@ -3833,6 +3833,119 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() { |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe.only('#editTxNote', function(done) { |
var server, wallet; |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 2, function(s, w) { |
server = s; |
wallet = w; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should edit a note for an arbitrary txid', function(done) { |
server.editTxNote({ |
txid: '123', |
body: 'note body' |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.getTxNote({ |
txid: '123', |
}, function(err, note) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(note); |
note.txid.should.equal('123'); |
note.walletId.should.equal(wallet.id); |
note.body.should.equal('note body'); |
note.lastEditedBy.should.equal(server.copayerId); |
note.createdOn.should.equal(note.lastEditedOn); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should preserve last edit', function(done) { |
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers('Date'); |
server.editTxNote({ |
txid: '123', |
body: 'note body' |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.getTxNote({ |
txid: '123', |
}, function(err, note) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(note); |
note.lastEditedBy.should.equal(server.copayerId); |
note.createdOn.should.equal(note.lastEditedOn); |
var creator = note.lastEditedBy; |
helpers.getAuthServer(wallet.copayers[1].id, function(server) { |
clock.tick(60 * 1000); |
server.editTxNote({ |
txid: '123', |
body: 'edited text' |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.getTxNote({ |
txid: '123', |
}, function(err, note) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(note); |
note.lastEditedBy.should.equal(server.copayerId); |
note.createdOn.should.be.below(note.lastEditedOn); |
creator.should.not.equal(note.lastEditedBy); |
clock.restore(); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should edit a note for an outgoing tx and retrieve it', function(done) { |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, 2, function() { |
var txOpts = { |
outputs: [{ |
toAddress: '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', |
amount: 1e8, |
}], |
message: 'some message', |
feePerKb: 100e2, |
}; |
helpers.createAndPublishTx(server, txOpts, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0, function(txp) { |
should.exist(txp); |
var signatures = helpers.clientSign(txp, TestData.copayers[0].xPrivKey_44H_0H_0H); |
server.signTx({ |
txProposalId: txp.id, |
signatures: signatures, |
}, function(err, txp) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(txp); |
should.exist(txp.txid); |
server.editTxNote({ |
txid: txp.txid, |
body: 'note body' |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.getTx({ |
txProposalId: txp.id, |
}, function(err, txp) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(txp.note); |
txp.note.txid.should.equal(txp.txid); |
txp.note.walletId.should.equal(wallet.id); |
txp.note.body.should.equal('note body'); |
txp.note.lastEditedBy.should.equal(server.copayerId); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it.skip('should share notes between copayers', function(done) {}); |
it.skip('should be possible to remove a note', function(done) {}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#getSendMaxInfo', function() { |