@ -52,18 +52,25 @@ helpers._generateCopayersTestData = function(n) {
var xpriv_45H = xpriv . derive ( 45 , true ) ;
var xpub_45H = Bitcore . HDPublicKey ( xpriv_45H ) ;
var id = WalletUtils . xPubToCopayerId ( xpub_45H . toString ( ) ) ;
var id45 = WalletUtils . xPubToCopayerId ( xpub_45H . toString ( ) ) ;
var xpriv_44H_0H_0H = xpriv . derive ( 44 , true ) . derive ( 0 , true ) . derive ( 0 , true ) ;
var xpub_44H_0H_0H = Bitcore . HDPublicKey ( xpriv_44H_0H_0H ) ;
var id44 = WalletUtils . xPubToCopayerId ( xpub_44H_0H_0H . toString ( ) ) ;
var xpriv_1H = xpriv . derive ( 1 , true ) ;
var xpub_1H = Bitcore . HDPublicKey ( xpriv_1H ) ;
var priv = xpriv_1H . derive ( 0 ) . privateKey ;
var pub = xpub_1H . derive ( 0 ) . publicKey ;
console . log ( '{id: ' , "'" + id + "'," ) ;
console . log ( '{id44: ' , "'" + id44 + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'id45: ' , "'" + id45 + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPrivKey: ' , "'" + xpriv . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPubKey: ' , "'" + xpub . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPrivKey_45H: ' , "'" + xpriv_45H . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPubKey_45H: ' , "'" + xpub_45H . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPrivKey_44H_0H_0H: ' , "'" + xpriv_44H_0H_0H . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPubKey_44H_0H_0H: ' , "'" + xpub_44H_0H_0H . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPrivKey_1H: ' , "'" + xpriv_1H . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'xPubKey_1H: ' , "'" + xpub_1H . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
console . log ( 'privKey_1H_0: ' , "'" + priv . toString ( ) + "'," ) ;
@ -94,19 +101,22 @@ helpers.createAndJoinWallet = function(m, n, opts, cb) {
m : m ,
n : n ,
pubKey : TestData . keyPair . pub ,
derivationStrategy : opts . derivationStrategy || 'BIP44' ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , walletId ) {
if ( err ) return cb ( err ) ;
async . each ( _ . range ( n ) , function ( i , cb ) {
var copayerData = TestData . copayers [ i + offset ] ;
var bip = opts . derivationStrategy || 'BIP44' ;
var copayerOpts = helpers . getSignedCopayerOpts ( {
walletId : walletId ,
name : 'copayer ' + ( i + 1 ) ,
xPubKey : TestData . copayers [ i + offset ] . xPubKey_45H ,
requestPubKey : TestData . copayers [ i + offset ] . pubKey_1H_0 ,
xPubKey : bip == 'BIP44' ? copayerData . xPubKey_44H_0H_0H : copayerData . xPubKey_45H ,
requestPubKey : copayerData . pubKey_1H_0 ,
customData : 'custom data ' + ( i + 1 ) ,
derivationStrategy : bip ,
} ) ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , result ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
copayerIds . push ( result . copayerId ) ;
@ -469,7 +479,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
txpId = txp . id ;
async . eachSeries ( _ . range ( 2 ) , function ( i , next ) {
var copayer = TestData . copayers [ i ] ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayer . id , function ( server ) {
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayer . id44 , function ( server ) {
var signatures = helpers . clientSign ( txp , copayer . xPrivKey ) ;
server . signTx ( {
txProposalId : txp . id ,
@ -525,7 +535,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
txpId = txp . id ;
async . eachSeries ( _ . range ( 1 , 3 ) , function ( i , next ) {
var copayer = TestData . copayers [ i ] ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayer . id , function ( server ) {
helpers . getAuthServer ( copayer . id44 , function ( server ) {
server . rejectTx ( {
txProposalId : txp . id ,
} , next ) ;
@ -733,11 +743,13 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail when requesting for non-existent copayer' , function ( done ) {
WalletService . getInstanceWithAuth ( {
copayerId : 'ads' ,
message : TestData . message . text ,
