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  • Added address.fromBech32/toBech32 (#846)



  • Added Transaction.prototype.virtualSize (#811)
  • Added Transaction.prototype.weight (#811)


From this release users can expect out-of-the-box Segregated Witness support. The majority of breaking changes have been in how script encoding/decoding occurs, with the introduction of witness stacks.


  • Added script.types enums (#679)
  • Added script.*.*.{check,encode,decode[,encodeStack,decodeStack]} functions (#681, #682)
  • Added minimal absurd fee-safety (#696)
  • Added script.(decompile/compile)PushOnly and script.toStack functions (#700)
  • Added Transaction.prototype.toBuffer Segregated Witness serialization support (#684, #701)
  • Added Transaction.prototype.hasWitnesses (#718)
  • Added script.witnessCommitment.* template
  • Added TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign now has two additional parameters, witnessValue, and witnessScript
  • Added Transaction.hashForWitnessV0 and Transaction.setWitness (5c2fdb6043)


  • Fixed script must compile minimally (#638)
  • Fixed Transaction and Block versions should be Int32, signed integers (#662)


  • Removed ecdsa.calcPubKeyRecoveryParam, ecdsa.recoverPubKey (#456)
  • Removed buffer-equals/buffer-compare dependencies (#650)
  • Removed HDNode.prototype.toString (#665)
  • Removed dogecoin network (#675)
  • Removed message export, moved to bitcoinjs-message (#456)


  • Removed script.* functions in favour of bitcoin.script.*.(input/output).(encode/decode/check) style (#682)



  • Added HDNode.prototype.isNeutered (#536)
  • Added HDNode.prototype.derivePath (#538)
  • Added typeforce checking for HDNode.prototype.derive* (#539)
  • Added Transaction.prototype.isCoinbase (#578)
  • Added Block.prototype.checkMerkleRoot (#580)
  • Added Block.calculateMerkleRoot (#580)
  • Added TransactionBuilder.prototype.setVersion (#599)
  • Added script.isWitnessPubKeyHashOutput (#602)
  • Added script.isWitnessScriptHashOutput (#602)
  • Added script.witnessPubKeyHashOutput (#602)
  • Added script.witnessScriptHashOutput (#602)
  • Added script.witnessScriptHashInput (#602)


  • Fixed "BIP32 is undefined" when network list given to HDNode but no compatible version found (#550)
  • Fixed writePushDataInt output to adhere to minimal data push policy (#617)



  • Added Block.calculateTarget for difficulty calculations (#509)
  • Added Block.prototype.checkProofOfWork (#509)
  • Added opcodes.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY alias for OP_NOP2 (#511)
  • Added script.number.[encode/decode] for CScriptNum-encoded Buffers (#516)
  • Added TransactionBuilder.prototype.setLockTime (#507)


  • Bumped typeforce version to fix erroneous error message from types.Hash*bit types (#534)



  • script.isPubKeyHashOutput and script.isScriptHashOutput no longer allow for non-minimal data pushes (per bitcoin/bitcoin IsStandard policy) (#499)
  • TransactionBuilder.addOutput now allows for SIGHASH_SINGLE, throwing if the contract is violated (#504)
  • remove use of const, use ES5 only (#502)



  • Bumped typeforce to 1.5.5 (see #493)



  • Add missing CHANGELOG entry for 2.1.1



  • removed use of buffer-reverse, dependency only kept for bufferutils.reverse, to be deprecated (#478)


  • isMultisigOutput no longer allows data chunks for m/n (#482)
  • isMultisigOutput's n value must now match the number of public keys (as per bitcoin/bitcoin) (#484)


From this release users should use the HDNode directly (compared to accessing .keyPair) when performing ECDSA operations such as sign or verify. Ideally you shoud not have to directly access HDNode internals for general usage, as it can often be confusing and error prone.


  • ECPair.prototype.getNetwork
  • HDNode.prototype.getNetwork, wraps the underyling keyPair's getNetwork method
  • HDNode.prototype.getPublicKeyBuffer, wraps the underyling keyPair's getPublicKeyBuffer method
  • HDNode.prototype.sign, wraps the underlying keyPair's sign method
  • HDNode.prototype.verify, wraps the underlying keyPair's verify method


In this release we have strived to simplify the API, using native types wherevever possible to encourage cross-compatibility with other open source community modules.

The ecdsa module has been removed in lieu of using a new ECDSA module (for performance and safety reasons) during the 2.x.y major release. Several other cumbersome modules have been removed, with their new independent modules recommended for usage instead for greater modularity in your projects.

Backward incompatible changes:


  • export address, for address based utility functions, most compatible, just without Address instantiation, see #401, #444
  • export script, for script based utility functions, mostly compatible, just without Script instantiation, see #438, #444
  • export ECPair, a merged replacement for ECKey/ECPubKey, invalid types will throw via typeforce


  • address.toOutputScript, ECPair.prototype.fromWIF and HDNode.prototype.fromBase58 no longer automatically detect the network, networks.bitcoin is always assumed unless given.

  • assert was used for type checking, now replaced by typeforce

  • BIP66 compliant strict DER signature validation was added to ECSignature.fromDER, changing the exact exception messages slightly, see #448.

  • new HDNode(d/Q, chainCode, network) -> new HDNode(keyPair, chainCode), now uses ECPair

  • HDNode.prototype.toBase58(false) -> HDNode.prototype.neutered().toBase58() for exporting an extended public key

  • HDNode.prototype.toBase58(true) -> HDNode.prototype.toBase58() for exporting an extended private key

  • Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature(prevOutScript, inIndex, hashType) -> Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature(inIndex, prevOutScript, hashType)

  • Transaction.prototype.addInput(hash, ...): hash could be a string, Transaction or Buffer -> hash can now only be a Buffer.

  • Transaction.prototype.addOutput(scriptPubKey, ...): scriptPubKey could be a string, Address or a Buffer -> scriptPubKey can now only be a Buffer.

  • TransactionBuilder API unchanged.


  • export Address, strings are now used, benchwith no performance loss for most use cases

  • export base58check, use bs58check instead

  • export ecdsa, use ecurve instead

  • export ECKey, use new export ECPair instead

  • export ECPubKey, use new export ECPair instead

  • export Wallet, see instead

  • export Script, use new utility export script instead (#438 for more information)

  • crypto.HmacSHA256 , use node crypto instead

  • crypto.HmacSHA512 , use node crypto instead

  • Transaction.prototype.sign, use TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign

  • Transaction.prototype.signInput, use TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign

  • Transaction.prototype.validateInput, use Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature and ECPair.verify

  • HDNode.fromBuffer, use HDNode.fromBase58 instead

  • HDNode.fromHex, use HDNode.fromBase58 instead

  • HDNode.toBuffer, use HDNode.prototype.toBase58 instead

  • HDNode.toHex, use HDNode.prototype.toBase58 instead

  • networks.*.magic, see the comment here

  • networks.[viacoin|viacointestnet|gamerscoin|jumbucks|zetacoin], import these yourself (see #383/a0e6ee7)

  • networks.*.estimateFee, out-dated


  • Message -> message
  • scripts -> script
  • scripts.dataOutput -> script.nullDataOutput (per convention)