'use strict' ;
var _ = require ( 'lodash' ) ;
var async = require ( 'async' ) ;
var chai = require ( 'chai' ) ;
var sinon = require ( 'sinon' ) ;
var should = chai . should ( ) ;
var levelup = require ( 'levelup' ) ;
var memdown = require ( 'memdown' ) ;
var Bitcore = require ( 'bitcore' ) ;
var Utils = require ( '../lib/utils' ) ;
var SignUtils = require ( '../lib/signutils' ) ;
var Storage = require ( '../lib/storage' ) ;
var Wallet = require ( '../lib/model/wallet' ) ;
var Address = require ( '../lib/model/address' ) ;
var Copayer = require ( '../lib/model/copayer' ) ;
var CopayServer = require ( '../lib/server' ) ;
var keyPair = {
priv : '0dea92f1df6675085b5cdd965487bb862f84f2755bcb56fa45dbf5b387a6c4a0' ,
pub : '026092daeed8ecb2212869395770e956ffc9bf453f803e700f64ffa70c97a00d80' ,
} ;
var aPubKey = '042F65F56A6C06C2B651C473AC221B2460DA57859AFB72564E9781B655EBC0AFAF322B9A732324ECC92A3319DFB1F0D53F0CB7E6620C98BD1EF53106A7CF3F6DB9' ;
var aXPubKey = 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFHFFvUP6HaKdd2FYzNcZCGagxMzQEf1J3x2DeASBW2JWox7ToGwPM7V2yRzQAxcD6MdPid9C8kwhKkVWBxQ3dMo8zu3pub7' ;
var aXPubKeySignature = '3045022100f988737147894bbfdc196c1289e4d970b391c0d8e9d1fcc0397f16e6a31c9df2022014d9af9aceccb540f4a5a2680e2aebb1f3df55bcf3778599b78314a02064c592' ; // with keyPair.priv
// Copayers
var someXPrivKey = [
'xprv9s21ZrQH143K2rMHbXTJmWTuFx6ssqn1vyRoZqPkCXYchBSkp5ey8kMJe84sxfXq5uChWH4gk94rWbXZt2opN9kg4ufKGvUM7HQSLjnoh7e' ,
] ;
var someXPubKeys = [
'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFLRkhYzK8eQdoywNHJVsJCMQNDoMks5bZymuMcyDgYfnVQYq2Q9npnVmdTAthYGc3N3uxm5sEdnTpSqBc4YYTAhNnoSxCm9' ,
'xpub661MyMwAqRbcEzHgVwwxoXksq21rRNsJsn7AFy4VD4PzsEmjjWwsyEiTjsdQviXbqZ5yHVWJR8zFUDgUKkq4R97su3UyNo36Z8hSaCPrv6o' ,
'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFXUfkjfSaRwxJbAPpzNUvTiNFjgZwDJ8sZuhyodkP24L4LvsrgThYAAwKkVVSSmL7Ts7o9EHEHPB3EE89roAra7njoSeiMd' ,
'xpub661MyMwAqRbcGpExxHEzAWxBQX3k76NyerSpjqucSXXfTqH6Wq9sUVRwTjpHZHwapDbG16KEB9w9r3LT2jKYqU9xJf1YBAaZFikbUHiV1tg' ,
'xpub661MyMwAqRbcEvKQnt9ELHHcangXssm174sWr5gNTSmQYsAtvQJNUpLETDTm1vDxwtABvB4SRjGkNMm37NnMerKg4e3ygqmWEr75Fka4dK7' ,
'xpub661MyMwAqRbcG67ioS7rz3fFg7EDQNLJ9m1etAPwBecZhL5kKAKe4JU5jCTzRcEWp28XCYA1gKh7jyficSr97gcR2pjDL5jbWua1CwTKWV4' ,
] ;
// with keyPair.priv
var someXPubKeysSignatures = [
'30440220192ae7345d980f45f908bd63ccad60ce04270d07b91f1a9d92424a07a38af85202201591f0f71dd4e79d9206d2306862e6b8375e13a62c193953d768e884b6fb5a46' ,
'30440220134d13139323ba16ff26471c415035679ee18b2281bf85550ccdf6a370899153022066ef56ff97091b9be7dede8e40f50a3a8aad8205f2e3d8e194f39c20f3d15c62' ,
'304402207a4e7067d823a98fa634f9c9d991b8c42cd0f82da24f686992acf96cdeb5e387022021ceba729bf763fc8e4277f6851fc2b856a82a22b35f20d2eeb23d99c5f5a41c' ,
'304402203ae5bf7fa8935b8ab2ac33724dbb191356cecb47c8371d2c9389e918a3600918022073b48705306730c8fe4ab22d5f6ed3ca3def27eb6e8c5cc8f53e23c11fa5e5ef' ,
'3045022100eabd2a605403b377a8db9eec57726da0309a7eb385e7e4e5273b9862046f25ef02204d18755a90580a98f45e162ae5d5dc39aa3aa708a0d79433ed259e70a832b49c' ,
'3045022100c282254773c65025054e18a61ee550cbf78b88fc72ef66770050815b62502d9c02206e0df528203c9201c144f865df71f5d2471668f4ed8387979fcee20f6fa121a9' ,
] ;
//Copayer signature
var aText = 'hello world' ;
var aTextSignature = '3045022100addd20e5413865d65d561ad2979f2289a40d52594b1f804840babd9a63e4ebbf02204b86285e1fcab02df772e7a1325fc4b511ecad79a8f80a2bd1ad8bfa858ac3d4' ; // with someXPrivKey[0].derive('m/1/0')=5c0e043a513032907d181325a8e7990b076c0af15ed13dc5e611cda9bb3ae52a;
var helpers = { } ;
helpers . getAuthServer = function ( copayerId , cb ) {
var signatureStub = sinon . stub ( CopayServer . prototype , '_verifySignature' ) ;
signatureStub . returns ( true ) ;
CopayServer . getInstanceWithAuth ( {
copayerId : copayerId ,
message : 'dummy' ,
signature : 'dummy' ,
} , function ( err , server ) {
if ( err || ! server ) throw new Error ( 'Could not login as copayerId ' + copayerId ) ;
signatureStub . restore ( ) ;
return cb ( server ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
helpers . createAndJoinWallet = function ( m , n , cb ) {
var server = new CopayServer ( ) ;
var copayerIds = [ ] ;
var walletOpts = {
name : 'a wallet' ,
m : m ,
n : n ,
pubKey : keyPair . pub ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , walletId ) {
if ( err ) return cb ( err ) ;
async . each ( _ . range ( 1 , n + 1 ) , function ( i , cb ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'copayer ' + i ,
xPubKey : someXPubKeys [ i - 1 ] ,
xPubKeySignature : someXPubKeysSignatures [ i - 1 ] ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , copayerId ) {
copayerIds . push ( copayerId ) ;
return cb ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) return new Error ( 'Could not generate wallet' ) ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayerIds [ 0 ] , function ( s ) {
s . getWallet ( { } , function ( err , w ) {
cb ( s , w ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
helpers . randomTXID = function ( ) {
return Bitcore . crypto . Hash . sha256 ( new Buffer ( Math . random ( ) * 100000 ) ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ; ;
} ;
helpers . toSatoshi = function ( btc ) {
if ( _ . isArray ( btc ) ) {
return _ . map ( btc , helpers . toSatoshi ) ;
} else {
return Utils . strip ( btc * 1e8 ) ;
