You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

74 lines
2.6 KiB

import { decompile } from './script';
import * as multisig from './templates/multisig';
import * as nullData from './templates/nulldata';
import * as pubKey from './templates/pubkey';
import * as pubKeyHash from './templates/pubkeyhash';
import * as scriptHash from './templates/scripthash';
import * as witnessPubKeyHash from './templates/witnesspubkeyhash';
import * as witnessScriptHash from './templates/witnessscripthash';
import * as witnessCommitment from './templates/witnesscommitment';
const types = {
P2MS: <string>'multisig',
NONSTANDARD: <string>'nonstandard',
NULLDATA: <string>'nulldata',
P2PK: <string>'pubkey',
P2PKH: <string>'pubkeyhash',
P2SH: <string>'scripthash',
P2WPKH: <string>'witnesspubkeyhash',
P2WSH: <string>'witnessscripthash',
WITNESS_COMMITMENT: <string>'witnesscommitment',
function classifyOutput(script: Buffer): string {
if (witnessPubKeyHash.output.check(script)) return types.P2WPKH;
if (witnessScriptHash.output.check(script)) return types.P2WSH;
if (pubKeyHash.output.check(script)) return types.P2PKH;
if (scriptHash.output.check(script)) return types.P2SH;
// XXX: optimization, below functions .decompile before use
const chunks = decompile(script);
if (!chunks) throw new TypeError('Invalid script');
if (multisig.output.check(chunks)) return types.P2MS;
if (pubKey.output.check(chunks)) return types.P2PK;
if (witnessCommitment.output.check(chunks)) return types.WITNESS_COMMITMENT;
if (nullData.output.check(chunks)) return types.NULLDATA;
return types.NONSTANDARD;
function classifyInput(script: Buffer, allowIncomplete: boolean): string {
// XXX: optimization, below functions .decompile before use
const chunks = decompile(script);
if (!chunks) throw new TypeError('Invalid script');
if (pubKeyHash.input.check(chunks)) return types.P2PKH;
if (scriptHash.input.check(chunks, allowIncomplete)) return types.P2SH;
if (multisig.input.check(chunks, allowIncomplete)) return types.P2MS;
if (pubKey.input.check(chunks)) return types.P2PK;
return types.NONSTANDARD;
function classifyWitness(
script: Array<Buffer>,
allowIncomplete: boolean,
): string {
// XXX: optimization, below functions .decompile before use
const chunks = decompile(script);
if (!chunks) throw new TypeError('Invalid script');
if (witnessPubKeyHash.input.check(chunks)) return types.P2WPKH;
if (witnessScriptHash.input.check(<Array<Buffer>>chunks, allowIncomplete))
return types.P2WSH;
return types.NONSTANDARD;
export {
classifyInput as input,
classifyOutput as output,
classifyWitness as witness,