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216 lines
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216 lines
5.4 KiB
import { Stack } from './payments';
import * as scriptNumber from './script_number';
import * as scriptSignature from './script_signature';
import * as types from './types';
const bip66 = require('bip66');
const ecc = require('tiny-secp256k1');
const pushdata = require('pushdata-bitcoin');
const typeforce = require('typeforce');
export type OpCode = number;
export const OPS = require('bitcoin-ops') as { [index: string]: OpCode };
const REVERSE_OPS = require('bitcoin-ops/map') as { [index: number]: string };
const OP_INT_BASE = OPS.OP_RESERVED; // OP_1 - 1
function isOPInt(value: number): boolean {
return (
types.Number(value) &&
(value === OPS.OP_0 ||
(value >= OPS.OP_1 && value <= OPS.OP_16) ||
value === OPS.OP_1NEGATE)
function isPushOnlyChunk(value: number | Buffer): boolean {
return types.Buffer(value) || isOPInt(value as number);
export function isPushOnly(value: Stack) {
return types.Array(value) && value.every(isPushOnlyChunk);
function asMinimalOP(buffer: Buffer): number | void {
if (buffer.length === 0) return OPS.OP_0;
if (buffer.length !== 1) return;
if (buffer[0] >= 1 && buffer[0] <= 16) return OP_INT_BASE + buffer[0];
if (buffer[0] === 0x81) return OPS.OP_1NEGATE;
function chunksIsBuffer(buf: Buffer | Stack): buf is Buffer {
return Buffer.isBuffer(buf);
function chunksIsArray(buf: Buffer | Stack): buf is Stack {
return types.Array(buf);
function singleChunkIsBuffer(buf: number | Buffer): buf is Buffer {
return Buffer.isBuffer(buf);
export function compile(chunks: Buffer | Stack): Buffer {
// TODO: remove me
if (chunksIsBuffer(chunks)) return chunks;
typeforce(types.Array, chunks);
const bufferSize = chunks.reduce((accum: number, chunk) => {
// data chunk
if (singleChunkIsBuffer(chunk)) {
// adhere to BIP62.3, minimal push policy
if (chunk.length === 1 && asMinimalOP(chunk) !== undefined) {
return accum + 1;
return accum + pushdata.encodingLength(chunk.length) + chunk.length;
// opcode
return accum + 1;
}, 0.0);
const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(bufferSize);
let offset = 0;
chunks.forEach(chunk => {
// data chunk
if (singleChunkIsBuffer(chunk)) {
// adhere to BIP62.3, minimal push policy
const opcode = asMinimalOP(chunk);
if (opcode !== undefined) {
buffer.writeUInt8(opcode, offset);
offset += 1;
offset += pushdata.encode(buffer, chunk.length, offset);
chunk.copy(buffer, offset);
offset += chunk.length;
// opcode
} else {
buffer.writeUInt8(chunk, offset);
offset += 1;
if (offset !== buffer.length) throw new Error('Could not decode chunks');
return buffer;
export function decompile(
buffer: Buffer | Array<number | Buffer>,
): Array<number | Buffer> | null {
// TODO: remove me
if (chunksIsArray(buffer)) return buffer;
typeforce(types.Buffer, buffer);
const chunks: Array<number | Buffer> = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < buffer.length) {
const opcode = buffer[i];
// data chunk
if (opcode > OPS.OP_0 && opcode <= OPS.OP_PUSHDATA4) {
const d = pushdata.decode(buffer, i);
// did reading a pushDataInt fail?
if (d === null) return null;
i += d.size;
// attempt to read too much data?
if (i + d.number > buffer.length) return null;
const data = buffer.slice(i, i + d.number);
i += d.number;
// decompile minimally
const op = asMinimalOP(data);
if (op !== undefined) {
} else {
// opcode
} else {
i += 1;
return chunks;
export function toASM(chunks: Buffer | Array<number | Buffer>): string {
if (chunksIsBuffer(chunks)) {
chunks = decompile(chunks) as Stack;
return chunks
.map(chunk => {
// data?
if (singleChunkIsBuffer(chunk)) {
const op = asMinimalOP(chunk);
if (op === undefined) return chunk.toString('hex');
chunk = op as number;
// opcode!
return REVERSE_OPS[chunk];
.join(' ');
export function fromASM(asm: string): Buffer {
typeforce(types.String, asm);
return compile(
asm.split(' ').map(chunkStr => {
// opcode?
if (OPS[chunkStr] !== undefined) return OPS[chunkStr];
typeforce(types.Hex, chunkStr);
// data!
return Buffer.from(chunkStr, 'hex');
export function toStack(chunks: Buffer | Array<number | Buffer>): Buffer[] {
chunks = decompile(chunks) as Stack;
typeforce(isPushOnly, chunks);
return => {
if (singleChunkIsBuffer(op)) return op;
if (op === OPS.OP_0) return Buffer.allocUnsafe(0);
return scriptNumber.encode(op - OP_INT_BASE);
export function isCanonicalPubKey(buffer: Buffer): boolean {
return ecc.isPoint(buffer);
export function isDefinedHashType(hashType: number): boolean {
const hashTypeMod = hashType & ~0x80;
// return hashTypeMod > SIGHASH_ALL && hashTypeMod < SIGHASH_SINGLE
return hashTypeMod > 0x00 && hashTypeMod < 0x04;
export function isCanonicalScriptSignature(buffer: Buffer): boolean {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) return false;
if (!isDefinedHashType(buffer[buffer.length - 1])) return false;
return bip66.check(buffer.slice(0, -1));
// tslint:disable-next-line variable-name
export const number = scriptNumber;
export const signature = scriptSignature;