} ;
// Amounts in satoshis
helpers . createUtxos = function ( server , wallet , amounts , cb ) {
var addresses = [ ] ;
async . each ( amounts , function ( a , next ) {
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
addresses . push ( address ) ;
next ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( err ) {
amounts = [ ] . concat ( amounts ) ;
var i = 0 ;
var utxos = _ . map ( amounts , function ( amount ) {
return {
txid : helpers . randomTXID ( ) ,
vout : Math . floor ( ( Math . random ( ) * 10 ) + 1 ) ,
satoshis : amount ,
scriptPubKey : addresses [ i ] . getScriptPubKey ( wallet . m ) . toBuffer ( ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ,
address : addresses [ i ++ ] . address ,
} ;
} ) ;
return cb ( utxos ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
helpers . stubBlockExplorer = function ( server , utxos , txid ) {
var bc = sinon . stub ( ) ;
bc . getUnspentUtxos = sinon . stub ( ) . callsArgWith ( 1 , null , utxos ) ;
if ( txid ) {
bc . broadcast = sinon . stub ( ) . callsArgWith ( 1 , null , txid ) ;
} else {
bc . broadcast = sinon . stub ( ) . callsArgWith ( 1 , 'broadcast error' ) ;
server . _ getBlockExplorer = sinon . stub ( ) . returns ( bc ) ;
} ;
helpers . clientSign = function ( tx , xpriv , n ) {
//Derive proper key to sign, for each input
var privs = [ ] ,
derived = { } ;
var xpriv = new Bitcore . HDPrivateKey ( someXPrivKey [ 0 ] ) ;
_ . each ( tx . inputs , function ( i ) {
if ( ! derived [ i . path ] ) {
derived [ i . path ] = xpriv . derive ( i . path ) . privateKey ;
privs . push ( derived [ i . path ] ) ;
} ) ;
var t = new Bitcore . Transaction ( ) ;
_ . each ( tx . inputs , function ( i ) {
t . from ( i , i . publicKeys , n ) ;
} ) ;
t . to ( tx . toAddress , tx . amount )
. change ( tx . changeAddress )
. sign ( privs ) ;
var signatures = [ ] ;
_ . each ( privs , function ( p ) {
var s = t . getSignatures ( p ) [ 0 ] . signature . toDER ( ) . toString ( 'hex' ) ;
signatures . push ( s ) ;
} ) ;
return signatures ;
} ;
var db , storage ;
describe ( 'Copay server' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( function ( ) {
db = levelup ( memdown , {
valueEncoding : 'json'
} ) ;
storage = new Storage ( {
db : db
} ) ;
CopayServer . initialize ( {
storage : storage
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe . skip ( '#getInstanceWithAuth' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( function ( ) { } ) ;
it ( 'should get server instance for existing copayer' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it ( 'should fail when requesting for non-existent copayer' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it ( 'should fail when message signature cannot be verified' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#createWallet' , function ( ) {
var server ;
beforeEach ( function ( ) {
server = new CopayServer ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create and store wallet' , function ( done ) {
var opts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : aPubKey ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( opts , function ( err , walletId ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
server . storage . fetchWallet ( walletId , function ( err , wallet ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
wallet . id . should . equal ( walletId ) ;
wallet . name . should . equal ( 'my wallet' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create wallet with no name' , function ( done ) {
var opts = {
name : '' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : aPubKey ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( opts , function ( err , walletId ) {
should . not . exist ( walletId ) ;
err . should . exist ;
err . message . should . contain ( 'name' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create wallet with invalid copayer pairs' , function ( done ) {
var invalidPairs = [ {
m : 0 ,
n : 0
} , {
m : 0 ,
n : 2
} , {
m : 2 ,
n : 1
} , {
m : 0 ,
n : 10
} , {
m : 1 ,
n : 20
} , {
m : 10 ,
n : 10
} , ] ;
var opts = {
id : '123' ,
name : 'my wallet' ,
pubKey : aPubKey ,
} ;
async . each ( invalidPairs , function ( pair , cb ) {
opts . m = pair . m ;
opts . n = pair . n ;
server . createWallet ( opts , function ( err ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'Invalid combination of required copayers / total copayers' ) ;
return cb ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#joinWallet' , function ( ) {
var server , walletId ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
server = new CopayServer ( ) ;
var walletOpts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : keyPair . pub ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , wId ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
should . exist . walletId ;
walletId = wId ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should join existing wallet' , function ( done ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : aXPubKey ,
xPubKeySignature : aXPubKeySignature ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , copayerId ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayerId , function ( server ) {
server . getWallet ( { } , function ( err , wallet ) {
wallet . id . should . equal ( walletId ) ;
wallet . copayers . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
