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var T = require('../src/transaction')
var Transaction = T.Transaction
var TransactionOut = T.TransactionOut
var convert = require('../src/convert')
var ECKey = require('../src/eckey').ECKey
var Script = require('../src/script')
var assert = require('assert')
var fixtureTxes = require('./fixtures/mainnet_tx')
var fixtureTx1Hex = fixtureTxes.prevTx
var fixtureTx2Hex = fixtureTxes.tx
var fixtureTxBigHex = fixtureTxes.bigTx
describe('Transaction', function() {
describe('deserialize', function() {
var tx, serializedTx
beforeEach(function() {
serializedTx = [
tx = Transaction.deserialize(serializedTx)
it('returns the original after serialized again', function() {
var actual = tx.serialize()
var expected = convert.hexToBytes(serializedTx)
assert.deepEqual(actual, expected)
it('decodes version correctly', function(){
assert.equal(tx.version, 1)
it('decodes locktime correctly', function(){
assert.equal(tx.locktime, 0)
it('decodes inputs correctly', function(){
assert.equal(tx.ins.length, 1)
var input = tx.ins[0]
assert.deepEqual(input.sequence, [255, 255, 255, 255])
assert.equal(input.outpoint.index, 0)
assert.equal(input.outpoint.hash, "69d02fc05c4e0ddc87e796eee42693c244a3112fffe1f762c3fb61ffcb304634")
it('decodes outputs correctly', function(){
assert.equal(tx.outs.length, 1)
var output = tx.outs[0]
assert.equal(output.value, 5000000000)
assert.equal(convert.bytesToHex(output.script.toScriptHash()), "dd40dedd8f7e37466624c4dacc6362d8e7be23dd")
// assert.equal(output.address.toString(), "n1gqLjZbRH1biT5o4qiVMiNig8wcCPQeB9")
// TODO: address is wrong because it's a testnet transaction. Transaction needs to support testnet
it('assigns hash to deserialized object', function(){
var hashHex = "a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c"
assert.deepEqual(tx.hash, convert.hexToBytes(hashHex))
describe('creating a transaction', function() {
var tx, prevTx
beforeEach(function() {
prevTx = Transaction.deserialize(fixtureTx1Hex)
tx = new Transaction()
describe('addInput', function(){
it('allows a Transaction object to be passed in', function(){
tx.addInput(prevTx, 0)
it('allows a Transaction hash to be passed in', function(){
tx.addInput("0cb859105100ebc3344f749c835c7af7d7103ec0d8cbc3d8ccbd5d28c3c36b57", 0)
it('allows a TransactionIn object to be passed in', function(){
var txCopy = tx.clone()
txCopy.addInput(prevTx, 0)
var transactionIn = txCopy.ins[0]
it('allows a string in the form of txhash:index to be passed in', function(){
function verifyTransactionIn(){
assert.equal(tx.ins.length, 1)
var input = tx.ins[0]
assert.deepEqual(input.sequence, [255, 255, 255, 255])
assert.equal(input.outpoint.index, 0)
assert.equal(input.outpoint.hash, "0cb859105100ebc3344f749c835c7af7d7103ec0d8cbc3d8ccbd5d28c3c36b57")
assert.deepEqual(input.script.buffer, [])
describe('addOutput', function(){
it('allows an address and a value to be passed in', function(){
tx.addOutput("15mMHKL96tWAUtqF3tbVf99Z8arcmnJrr3", 40000)
it('allows a string in the form of address:index to be passed in', function(){
it('allows a TransactionOut object to be passed in', function(){
var txCopy = tx.clone()
var transactionOut = txCopy.outs[0]
function verifyTransactionOut(){
assert.equal(tx.outs.length, 1)
var output = tx.outs[0]
assert.equal(output.value, 40000)
assert.deepEqual(convert.bytesToHex(output.script.buffer), "76a9143443bc45c560866cfeabf1d52f50a6ed358c69f288ac")
describe('sign', function(){
it('works', function(){
var key = new ECKey('L44f7zxJ5Zw4EK9HZtyAnzCYz2vcZ5wiJf9AuwhJakiV4xVkxBeb')
tx.sign(0, key)
var pub = key.getPub().export('bytes')
var script = prevTx.outs[0].script.buffer
var sig = tx.ins[0].script.chunks[0]
assert.equal(tx.validateSig(0, script, sig, pub), true)
describe('validateSig', function(){
var validTx
beforeEach(function() {
validTx = Transaction.deserialize(fixtureTx2Hex)
it('returns true for valid signature', function(){
var key = new ECKey('L44f7zxJ5Zw4EK9HZtyAnzCYz2vcZ5wiJf9AuwhJakiV4xVkxBeb')
var pub = key.getPub().export('bytes')
var script = prevTx.outs[0].script.buffer
var sig = validTx.ins[0].script.chunks[0]
assert.equal(validTx.validateSig(0, script, sig, pub), true)
describe('estimateFee', function(){
it('works for fixture tx 1', function(){
var tx = Transaction.deserialize(fixtureTx1Hex)
assert.equal(tx.estimateFee(), 20000)
it('works for fixture big tx', function(){
var tx = Transaction.deserialize(fixtureTxBigHex)
assert.equal(tx.estimateFee(), 60000)
it('allow feePerKb to be passed in as an argument', function(){
var tx = Transaction.deserialize(fixtureTx2Hex)
assert.equal(tx.estimateFee(10000), 10000)
describe('TransactionOut', function() {
describe('scriptPubKey', function() {
it('returns hex string', function() {
var txOut = new TransactionOut({
value: 50000,
script: Script.createOutputScript("1AZpKpcfCzKDUeTFBQUL4MokQai3m3HMXv")
assert.equal(txOut.scriptPubKey(), "76a91468edf28474ee22f68dfe7e56e76c017c1701b84f88ac")