@ -326,166 +326,6 @@ describe('client API ', function() {
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Air gapped related flows' , function ( ) {
it ( 'should be able get Tx proposals from a file' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( clients , 1 , 2 , function ( w ) {
clients [ 0 ] . createAddress ( function ( err , x0 ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
blockExplorerMock . setUtxo ( x0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
var opts = {
amount : 10000000 ,
toAddress : 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5' ,
message : 'hello 1-1' ,
} ;
clients [ 1 ] . sendTxProposal ( opts , function ( err , x ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
clients [ 1 ] . getTxProposals ( {
getRawTxps : true
} , function ( err , txs , rawTxps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
clients [ 0 ] . parseTxProposals ( {
txps : rawTxps
} , function ( err , txs2 ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txs [ 0 ] . should . deep . equal ( txs2 [ 0 ] ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should detect fakes from Tx proposals file' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( clients , 1 , 2 , function ( w ) {
clients [ 0 ] . createAddress ( function ( err , x0 ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
blockExplorerMock . setUtxo ( x0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
var opts = {
amount : 10000000 ,
toAddress : 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5' ,
message : 'hello 1-1' ,
} ;
clients [ 1 ] . sendTxProposal ( opts , function ( err , x ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
clients [ 1 ] . getTxProposals ( {
getRawTxps : true
} , function ( err , txs , rawTxps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
rawTxps [ 0 ] . amount ++ ;
clients [ 0 ] . parseTxProposals ( {
txps : rawTxps
} , function ( err , txs2 ) {
err . code . should . equal ( 'SERVERCOMPROMISED' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create wallet in proxy from airgapped' , function ( done ) {
var airgapped = new AirGapped ( {
network : 'testnet'
} ) ;
var seed = airgapped . getSeed ( ) ;
var proxy = new Client ( {
request : helpers . getRequest ( app ) ,
} ) ;
proxy . seedFromAirGapped ( seed ) ;
should . not . exist ( proxy . credentials . xPrivKey ) ;
proxy . createWallet ( 'wallet name' , 'creator' , 1 , 1 , 'testnet' , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
proxy . getStatus ( function ( err , status ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
status . wallet . name . should . equal ( 'wallet name' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it . skip ( 'should be able to sign from airgapped client and broadcast from proxy' , function ( done ) {
var airgapped = new AirGapped ( {
network : 'testnet'
} ) ;
var seed = airgapped . getSeed ( ) ;
var proxy = new Client ( {
request : helpers . getRequest ( app ) ,
} ) ;
proxy . seedFromAirGapped ( seed ) ;
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
proxy . createWallet ( 'wallet name' , 'creator' , 1 , 1 , 'testnet' , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
proxy . createAddress ( function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
should . exist ( address . address ) ;
blockExplorerMock . setUtxo ( address , 1 , 1 ) ;
var opts = {
amount : 1200000 ,
toAddress : 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5' ,
message : 'hello 1-1' ,
} ;
proxy . sendTxProposal ( opts , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( txp , next ) {
should . exist ( txp ) ;
proxy . signTxProposal ( txp , function ( err , txp ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
should . not . exist ( txp ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'You do not have the required keys to sign transactions' ) ;
next ( null , txp ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( txp , next ) {
proxy . getTxProposals ( {
getRawTxps : true
} , next ) ;
} ,
function ( txps , rawTxps , next ) {
airgapped . signTxProposals ( rawTxps , next ) ;
} ,
function ( signatures , next ) {
proxy . getTxProposals ( { } , function ( err , txps ) {
_ . each ( txps , function ( txp , i ) {
txp . signatures = signatures [ i ] ;
} ) ;
async . each ( txps , function ( txp , cb ) {
proxy . signTxProposal ( txp , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
proxy . broadcastTxProposal ( txp , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txp . status . should . equal ( 'broadcasted' ) ;
should . exist ( txp . txid ) ;
cb ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
next ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
] ,
function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
done ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Address Creation' , function ( ) {
it ( 'should be able to create address in all copayers in a 2-3 wallet' , function ( done ) {
this . timeout ( 5000 ) ;
@ -555,46 +395,6 @@ describe('client API ', function() {
} ) ;
} ) ;
// describe.skip('Wallet Backups and Mobility', function() {
// it('round trip #import #export', function(done) {
// helpers.createAndJoinWallet(clients, 2, 2, function(w) {
// clients[1].export({}, function(err, str) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// var original = JSON.parse(fsmock._get('client1'));
// clients[2].import(str, function(err, wallet) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// var clone = JSON.parse(fsmock._get('client2'));
// delete original.walletPrivKey; // no need to persist it.