signature : TestData . message . signature ,
} , function ( err , server ) {
var message = 'hello world' ;
var opts = {
copayerId : 'dummy' ,
message : message ,
signature : WalletUtils . signMessage ( message , TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . privKey_1H_0 ) ,
} ;
WalletService . getInstanceWithAuth ( opts , function ( err , server ) {
err . code . should . equal ( 'NOT_AUTHORIZED' ) ;
err . message . should . contain ( 'Copayer not found' ) ;
done ( ) ;
@ -783,8 +795,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create wallet with given id' , function ( done ) {
it ( 'should create wallet with given id' , function ( done ) {
var opts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
@ -983,6 +994,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 1 ] . xPubKey_45H ,
requestPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 1 ] . pubKey_1H_0 ,
derivationStrategy : 'BIP44' ,
} ) ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
@ -1120,10 +1132,99 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Address derivation strategy' , function ( ) {
var server ;
beforeEach ( function ( ) {
server = WalletService . getInstance ( {
clientVersion : 'bwc-0.2.0' ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join BIP45 wallet with BIP44 copayer opts' , function ( done ) {
var walletOpts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : TestData . keyPair . pub ,
derivationStrategy : 'BIP45' ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , wid ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var copayerOpts = helpers . getSignedCopayerOpts ( {
walletId : wid ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . xPubKey_44H_0H_0H ,
requestPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . pubKey_1H_0 ,
customData : 'dummy custom data' ,
derivationStrategy : 'BIP44' ,
} ) ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , result ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
err . message . toLowerCase ( ) . should . contain ( 'address derivation strategy' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to join BIP44 wallet with BIP45 copayer opts' , function ( done ) {
var walletOpts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : TestData . keyPair . pub ,
derivationStrategy : 'BIP44' ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , wid ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var copayerOpts = helpers . getSignedCopayerOpts ( {
walletId : wid ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . xPubKey_45H ,
requestPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . pubKey_1H_0 ,
customData : 'dummy custom data' ,
derivationStrategy : 'BIP45' ,
} ) ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , result ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
err . message . toLowerCase ( ) . should . contain ( 'address derivation strategy' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should require upgrade when joining BIP44 wallet with BIP45 copayer opts from old client app' , function ( done ) {
var walletOpts = {
name : 'my wallet' ,
m : 2 ,
n : 3 ,
pubKey : TestData . keyPair . pub ,
derivationStrategy : 'BIP44' ,
} ;
server . createWallet ( walletOpts , function ( err , wid ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var copayerOpts = helpers . getSignedCopayerOpts ( {
walletId : wid ,
name : 'me' ,
xPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . xPubKey_45H ,
requestPubKey : TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . pubKey_1H_0 ,
customData : 'dummy custom data' ,
derivationStrategy : 'BIP45' ,
} ) ;
server = WalletService . getInstance ( {
clientVersion : 'bwc-0.1.4' ,
} ) ;
server . joinWallet ( copayerOpts , function ( err , result ) {
should . exist ( err ) ;
err . code . should . equal ( 'UPGRADE_NEEDED' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#getStatus' , function ( ) {