var copayer = wallet . copayers [ 0 ] ;
copayer . name . should . equal ( 'me' ) ;
copayer . id . should . equal ( copayerId ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join with no name' , function ( done ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : '' ,
xPubKey : someXPubKeys [ 0 ] ,
xPubKeySignature : someXPubKeysSignatures [ 0 ] ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , copayerId ) {
should . not . exist ( copayerId ) ;
err . should . exist ;
err . message . should . contain ( 'name' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join non-existent wallet' , function ( done ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : '123' ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : 'dummy' ,
xPubKeySignature : 'dummy' ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join full wallet' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 1 , 1 , function ( s , wallet ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : wallet . id ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : someXPubKeys [ 1 ] ,
xPubKeySignature : someXPubKeysSignatures [ 1 ] ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
err . code . should . equal ( 'WFULL' ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'Wallet full' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to re-join wallet' , function ( done ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : someXPubKeys [ 0 ] ,
xPubKeySignature : someXPubKeysSignatures [ 0 ] ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
err . code . should . equal ( 'CINWALLET' ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'Copayer already in wallet' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join with bad formated signature' , function ( done ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : someXPubKeys [ 0 ] ,
xPubKeySignature : 'bad sign' ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) {
err . message . should . equal ( 'Bad request' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join with null signature' , function ( done ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : someXPubKeys [ 0 ] ,
} ;
try {
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) { } ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
e . should . contain ( 'xPubKeySignature' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join with wrong signature' , function ( done ) {
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : someXPubKeys [ 0 ] ,
xPubKeySignature : someXPubKeysSignatures [ 1 ] ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) {
err . message . should . equal ( 'Bad request' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should set pkr and status = complete on last copayer joining (2-3)' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 2 , 3 , function ( server ) {
server . getWallet ( { } , function ( err , wallet ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
wallet . status . should . equal ( 'complete' ) ;
wallet . publicKeyRing . length . should . equal ( 3 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#verifyMessageSignature' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 2 , 2 , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should successfully verify message signature' , function ( done ) {
var opts = {
message : aText ,
signature : aTextSignature ,
} ;
server . verifyMessageSignature ( opts , function ( err , isValid ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
isValid . should . equal ( true ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to verify message signature for different copayer' , function ( done ) {
var opts = {
message : aText ,
signature : aTextSignature ,
} ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( wallet . copayers [ 1 ] . id , function ( server ) {
server . verifyMessageSignature ( opts , function ( err , isValid ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
isValid . should . be . false ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#createAddress' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 2 , 2 , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create address' , function ( done ) {
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
address . should . exist ;
address . address . should . equal ( '36JdLEUDa6UwCfMhhkdZ2VFnDrGUoLedsR' ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/0' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create address when wallet is not complete' , function ( done ) {
var server = new CopayServer ( ) ;
var walletOpts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : keyPair . pub ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , walletId ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : aXPubKey ,
xPubKeySignature : aXPubKeySignature ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , copayerId ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayerId , function ( server ) {
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( address ) ;
err . should . exist ;
err . message . should . contain ( 'not complete' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create many addresses on simultaneous requests' , function ( done ) {
var N = 5 ;
async . map ( _ . range ( N ) , function ( i , cb ) {