// clone.should.deep.equal(original);
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// it('should recreate a wallet, create addresses and receive money', function(done) {
// var backup = '["tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPehCdj4HM1MZbKVXBFt5Dj9nQ44M99EdmdiUfGtQBDTSZsKmzdUrB1vEuP6ipuoa39UXwPS2CvnjE1erk5aUjc5vQZkWvH4B",2,2,["tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4XCNDPDtyRWPxvJzvTkvUE2cMPB8jcUr9Dkicv6cYQmA18DBAid6eRK1BGCU9nzgxxVdQUGLYJ34XsPXPW4bxnH4PH6oQBF3"],"sd0kzXmlXBgTGHrKaBW4aA=="]';
// clients[0].import(backup, function(err, wallet) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// clients[0].reCreateWallet('pepe', function(err, wallet) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// clients[0].createAddress(function(err, x0) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// should.exist(x0.address);
// blockExplorerMock.setUtxo(x0, 10, 2);
// clients[0].getBalance(function(err, bal0) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// bal0.totalAmount.should.equal(10 * 1e8);
// bal0.lockedAmount.should.equal(0);
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
describe ( 'Transaction Proposals Creation and Locked funds' , function ( ) {
it ( 'Should lock and release funds through rejection' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( clients , 2 , 2 , function ( w ) {
@ -1063,4 +863,168 @@ describe('client API ', function() {
it . skip ( 'should get transaction history decorated with proposal' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it . skip ( 'should get paginated transaction history' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Air gapped related flows' , function ( ) {
it ( 'should be able get Tx proposals from a file' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( clients , 1 , 2 , function ( w ) {
clients [ 0 ] . createAddress ( function ( err , x0 ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
blockExplorerMock . setUtxo ( x0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
var opts = {
amount : 10000000 ,
toAddress : 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5' ,
message : 'hello 1-1' ,
} ;
clients [ 1 ] . sendTxProposal ( opts , function ( err , x ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
clients [ 1 ] . getTxProposals ( {
getRawTxps : true
} , function ( err , txs , rawTxps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
clients [ 0 ] . parseTxProposals ( {
txps : rawTxps
} , function ( err , txs2 ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txs [ 0 ] . should . deep . equal ( txs2 [ 0 ] ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should detect fakes from Tx proposals file' , function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( clients , 1 , 2 , function ( w ) {
clients [ 0 ] . createAddress ( function ( err , x0 ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
blockExplorerMock . setUtxo ( x0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
var opts = {
amount : 10000000 ,
toAddress : 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5' ,
message : 'hello 1-1' ,
} ;
clients [ 1 ] . sendTxProposal ( opts , function ( err , x ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
clients [ 1 ] . getTxProposals ( {
getRawTxps : true
} , function ( err , txs , rawTxps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
rawTxps [ 0 ] . amount ++ ;
clients [ 0 ] . parseTxProposals ( {
txps : rawTxps
} , function ( err , txs2 ) {
err . code . should . equal ( 'SERVERCOMPROMISED' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create wallet in proxy from airgapped' , function ( done ) {
var airgapped = new AirGapped ( {
network : 'testnet'
} ) ;
var seed = airgapped . getSeed ( ) ;
var proxy = new Client ( {
request : helpers . getRequest ( app ) ,
} ) ;
proxy . seedFromAirGapped ( seed ) ;
should . not . exist ( proxy . credentials . xPrivKey ) ;
proxy . createWallet ( 'wallet name' , 'creator' , 1 , 1 , 'testnet' , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
proxy . getStatus ( function ( err , status ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
status . wallet . name . should . equal ( 'wallet name' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it . skip ( 'should be able to sign from airgapped client and broadcast from proxy' , function ( done ) {
var airgapped = new AirGapped ( {
network : 'testnet'
} ) ;
var seed = airgapped . getSeed ( ) ;
var proxy = new Client ( {
request : helpers . getRequest ( app ) ,
} ) ;
proxy . seedFromAirGapped ( seed ) ;
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
proxy . createWallet ( 'wallet name' , 'creator' , 1 , 1 , 'testnet' , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
proxy . createAddress ( function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
should . exist ( address . address ) ;
blockExplorerMock . setUtxo ( address , 1 , 1 ) ;
var opts = {
amount : 1200000 ,
toAddress : 'n2TBMPzPECGUfcT2EByiTJ12TPZkhN2mN5' ,
message : 'hello 1-1' ,
} ;
proxy . sendTxProposal ( opts , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( txp , next ) {
should . exist ( txp ) ;
proxy . signTxProposal ( txp , function ( err , txp ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
should . not . exist ( txp ) ;
err . message . should . equal ( 'You do not have the required keys to sign transactions' ) ;
next ( null , txp ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( txp , next ) {
proxy . getTxProposals ( {
getRawTxps : true
} , next ) ;
} ,
function ( txps , rawTxps , next ) {
var signatures = airgapped . signTxProposal ( rawTxps [ 0 ] ) ;
next ( null , signatures ) ;
} ,
function ( signatures , next ) {
proxy . getTxProposals ( { } , function ( err , txps ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var txp = txps [ 0 ] ;
txp . signatures = signatures ;
async . each ( txps , function ( txp , cb ) {
proxy . signTxProposal ( txp , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
proxy . broadcastTxProposal ( txp , function ( err , txp ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
txp . status . should . equal ( 'broadcasted' ) ;
should . exist ( txp . txid ) ;
cb ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
next ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
] ,
function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
done ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
it . skip ( 'should be able to detect tampered pkr when signing on airgapped client' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it . skip ( 'should be able to detect tampered proposal when signing on airgapped client' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
it . skip ( 'should be able to detect tampered change address when signing on airgapped client' , function ( done ) { } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;