forEach(({inputToSign, WIF}) => { const keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(WIF, NETWORKS.testnet); psbt.signInput(inputToSign, keyPair); }) assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.result) }) }) fixtures.bip174.combiner.forEach(f => { it('Combines two PSBTs to the expected result', () => { const psbts = => Psbt.fromBase64(psbt)) psbts[0].combine(psbts[1]) // Produces a different Base64 string due to implemetation specific key-value ordering. // That means this test will fail: // assert.strictEqual(psbts[0].toBase64(), f.result) // However, if we compare the actual PSBT properties we can see they are logically identical: assert.deepStrictEqual(psbts[0], Psbt.fromBase64(f.result)) }) }) fixtures.bip174.finalizer.forEach(f => { it("Finalizes inputs and gives the expected PSBT", () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) psbt.finalizeAllInputs() assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.result) }) }) fixtures.bip174.extractor.forEach(f => { it('Extracts the expected transaction from a PSBT', () => { const psbt1 = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) const transaction1 = psbt1.extractTransaction(true).toHex() const psbt2 = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) const transaction2 = psbt2.extractTransaction().toHex() assert.strictEqual(transaction1, transaction2) assert.strictEqual(transaction1, f.transaction) const psbt3 = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) delete psbt3.inputs[0].finalScriptSig delete psbt3.inputs[0].finalScriptWitness assert.throws(() => { psbt3.extractTransaction() }, new RegExp('Not finalized')) const psbt4 = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) psbt4.setMaximumFeeRate(1) assert.throws(() => { psbt4.extractTransaction() }, new RegExp('Warning: You are paying around [\\d.]+ in fees')) const psbt5 = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) psbt5.extractTransaction(true) const fr1 = psbt5.getFeeRate() const fr2 = psbt5.getFeeRate() assert.strictEqual(fr1, fr2) }) }) }) describe('signInputAsync', () => { fixtures.signInput.checks.forEach(f => { it(f.description, async () => { const psbtThatShouldsign = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldSign.psbt) assert.doesNotReject(async () => { await psbtThatShouldsign.signInputAsync( f.shouldSign.inputToCheck, ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldSign.WIF), ) }) const psbtThatShouldThrow = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldThrow.psbt) assert.rejects(async () => { await psbtThatShouldThrow.signInputAsync( f.shouldThrow.inputToCheck, ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldThrow.WIF), ) }, {message: f.shouldThrow.errorMessage}) assert.rejects(async () => { await psbtThatShouldThrow.signInputAsync( f.shouldThrow.inputToCheck, ) }, new RegExp('Need Signer to sign input')) }) }) }) describe('signInput', () => { fixtures.signInput.checks.forEach(f => { it(f.description, () => { const psbtThatShouldsign = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldSign.psbt) assert.doesNotThrow(() => { psbtThatShouldsign.signInput( f.shouldSign.inputToCheck, ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldSign.WIF), ) }) const psbtThatShouldThrow = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldThrow.psbt) assert.throws(() => { psbtThatShouldThrow.signInput( f.shouldThrow.inputToCheck, ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldThrow.WIF), ) }, {message: f.shouldThrow.errorMessage}) assert.throws(() => { psbtThatShouldThrow.signInput( f.shouldThrow.inputToCheck, ) }, new RegExp('Need Signer to sign input')) }) }) }) describe('signAsync', () => { fixtures.signInput.checks.forEach(f => { if (f.description === 'checks the input exists') return it(f.description, async () => { const psbtThatShouldsign = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldSign.psbt) assert.doesNotReject(async () => { await psbtThatShouldsign.signAsync( ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldSign.WIF), ) }) const psbtThatShouldThrow = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldThrow.psbt) assert.rejects(async () => { await psbtThatShouldThrow.signAsync( ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldThrow.WIF), ) }, new RegExp('No inputs were signed')) assert.rejects(async () => { await psbtThatShouldThrow.signAsync() }, new RegExp('Need Signer to sign input')) }) }) }) describe('sign', () => { fixtures.signInput.checks.forEach(f => { if (f.description === 'checks the input exists') return it(f.description, () => { const psbtThatShouldsign = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldSign.psbt) assert.doesNotThrow(() => { psbtThatShouldsign.sign( ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldSign.WIF), ) }) const psbtThatShouldThrow = Psbt.fromBase64(f.shouldThrow.psbt) assert.throws(() => { psbtThatShouldThrow.sign( ECPair.fromWIF(f.shouldThrow.WIF), ) }, new RegExp('No inputs were signed')) assert.throws(() => { psbtThatShouldThrow.sign() }, new RegExp('Need Signer to sign input')) }) }) }) describe('finalizeAllInputs', () => { fixtures.finalizeAllInputs.forEach(f => { it(`Finalizes inputs of type "${f.type}"`, () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) psbt.finalizeAllInputs() assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.result) }) }) }) describe('fromTransaction', () => { fixtures.fromTransaction.forEach(f => { it('Creates the expected PSBT from a transaction buffer', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromTransaction(Buffer.from(f.transaction, 'hex')) assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.result) }) }) }) describe('addInput', () => { fixtures.addInput.checks.forEach(f => { for (const attr of Object.keys(f.inputData)) { f.inputData[attr] = f.inputData[attr] } it(f.description, () => { const psbt = new Psbt() if (f.exception) { assert.throws(() => { psbt.addInput(f.inputData) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) } else { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { psbt.addInput(f.inputData) if (f.equals) { assert.strictEqual(psbt.toBase64(), f.equals) } else { console.log(psbt.toBase64()) } }) assert.throws(() => { psbt.addInput(f.inputData) }, new RegExp('Duplicate input detected.')) } }) }) }) describe('addOutput', () => { fixtures.addOutput.checks.forEach(f => { for (const attr of Object.keys(f.outputData)) { f.outputData[attr] = f.outputData[attr] } it(f.description, () => { const psbt = new Psbt() if (f.exception) { assert.throws(() => { psbt.addOutput(f.outputData) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) } else { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { psbt.addOutput(f.outputData) console.log(psbt.toBase64()) }) } }) }) }) describe('setVersion', () => { it('Sets the version value of the unsigned transaction', () => { const psbt = new Psbt() assert.strictEqual(psbt.extractTransaction().version, 2) psbt.setVersion(1) assert.strictEqual(psbt.extractTransaction().version, 1) }) }) describe('setLocktime', () => { it('Sets the nLockTime value of the unsigned transaction', () => { const psbt = new Psbt() assert.strictEqual(psbt.extractTransaction().locktime, 0) psbt.setLocktime(1) assert.strictEqual(psbt.extractTransaction().locktime, 1) }) }) describe('setSequence', () => { it('Sets the sequence number for a given input', () => { const psbt = new Psbt() psbt.addInput({ hash: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', index: 0 }); assert.strictEqual(psbt.inputCount, 1) assert.strictEqual(psbt.__CACHE.__TX.ins[0].sequence, 0xffffffff) psbt.setSequence(0, 0) assert.strictEqual(psbt.__CACHE.__TX.ins[0].sequence, 0) }) it('throws if input index is too high', () => { const psbt = new Psbt() psbt.addInput({ hash: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', index: 0 }); assert.throws(() => { psbt.setSequence(1, 0) }, {message: 'Input index too high'}) }) }) describe('setMaximumFeeRate', () => { it('Sets the maximumFeeRate value', () => { const psbt = new Psbt() assert.strictEqual(psbt.opts.maximumFeeRate, 5000) psbt.setMaximumFeeRate(6000) assert.strictEqual(psbt.opts.maximumFeeRate, 6000) }) }) describe('validateSignatures', () => { const f = fixtures.validateSignatures it('Correctly validates a signature', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) assert.strictEqual(psbt.validateSignatures(f.index), true) assert.throws(() => { psbt.validateSignatures(f.nonExistantIndex) }, new