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const { describe, it, beforeEach } = require('mocha')
const assert = require('assert')
const Block = require('..').Block
const fixtures = require('./fixtures/block')
describe('Block', () => {
describe('version', () => {
it('should be interpreted as an int32le', () => {
const blockHex = 'ffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414101000000020000000300000000'
const block = Block.fromHex(blockHex)
assert.strictEqual(-1, block.version)
assert.strictEqual(1, block.timestamp)
describe('calculateTarget', () => {
fixtures.targets.forEach(f => {
it('returns ' + f.expected + ' for 0x' + f.bits, () => {
const bits = parseInt(f.bits, 16)
assert.strictEqual(Block.calculateTarget(bits).toString('hex'), f.expected)
describe('fromBuffer/fromHex', () => {
fixtures.valid.forEach(f => {
it('imports ' + f.description, () => {
const block = Block.fromHex(f.hex)
assert.strictEqual(block.version, f.version)
assert.strictEqual(block.prevHash.toString('hex'), f.prevHash)
assert.strictEqual(block.merkleRoot.toString('hex'), f.merkleRoot)
if (block.witnessCommit) {
assert.strictEqual(block.witnessCommit.toString('hex'), f.witnessCommit)
assert.strictEqual(block.timestamp, f.timestamp)
assert.strictEqual(block.bits, f.bits)
assert.strictEqual(block.nonce, f.nonce)
assert.strictEqual(!block.transactions, f.hex.length === 160)
fixtures.invalid.forEach(f => {
it('throws on ' + f.exception, () => {
assert.throws(() => {
}, new RegExp(f.exception))
describe('toBuffer/toHex', () => {
fixtures.valid.forEach(f => {
let block
beforeEach(() => {
block = Block.fromHex(f.hex)
it('exports ' + f.description, () => {
assert.strictEqual(block.toHex(true), f.hex.slice(0, 160))
assert.strictEqual(block.toHex(), f.hex)
describe('getHash/getId', () => {
fixtures.valid.forEach(f => {
let block
beforeEach(() => {
block = Block.fromHex(f.hex)
it('returns ' + + ' for ' + f.description, () => {
assert.strictEqual(block.getHash().toString('hex'), f.hash)
describe('getUTCDate', () => {
fixtures.valid.forEach(f => {
let block
beforeEach(() => {
block = Block.fromHex(f.hex)
it('returns UTC date of ' +, () => {
const utcDate = block.getUTCDate().getTime()
assert.strictEqual(utcDate, f.timestamp * 1e3)
describe('calculateMerkleRoot', () => {
it('should throw on zero-length transaction array', () => {
assert.throws(() => {
}, /Cannot compute merkle root for zero transactions/)
fixtures.valid.forEach(f => {
if (f.hex.length === 160) return
let block
beforeEach(() => {
block = Block.fromHex(f.hex)
it('returns ' + f.merkleRoot + ' for ' +, () => {
assert.strictEqual(Block.calculateMerkleRoot(block.transactions).toString('hex'), f.merkleRoot)
if (f.witnessCommit) {
it('returns witness commit ' + f.witnessCommit + ' for ' +, () => {
assert.strictEqual(Block.calculateMerkleRoot(block.transactions, true).toString('hex'), f.witnessCommit)
describe('checkTxRoots', () => {
fixtures.valid.forEach(f => {
if (f.hex.length === 160) return
let block
beforeEach(() => {
block = Block.fromHex(f.hex)
it('returns ' + f.valid + ' for ' +, () => {
assert.strictEqual(block.checkTxRoots(), true)
describe('checkProofOfWork', () => {
fixtures.valid.forEach(f => {
let block
beforeEach(() => {
block = Block.fromHex(f.hex)
it('returns ' + f.valid + ' for ' +, () => {
assert.strictEqual(block.checkProofOfWork(), f.valid)