server . createAddress ( { } , cb ) ;
} , function ( err , addresses ) {
addresses . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
_ . each ( _ . range ( N ) , function ( i ) {
addresses [ i ] . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/' + i ) ;
} ) ;
// No two identical addresses
_ . uniq ( _ . pluck ( addresses , 'address' ) ) . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not create address if unable to store wallet' , function ( done ) {
var storeWalletStub = sinon . stub ( server . storage , 'storeWallet' ) ;
storeWalletStub . yields ( 'dummy error' ) ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
err . should . exist ;
should . not . exist ( address ) ;
server . getAddresses ( { } , function ( err , addresses ) {
addresses . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
server . storage . storeWallet . restore ( ) ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
address . should . exist ;
address . address . should . equal ( '36JdLEUDa6UwCfMhhkdZ2VFnDrGUoLedsR' ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/0' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not create address if unable to store addresses' , function ( done ) {
var storeAddressStub = sinon . stub ( server . storage , 'storeAddress' ) ;
storeAddressStub . yields ( 'dummy error' ) ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
err . should . exist ;
should . not . exist ( address ) ;
server . getAddresses ( { } , function ( err , addresses ) {
addresses . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
server . storage . storeAddress . restore ( ) ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
address . should . exist ;
address . address . should . equal ( '36JdLEUDa6UwCfMhhkdZ2VFnDrGUoLedsR' ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/0' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#createTx' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 2 , 2 , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create a tx' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 100 , 200 ] ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 80 ) ,
message : 'some message' ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
tx . should . exist ;
tx . message . should . equal ( 'some message' ) ;
tx . isAccepted ( ) . should . equal . false ;
tx . isRejected ( ) . should . equal . false ;
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
server . getBalance ( { } , function ( err , balance ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
balance . totalAmount . should . equal ( helpers . toSatoshi ( 300 ) ) ;
balance . lockedAmount . should . equal ( helpers . toSatoshi ( 100 ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create tx when wallet is not complete' , function ( done ) {
var server = new CopayServer ( ) ;
var walletOpts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : keyPair . pub ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , walletId ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var copayerOpts = {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : aXPubKey ,
xPubKeySignature : aXPubKeySignature ,
} ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , copayerId ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayerId , function ( server , wallet ) {
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 80 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( tx ) ;
err . should . exist ;
err . message . should . contain ( 'not complete' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create tx for address invalid address' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 100 , 200 ] ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : 'invalid address' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 80 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( tx ) ;
err . should . exist ;
err . code . should . equal ( 'INVALIDADDRESS' ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'Invalid address' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create tx for address of different network' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 100 , 200 ] ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : 'myE38JHdxmQcTJGP1ZiX4BiGhDxMJDvLJD' , // testnet
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 80 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( tx ) ;
err . should . exist ;
err . code . should . equal ( 'INVALIDADDRESS' ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'Incorrect address network' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create tx when insufficient funds' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 100 ] ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 120 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
err . code . should . equal ( 'INSUFFICIENTFUNDS' ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'Insufficient funds' ) ;
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txs . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
server . getBalance ( { } , function ( err , balance ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
balance . lockedAmount . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