RegExp('No signatures to validate')) }) it('Correctly validates a signature against a pubkey', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) assert.strictEqual(psbt.validateSignatures(f.index, f.pubkey), true) assert.throws(() => { psbt.validateSignatures(f.index, f.incorrectPubkey) }, new RegExp('No signatures for this pubkey')) }) }) describe('getFeeRate', () => { it('Throws error if called before inputs are finalized', () => { const f = fixtures.getFeeRate const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) assert.throws(() => { psbt.getFeeRate() }, new RegExp('PSBT must be finalized to calculate fee rate')) psbt.finalizeAllInputs() assert.strictEqual(psbt.getFeeRate(), f.fee) }) }) describe('create 1-to-1 transaction', () => { const alice = ECPair.fromWIF('L2uPYXe17xSTqbCjZvL2DsyXPCbXspvcu5mHLDYUgzdUbZGSKrSr') const psbt = new Psbt() psbt.addInput({ hash: '7d067b4a697a09d2c3cff7d4d9506c9955e93bff41bf82d439da7d030382bc3e', index: 0, nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from( '0200000001f9f34e95b9d5c8abcd20fc5bd4a825d1517be62f0f775e5f36da944d9' + '452e550000000006b483045022100c86e9a111afc90f64b4904bd609e9eaed80d48' + 'ca17c162b1aca0a788ac3526f002207bb79b60d4fc6526329bf18a77135dc566020' + '9e761da46e1c2f1152ec013215801210211755115eabf846720f5cb18f248666fec' + '631e5e1e66009ce3710ceea5b1ad13ffffffff01905f0100000000001976a9148bb' + 'c95d2709c71607c60ee3f097c1217482f518d88ac00000000', 'hex', ), sighashType: 1, }) psbt.addOutput({ address: '1KRMKfeZcmosxALVYESdPNez1AP1mEtywp', value: 80000 }) psbt.signInput(0, alice) assert.throws(() => { psbt.setVersion(3) }, new RegExp('Can not modify transaction, signatures exist.')) psbt.validateSignatures(0) psbt.finalizeAllInputs() assert.strictEqual( psbt.extractTransaction().toHex(), '02000000013ebc8203037dda39d482bf41ff3be955996c50d9d4f7cfc3d2097a694a7' + 'b067d000000006b483045022100931b6db94aed25d5486884d83fc37160f37f3368c0' + 'd7f48c757112abefec983802205fda64cff98c849577026eb2ce916a50ea70626a766' + '9f8596dd89b720a26b4d501210365db9da3f8a260078a7e8f8b708a1161468fb2323f' + 'fda5ec16b261ec1056f455ffffffff0180380100000000001976a914ca0d36044e0dc' + '08a22724efa6f6a07b0ec4c79aa88ac00000000', ) }) describe('Method return types', () => { it('fromTransaction returns Psbt type (not base class)', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromTransaction(Buffer.from([2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])); assert.strictEqual(psbt instanceof Psbt, true); assert.ok(psbt.__CACHE.__TX); }) it('fromBuffer returns Psbt type (not base class)', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBuffer(Buffer.from( '70736274ff01000a01000000000000000000000000', 'hex' //cHNidP8BAAoBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA )); assert.strictEqual(psbt instanceof Psbt, true); assert.ok(psbt.__CACHE.__TX); }) it('fromBase64 returns Psbt type (not base class)', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64('cHNidP8BAAoBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'); assert.strictEqual(psbt instanceof Psbt, true); assert.ok(psbt.__CACHE.__TX); }) it('fromHex returns Psbt type (not base class)', () => { const psbt = Psbt.fromHex('70736274ff01000a01000000000000000000000000'); assert.strictEqual(psbt instanceof Psbt, true); assert.ok(psbt.__CACHE.__TX); }) }) describe('Cache', () => { it('non-witness UTXOs are cached', () => { const f = fixtures.cache.nonWitnessUtxo; const psbt = Psbt.fromBase64(f.psbt) const index = f.inputIndex; // Cache is empty assert.strictEqual(psbt.__CACHE.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[index], undefined) // Cache is populated psbt.addNonWitnessUtxoToInput(index, f.nonWitnessUtxo) const value = psbt.inputs[index].nonWitnessUtxo assert.ok(psbt.__CACHE.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[index].equals(value)) assert.ok(psbt.__CACHE.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[index].equals(f.nonWitnessUtxo)) // Cache is rebuilt from internal transaction object when cleared psbt.inputs[index].nonWitnessUtxo = Buffer.from([1,2,3]) psbt.__CACHE.__NON_WITNESS_UTXO_BUF_CACHE[index] = undefined assert.ok(psbt.inputs[index].nonWitnessUtxo.equals(value)) }) }) })