You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
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/// <reference types="node" />
import { Psbt as PsbtBase } from 'bip174';
import { NonWitnessUtxo, TransactionInput, TransactionOutput } from 'bip174/src/lib/interfaces';
import { Signer, SignerAsync } from './ecpair';
import { Network } from './networks';
import { Transaction } from './transaction';
export declare class Psbt extends PsbtBase {
static fromTransaction<T extends typeof PsbtBase>(this: T, txBuf: Buffer): InstanceType<T>;
static fromBuffer<T extends typeof PsbtBase>(this: T, buffer: Buffer): InstanceType<T>;
private __CACHE;
private opts;
constructor(opts?: PsbtOptsOptional);
readonly inputCount: number;
setMaximumFeeRate(satoshiPerByte: number): void;
setVersion(version: number): this;
setLocktime(locktime: number): this;
setSequence(inputIndex: number, sequence: number): this;
addInput(inputData: TransactionInput): this;
addOutput(outputData: TransactionOutput): this;
addNonWitnessUtxoToInput(inputIndex: number, nonWitnessUtxo: NonWitnessUtxo): this;
extractTransaction(disableFeeCheck?: boolean): Transaction;
getFeeRate(): number;
finalizeAllInputs(): {
result: boolean;
inputResults: boolean[];
finalizeInput(inputIndex: number): boolean;
validateSignatures(inputIndex: number, pubkey?: Buffer): boolean;
sign(keyPair: Signer): this;
signAsync(keyPair: SignerAsync): Promise<void>;
signInput(inputIndex: number, keyPair: Signer): this;
signInputAsync(inputIndex: number, keyPair: SignerAsync): Promise<void>;
interface PsbtOptsOptional {
network?: Network;
maximumFeeRate?: number;
export {};