balance . totalAmount . should . equal ( 10000000000 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it . skip ( 'should fail to create tx when insufficient funds for fee' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it . skip ( 'should fail to create tx for dust amount' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it ( 'should create tx when there is a pending tx and enough UTXOs' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 10.1 , 10.2 , 10.3 ] ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 12 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
tx . should . exist ;
var txOpts2 = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : 8 ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts2 , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
tx . should . exist ;
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txs . length . should . equal ( 2 ) ;
server . getBalance ( { } , function ( err , balance ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
balance . totalAmount . should . equal ( 3060000000 ) ;
balance . lockedAmount . should . equal ( 3060000000 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to create tx when there is a pending tx and not enough UTXOs' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 10.1 , 10.2 , 10.3 ] ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 12 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
tx . should . exist ;
var txOpts2 = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 24 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts2 , function ( err , tx ) {
err . code . should . equal ( 'INSUFFICIENTFUNDS' ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'Insufficient funds' ) ;
should . not . exist ( tx ) ;
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
server . getBalance ( { } , function ( err , balance ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
balance . totalAmount . should . equal ( helpers . toSatoshi ( 30.6 ) ) ;
balance . lockedAmount . should . equal ( helpers . toSatoshi ( 20.3 ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create tx using different UTXOs for simultaneous requests' , function ( done ) {
var N = 5 ;
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( _ . times ( N , function ( ) {
return 100 ;
} ) ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
server . getBalance ( { } , function ( err , balance ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
balance . totalAmount . should . equal ( helpers . toSatoshi ( N * 100 ) ) ;
balance . lockedAmount . should . equal ( helpers . toSatoshi ( 0 ) ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 80 ) ,
} ;
async . map ( _ . range ( N ) , function ( i , cb ) {
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
cb ( err , tx ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txs . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
_ . uniq ( _ . pluck ( txs , 'changeAddress' ) ) . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
server . getBalance ( { } , function ( err , balance ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
balance . totalAmount . should . equal ( helpers . toSatoshi ( N * 100 ) ) ;
balance . lockedAmount . should . equal ( balance . totalAmount ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#signTx' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet , txid ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 2 , 2 , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 10 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
tx . should . exist ;
txid = tx . id ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should sign a TX with multiple inputs, different paths' , function ( done ) {
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
var tx = txs [ 0 ] ;
tx . id . should . equal ( txid ) ;
var signatures = helpers . clientSign ( tx , someXPrivKey [ 0 ] , wallet . n ) ;
server . signTx ( {
txProposalId : txid ,
signatures : signatures ,
} , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail if one signature is broken' , function ( done ) {
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
var tx = txs [ 0 ] ;
tx . id . should . equal ( txid ) ;
var signatures = helpers . clientSign ( tx , someXPrivKey [ 0 ] , wallet . n ) ;
signatures [ 0 ] = 1 ;
server . signTx ( {
txProposalId : txid ,
signatures : signatures ,
} , function ( err ) {
err . message . should . contain ( 'signatures' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail on invalid signature' , function ( done ) {
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txs ) {
var tx = txs [ 0 ] ;
tx . id . should . equal ( txid ) ;
var signatures = [ '11' , '22' , '33' , '44' ] ;
server . signTx ( {
txProposalId : txid ,
signatures : signatures ,
} , function ( err ) {
err . message . should . contain ( 'signatures' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#signTx and broadcast' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet , utxos ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 1 , 1 , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] ) , function ( inutxos ) {
utxos = inutxos ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should sign and broadcast a tx' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos , '1122334455' ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 10 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txp . should . exist ;
