@ -47,22 +47,22 @@ Returns:
`/v1/txhistory/` : Get Wallet's transaction history
Optional Arguments:
Optional Arguments:
* skip: Records to skip from the result (defaults to 0)
* limit: Total number of records to return (return all available records if not sepcified)
* limit: Total number of records to return (return all available records if not specified).
* History of incomming and outgoing transactions of the wallet. The list is paginated using the `skip` & `limit` params.
Each item has the following fields:
* action ('sent', 'received', 'moved')
* amount
* fees
* time
* addressTo
* confirmations
* proposalId
* creatorName
* message
* actions array ['createdOn', 'type', 'copayerId', 'copayerName', 'comment']
* History of incomming and outgoing transactions of the wallet. The list is paginated using the `skip` & `limit` params. Each item has the following fields:
* action ('sent', 'received', 'moved')
* amount
* fees
* time
* addressTo
* confirmations
* proposalId
* creatorName
* message
* actions array ['createdOn', 'type', 'copayerId', 'copayerName', 'comment']
`/v1/txproposals/` : Get Wallet's pending transaction proposals and their status