var server , wallet ;
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 1 , 1 , function ( s , w ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 1 , 1 , {
derivationStrategy : 'BIP45'
} , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
done ( ) ;
@ -1211,21 +1312,23 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
} ) ;
it ( 'should successfully verify message signature' , function ( done ) {
var message = 'hello world' ;
var opts = {
message : TestData . message . text ,
signature : TestData . message . signature ,
message : message ,
signature : WalletUtils . signMessage ( message , TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . privKey_1H_0 ) ,
} ;
server . verifyMessageSignature ( opts , function ( err , isValid ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
isValid . should . equal ( true ) ;
isValid . should . be . true ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to verify message signature for different copayer' , function ( done ) {
var message = 'hello world' ;
var opts = {
message : TestData . message . text ,
signature : TestData . message . signature ,
message : message ,
signature : WalletUtils . signMessage ( message , TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . privKey_1H_0 ) ,
} ;
helpers . getAuthServer ( wallet . copayers [ 1 ] . id , function ( server ) {
server . verifyMessageSignature ( opts , function ( err , isValid ) {
@ -1253,16 +1356,16 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
should . exist ( address ) ;
address . walletId . should . equal ( wallet . id ) ;
address . network . should . equal ( 'livenet' ) ;
address . address . should . equal ( '3KxttbKQQPWmpsnXZ3rB4mgJTuLnVR7frg ' ) ;
address . address . should . equal ( '36q2G5FMGvJbPgAVEaiyAsFGmpkhPKwk2r ' ) ;
address . isChange . should . be . false ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/ 0/0' ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/0/0' ) ;
server . getNotifications ( { } , function ( err , notifications ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var notif = _ . find ( notifications , {
type : 'NewAddress'
} ) ;
should . exist ( notif ) ;
notif . data . address . should . equal ( '3KxttbKQQPWmpsnXZ3rB4mgJTuLnVR7frg ' ) ;
notif . data . address . should . equal ( '36q2G5FMGvJbPgAVEaiyAsFGmpkhPKwk2r ' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -1275,7 +1378,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
} , function ( err , addresses ) {
addresses . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
_ . each ( _ . range ( N ) , function ( i ) {
addresses [ i ] . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/ 0/' + i ) ;
addresses [ i ] . path . should . equal ( 'm/0/' + i ) ;
} ) ;
// No two identical addresses
_ . uniq ( _ . pluck ( addresses , 'address' ) ) . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
@ -1296,13 +1399,59 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
should . exist ( address ) ;
address . address . should . equal ( '3KxttbKQQPWmpsnXZ3rB4mgJTuLnVR7frg' ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/0' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'BIP45' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 2 , 2 , {
derivationStrategy : 'BIP45'
} , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create address' , function ( done ) {
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
should . exist ( address ) ;
address . walletId . should . equal ( wallet . id ) ;
address . network . should . equal ( 'livenet' ) ;
address . address . should . equal ( '3BVJZ4CYzeTtawDtgwHvWV5jbvnXtYe97i' ) ;
address . isChange . should . be . false ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/0' ) ;
server . getNotifications ( { } , function ( err , notifications ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
