201 lines
6.7 KiB
201 lines
6.7 KiB
var assert = require('assert')
var crypto = require('../src/crypto')
var ecdsa = require('../src/ecdsa')
var message = require('../src/message')
var networks = require('../src/networks')
var sinon = require('sinon')
var BigInteger = require('bigi')
var ECSignature = require('../src/ecsignature')
var ecurve = require('ecurve')
var curve = ecurve.getCurveByName('secp256k1')
var fixtures = require('./fixtures/ecdsa.json')
describe('ecdsa', function() {
describe('deterministicGenerateK', function() {
function checkSig() { return true }
fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function(f) {
it('for \"' + f.message + '\"', function() {
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var h1 = crypto.sha256(f.message)
var k = ecdsa.deterministicGenerateK(curve, h1, d, checkSig)
assert.equal(k.toHex(), f.k)
// FIXME: remove in 2.0.0
fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function(f) {
it('(deprecated) for \"' + f.message + '\"', function() {
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var h1 = crypto.sha256(f.message)
var k = ecdsa.deterministicGenerateK(curve, h1, d) // default checkSig
assert.equal(k.toHex(), f.k)
it('loops until an appropriate k value is found', sinon.test(function() {
.onCall(0).returns(new BigInteger('0')) // < 1
.onCall(1).returns(curve.n) // > n-1
.onCall(2).returns(new BigInteger('42')) // valid
var d = new BigInteger('1')
var h1 = new Buffer(32)
var k = ecdsa.deterministicGenerateK(curve, h1, d, checkSig)
assert.equal(k.toString(), '42')
it('loops until a suitable signature is found', sinon.test(function() {
.onCall(0).returns(new BigInteger('0')) // < 1
.onCall(1).returns(curve.n) // > n-1
.onCall(2).returns(new BigInteger('42')) // valid, but 'bad' signature
.onCall(3).returns(new BigInteger('53')) // valid, good signature
var checkSig = this.mock()
checkSig.onCall(0).returns(false) // bad signature
checkSig.onCall(1).returns(true) // good signature
var d = new BigInteger('1')
var h1 = new Buffer(32)
var k = ecdsa.deterministicGenerateK(curve, h1, d, checkSig)
assert.equal(k.toString(), '53')
fixtures.valid.rfc6979.forEach(function(f) {
it('produces the expected k values for ' + f.message + ' if k wasn\'t suitable', function() {
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var h1 = crypto.sha256(f.message)
var results = []
ecdsa.deterministicGenerateK(curve, h1, d, function(k) {
return results.length === 16
assert.equal(results[0].toHex(), f.k0)
assert.equal(results[1].toHex(), f.k1)
assert.equal(results[15].toHex(), f.k15)
describe('recoverPubKey', function() {
fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function(f) {
it('recovers the pubKey for ' + f.d, function() {
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var Q = curve.G.multiply(d)
var signature = {
r: new BigInteger(f.signature.r),
s: new BigInteger(f.signature.s)
var h1 = crypto.sha256(f.message)
var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(h1)
var Qprime = ecdsa.recoverPubKey(curve, e, signature, f.i)
describe('with i ∈ {0,1,2,3}', function() {
var hash = message.magicHash('1111', networks.bitcoin)
var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(hash)
var signatureBuffer = new Buffer('INcvXVVEFyIfHLbDX+xoxlKFn3Wzj9g0UbhObXdMq+YMKC252o5RHFr0/cKdQe1WsBLUBi4morhgZ77obDJVuV0=', 'base64')
var signature = ECSignature.parseCompact(signatureBuffer).signature
var points = [
points.forEach(function(expectedHex, i) {
it('recovers an expected point for i of ' + i, function() {
var Qprime = ecdsa.recoverPubKey(curve, e, signature, i)
var QprimeHex = Qprime.getEncoded().toString('hex')
assert.equal(QprimeHex, expectedHex)
fixtures.invalid.recoverPubKey.forEach(function(f) {
it('throws on ' + f.description, function() {
var e = BigInteger.fromHex(f.e)
var signature = new ECSignature(new BigInteger(f.signature.r), new BigInteger(f.signature.s))
assert.throws(function() {
ecdsa.recoverPubKey(curve, e, signature, f.i)
}, new RegExp(f.exception))
describe('sign', function() {
fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function(f) {
it('produces a deterministic signature for \"' + f.message + '\"', function() {
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var hash = crypto.sha256(f.message)
var signature = ecdsa.sign(curve, hash, d)
assert.equal(signature.r.toString(), f.signature.r)
assert.equal(signature.s.toString(), f.signature.s)
it('should sign with low S value', function() {
var hash = crypto.sha256('Vires in numeris')
var sig = ecdsa.sign(curve, hash, BigInteger.ONE)
// See BIP62 for more information
var N_OVER_TWO = curve.n.shiftRight(1)
assert(sig.s.compareTo(N_OVER_TWO) <= 0)
describe('verify/verifyRaw', function() {
fixtures.valid.ecdsa.forEach(function(f) {
it('verifies a valid signature for \"' + f.message + '\"', function() {
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var H = crypto.sha256(f.message)
var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(H)
var signature = new ECSignature(
new BigInteger(f.signature.r),
new BigInteger(f.signature.s)
var Q = curve.G.multiply(d)
assert(ecdsa.verify(curve, H, signature, Q))
assert(ecdsa.verifyRaw(curve, e, signature, Q))
fixtures.invalid.verifyRaw.forEach(function(f) {
it('fails to verify with ' + f.description, function() {
var H = crypto.sha256(f.message)
var e = BigInteger.fromBuffer(H)
var d = BigInteger.fromHex(f.d)
var signature = new ECSignature(
new BigInteger(f.signature.r),
new BigInteger(f.signature.s)
var Q = curve.G.multiply(d)
assert.equal(ecdsa.verify(curve, H, signature, Q), false)
assert.equal(ecdsa.verifyRaw(curve, e, signature, Q), false)