var txpid = txp . id ;
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txps ) {
var txp = txps [ 0 ] ;
txp . id . should . equal ( txpid ) ;
var signatures = helpers . clientSign ( txp , someXPrivKey [ 0 ] , wallet . n ) ;
server . signTx ( {
txProposalId : txpid ,
signatures : signatures ,
} , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txp . status . should . equal ( 'broadcasted' ) ;
txp . txid . should . equal ( '1122334455' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should keep tx as *accepted* if unable to broadcast it' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 10 ) ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txp . should . exist ;
var txpid = txp . id ;
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txps ) {
var txp = txps [ 0 ] ;
txp . id . should . equal ( txpid ) ;
var signatures = helpers . clientSign ( txp , someXPrivKey [ 0 ] , wallet . n ) ;
server . signTx ( {
txProposalId : txpid ,
signatures : signatures ,
} , function ( err , txp ) {
err . should . contain ( 'broadcast' ) ;
server . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txps . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
var txp = txps [ 0 ] ;
txp . status . should . equal ( 'accepted' ) ;
should . not . exist ( txp . txid ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Tx proposal workflow' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet , utxos ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 2 , 3 , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] ) , function ( inutxos ) {
utxos = inutxos ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'other copayers should see pending proposal created by one copayer' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 10 ) ,
message : 'some message' ,
} ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
should . exist . txp ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( wallet . copayers [ 1 ] . id , function ( server2 , wallet ) {
server2 . getPendingTxs ( { } , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txps . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
txps [ 0 ] . id . should . equal ( txp . id ) ;
txps [ 0 ] . message . should . equal ( 'some message' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it . skip ( 'tx proposals should not be broadcast until quorum is reached' , function ( done ) {
} ) ;
it . skip ( 'tx proposals should accept as many rejections as possible without finally rejecting' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it . skip ( 'proposal creator should be able to delete proposal if there are no other signatures' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#getTxs' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet , clock ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
if ( server )
return done ( ) ;
this . timeout ( 5000 ) ;
console . log ( '\tCreating TXS...' ) ;
clock = sinon . useFakeTimers ( ) ;
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 1 , 1 , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
helpers . createUtxos ( server , wallet , helpers . toSatoshi ( _ . range ( 10 ) ) , function ( utxos ) {
helpers . stubBlockExplorer ( server , utxos ) ;
var txOpts = {
toAddress : '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7' ,
amount : helpers . toSatoshi ( 0.1 ) ,
} ;
async . eachSeries ( _ . range ( 10 ) , function ( i , next ) {
clock . tick ( 10000 ) ;
server . createTx ( txOpts , function ( err , tx ) {
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
return done ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( function ( ) {
clock . restore ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should pull 4 txs, down to to time 60' , function ( done ) {
server . getTxs ( {
minTs : 60 ,
limit : 8
} , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var times = _ . pluck ( txps , 'createdOn' ) ;
times . should . deep . equal ( [ 90 , 80 , 70 , 60 ] ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should pull the first 5 txs' , function ( done ) {
server . getTxs ( {
maxTs : 50 ,
limit : 5
} , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var times = _ . pluck ( txps , 'createdOn' ) ;
times . should . deep . equal ( [ 50 , 40 , 30 , 20 , 10 ] ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should pull the last 4 txs' , function ( done ) {
server . getTxs ( {
limit : 4
} , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var times = _ . pluck ( txps , 'createdOn' ) ;
times . should . deep . equal ( [ 90 , 80 , 70 , 60 ] ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should pull all txs' , function ( done ) {
server . getTxs ( { } , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var times = _ . pluck ( txps , 'createdOn' ) ;
times . should . deep . equal ( [ 90 , 80 , 70 , 60 , 50 , 40 , 30 , 20 , 10 ] ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should txs from times 50 to 70' , function ( done ) {
server . getTxs ( {
minTs : 50 ,
maxTs : 70 ,
} , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var times = _ . pluck ( txps , 'createdOn' ) ;
times . should . deep . equal ( [ 70 , 60 , 50 ] ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;