var notif = _ . find ( notifications , {
type : 'NewAddress'
} ) ;
should . exist ( notif ) ;
notif . data . address . should . equal ( '3BVJZ4CYzeTtawDtgwHvWV5jbvnXtYe97i' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should create many addresses on simultaneous requests' , function ( done ) {
var N = 5 ;
async . map ( _ . range ( N ) , function ( i , cb ) {
server . createAddress ( { } , cb ) ;
} , function ( err , addresses ) {
addresses . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
_ . each ( _ . range ( N ) , function ( i ) {
addresses [ i ] . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/' + i ) ;
} ) ;
// No two identical addresses
_ . uniq ( _ . pluck ( addresses , 'address' ) ) . length . should . equal ( N ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Preferences' , function ( ) {
@ -1508,10 +1657,10 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
reqPrivKey = new Bitcore . PrivateKey ( ) ;
var requestPubKey = reqPrivKey . toPublicKey ( ) ;
var xPrivKey = TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . xPrivKey_45 H ;
var xPrivKey = TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . xPrivKey_44H_0H_0 H ;
var sig = WalletUtils . signRequestPubKey ( requestPubKey , xPrivKey ) ;
var copayerId = WalletUtils . xPubToCopayerId ( TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . xPubKey_45 H ) ;
var copayerId = WalletUtils . xPubToCopayerId ( TestData . copayers [ 0 ] . xPubKey_44H_0H_0 H ) ;
opts = {
copayerId : copayerId ,
requestPubKey : requestPubKey ,
@ -4132,17 +4281,17 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
it ( 'should scan main addresses' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubAddressActivity (
[ '3K2VWMXheGZ4qG35DyGjA2dLeKfaSr534A ' , // m/2147483647 /0/0
'3NezgtNbuDzL2sFhnfxyVy8bHp4v6ud252 ' , // m/2147483647 /0/2
'3CQ2hCMUu1SCPVPMpfCCuT3nAfHGiHV1o7 ' , // m/2147483647 /1/0
[ '3Jc2hcN13vGBCdWR4SMNRoL9EUiBHuf4LT ' , // m/0/0
'3Pk2Cn3TW6JLhGEnHg8iM2qtmx2T1uHyZM ' , // m/0/2
'3GqrwYwyLt1czKMvvqFwYj2ZeooiHtbgbc ' , // m/1/0
] ) ;
var expectedPaths = [
'm/2147483647/ 0/0' ,
'm/2147483647/ 0/1' ,
'm/2147483647/ 0/2' ,
'm/2147483647/ 0/3' ,
'm/2147483647/ 1/0' ,
'm/2147483647/ 1/1' ,
'm/0/0' ,
'm/0/1' ,
'm/0/2' ,
'm/0/3' ,
'm/1/0' ,
'm/1/1' ,
] ;
server . scan ( { } , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
@ -4156,46 +4305,13 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
_ . difference ( paths , expectedPaths ) . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/ 0/4' ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/0/4' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should scan main addresses & copayer addresses' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubAddressActivity (
[ '3K2VWMXheGZ4qG35DyGjA2dLeKfaSr534A' , // m/2147483647/0/0
'3CQ2hCMUu1SCPVPMpfCCuT3nAfHGiHV1o7' , // m/2147483647/1/0
'3BYHznBmosYxUj1NWcjdFKX2tdsH7UT1YG' , // m/0/0/1
'3Eg1uPkGnwyU42bRiaDuo6Cu9bjjhoG7Sh' , // m/1/1/0
'3AYmZ63tMd2AHN8QLfu5D2nfRzCH66psWx' , // m/1/0/0
] ) ;
var expectedPaths = [
'm/2147483647/0/0' ,
'm/2147483647/0/1' ,
'm/2147483647/1/0' ,
'm/2147483647/1/1' ,
'm/0/0/0' ,
'm/0/0/1' ,
'm/1/0/0' ,
'm/1/0/1' ,
'm/1/1/0' ,
'm/1/1/1' ,
] ;
server . scan ( {
includeCopayerBranches : true
} , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
server . storage . fetchAddresses ( wallet . id , function ( err , addresses ) {
should . exist ( addresses ) ;
addresses . length . should . equal ( expectedPaths . length ) ;
var paths = _ . pluck ( addresses , 'path' ) ;
_ . difference ( paths , expectedPaths ) . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} )
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should restore wallet balance' , function ( done ) {
async . waterfall ( [
@ -4253,6 +4369,93 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'BIP45' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( function ( done ) {
this . timeout ( 5000 ) ;
WalletService . SCAN_CONFIG . scanWindow = 2 ;
WalletService . SCAN_CONFIG . derivationDelay = 0 ;
helpers . createAndJoinWallet ( 1 , 2 , {
derivationStrategy : 'BIP45'
} , function ( s , w ) {
server = s ;
wallet = w ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( function ( ) {
WalletService . SCAN_CONFIG = scanConfigOld ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should scan main addresses' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubAddressActivity (
[ '39AA1Y2VvPJhV3RFbc7cKbUax1WgkPwweR' , // m/2147483647/0/0
'3QX2MNSijnhCALBmUVnDo5UGPj3SEGASWx' , // m/2147483647/0/2
'3MzGaz4KKX66w8ShKaR536ZqzVvREBqqYu' , // m/2147483647/1/0
] ) ;
var expectedPaths = [
'm/2147483647/0/0' ,
'm/2147483647/0/1' ,
'm/2147483647/0/2' ,
'm/2147483647/0/3' ,
'm/2147483647/1/0' ,
'm/2147483647/1/1' ,
] ;
server . scan ( { } , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
server . getWallet ( { } , function ( err , wallet ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
wallet . scanStatus . should . equal ( 'success' ) ;
server . storage . fetchAddresses ( wallet . id , function ( err , addresses ) {
should . exist ( addresses ) ;
addresses . length . should . equal ( expectedPaths . length ) ;
var paths = _ . pluck ( addresses , 'path' ) ;
_ . difference ( paths , expectedPaths ) . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/0/4' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should scan main addresses & copayer addresses' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubAddressActivity (
[ '39AA1Y2VvPJhV3RFbc7cKbUax1WgkPwweR' , // m/2147483647/0/0
'3MzGaz4KKX66w8ShKaR536ZqzVvREBqqYu' , // m/2147483647/1/0
'3BYoynejwBH9q4Jhr9m9P5YTnLTu57US6g' , // m/0/0/1
'37Pb8c32hzm16tCZaVHj4Dtjva45L2a3A3' , // m/1/1/0
'32TB2n283YsXdseMqUm9zHSRcfS5JxTWxx' , // m/1/0/0
] ) ;
var expectedPaths = [
'm/2147483647/0/0' ,
'm/2147483647/0/1' ,
'm/2147483647/1/0' ,
'm/2147483647/1/1' ,
'm/0/0/0' ,
'm/0/0/1' ,
'm/1/0/0' ,
'm/1/0/1' ,
'm/1/1/0' ,
'm/1/1/1' ,
] ;
server . scan ( {
includeCopayerBranches : true
} , function ( err ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
server . storage . fetchAddresses ( wallet . id , function ( err , addresses ) {
should . exist ( addresses ) ;
addresses . length . should . equal ( expectedPaths . length ) ;
var paths = _ . pluck ( addresses , 'path' ) ;
_ . difference ( paths , expectedPaths ) . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} )
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( '#startScan' , function ( ) {
@ -4275,18 +4478,18 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
} ) ;
it ( 'should start an asynchronous scan' , function ( done ) {
helpers . stubAddressActivity ( [
'3K2VWMXheGZ4qG35DyGjA2dLeKfaSr534A ', // m/2147483647 /0/0
'3NezgtNbuDzL2sFhnfxyVy8bHp4v6ud252 ', // m/2147483647 /0/2
'3CQ2hCMUu1SCPVPMpfCCuT3nAfHGiHV1o7' , // m/2147483647/1/1
] ) ;
helpers . stubAddressActivity (
[ '3Jc2hcN13vGBCdWR4SMNRoL9EUiBHuf4LT ', // m/0/0
'3Pk2Cn3TW6JLhGEnHg8iM2qtmx2T1uHyZM ' , // m/0/2
'3GqrwYwyLt1czKMvvqFwYj2ZeooiHtbgbc' , // m/1/0
] ) ;
var expectedPaths = [
'm/2147483647/ 0/0' ,
'm/2147483647/ 0/1' ,
'm/2147483647/ 0/2' ,
'm/2147483647/ 0/3' ,
'm/2147483647/ 1/0' ,
'm/2147483647/ 1/1' ,
'm/0/0' ,
'm/0/1' ,
'm/0/2' ,
'm/0/3' ,
'm/1/0' ,
'm/1/1' ,
] ;
server . messageBroker . onMessage ( function ( n ) {
if ( n . type == 'ScanFinished' ) {
@ -4301,7 +4504,7 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() {
_ . difference ( paths , expectedPaths ) . length . should . equal ( 0 ) ;
server . createAddress ( { } , function ( err , address ) {
should . not . exist ( err ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/2147483647/ 0/4' ) ;
address . path . should . equal ( 'm/0/4' ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} )