@ -1085,85 +1085,6 @@ describe('Copay server', function() { |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#signTx and broadcast', function() { |
var server, wallet; |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 1, function(s, w) { |
server = s; |
wallet = w; |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, _.range(1, 9), function() { |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should sign and broadcast a tx', function(done) { |
helpers.stubBroadcast('1122334455'); |
var txOpts = helpers.createProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 10, null, TestData.copayers[0].privKey); |
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, txp) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txp.should.exist; |
var txpid = txp.id; |
server.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txps) { |
var txp = txps[0]; |
txp.id.should.equal(txpid); |
var signatures = helpers.clientSign(txp, TestData.copayers[0].xPrivKey); |
server.signTx({ |
txProposalId: txpid, |
signatures: signatures, |
}, function(err, txp) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txp.status.should.equal('broadcasted'); |
txp.txid.should.equal('1122334455'); |
server.getTx({ |
id: txp.id |
}, function(err, txp) { |
txp.actions.length.should.equal(1); |
txp.actions[0].copayerId.should.equal(wallet.copayers[0].id); |
txp.actions[0].copayerName.should.equal(wallet.copayers[0].name); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should keep tx as *accepted* if unable to broadcast it', function(done) { |
helpers.stubBroadcastFail(); |
var txOpts = helpers.createProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 10, null, TestData.copayers[0].privKey); |
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, txp) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txp.should.exist; |
var txpid = txp.id; |
server.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txps) { |
var txp = txps[0]; |
txp.id.should.equal(txpid); |
var signatures = helpers.clientSign(txp, TestData.copayers[0].xPrivKey); |
server.signTx({ |
txProposalId: txpid, |
signatures: signatures, |
}, function(err, txp) { |
err.should.contain('broadcast'); |
server.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txps) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txps.length.should.equal(1); |
var txp = txps[0]; |
txp.status.should.equal('accepted'); |
should.not.exist(txp.txid); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('Tx proposal workflow', function() { |
@ -1196,7 +1117,7 @@ describe('Copay server', function() { |
}); |
}); |
it('tx proposals should not be broadcast until quorum is reached', function(done) { |
it('tx proposals should not be finally accepted until quorum is reached', function(done) { |
var txpId; |
async.waterfall([ |
@ -1234,12 +1155,18 @@ describe('Copay server', function() { |
txps.length.should.equal(1); |
var txp = txps[0]; |
txp.isPending().should.be.true; |
txp.isRejected().should.be.false; |
txp.isAccepted().should.be.false; |
txp.isRejected().should.be.false; |
txp.isBroadcasted().should.be.false; |
txp.actions.length.should.equal(1); |
var action = txp.getActionBy(wallet.copayers[0].id); |
action.type.should.equal('accept'); |
next(null, txp); |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var last = _.last(notifications); |
last.type.should.not.equal('TxProposalFinallyAccepted'); |
next(null, txp); |
}); |
}); |
}, |
function(txp, next) { |
@ -1257,22 +1184,20 @@ describe('Copay server', function() { |
function(next) { |
server.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txps) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txps.length.should.equal(0); |
next(); |
}); |
}, |
function(next) { |
server.getTx({ |
id: txpId |
}, function(err, txp) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txp.isPending().should.be.false; |
txp.isRejected().should.be.false; |
txps.length.should.equal(1); |
var txp = txps[0]; |
txp.isPending().should.be.true; |
txp.isAccepted().should.be.true; |
txp.isBroadcasted().should.be.true; |
txp.txid.should.equal('999'); |
txp.isBroadcasted().should.be.false; |
should.not.exist(txp.txid); |
txp.actions.length.should.equal(2); |
done(); |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var last = _.last(notifications); |
last.type.should.equal('TxProposalFinallyAccepted'); |
last.data.txProposalId.should.equal(txp.id); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}, |
]); |
@ -1553,25 +1478,31 @@ describe('Copay server', function() { |
server.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txs) { |
var tx = txs[2]; |
var signatures = helpers.clientSign(tx, TestData.copayers[0].xPrivKey); |
helpers.stubBroadcast('1122334455'); |
sinon.spy(server, 'emit'); |
server.signTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
signatures: signatures, |
}, function(err) { |
server.getNotifications({ |
limit: 3, |
reverse: true, |
}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
helpers.stubBroadcast('1122334455'); |
server.broadcastTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id |
}, function(err, txid) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var types = _.pluck(notifications, 'type'); |
types.should.deep.equal(['NewOutgoingTx', 'TxProposalFinallyAccepted', 'TxProposalAcceptedBy']); |
// Check also events
server.emit.getCall(0).args[0].type.should.equal('TxProposalAcceptedBy'); |
server.emit.getCall(1).args[0].type.should.equal('TxProposalFinallyAccepted');; |
server.emit.getCall(2).args[0].type.should.equal('NewOutgoingTx'); |
server.getNotifications({ |
limit: 3, |
reverse: true, |
}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var types = _.pluck(notifications, 'type'); |
types.should.deep.equal(['NewOutgoingTx', 'TxProposalFinallyAccepted', 'TxProposalAcceptedBy']); |
// Check also events
server.emit.getCall(0).args[0].type.should.equal('TxProposalAcceptedBy'); |
server.emit.getCall(1).args[0].type.should.equal('TxProposalFinallyAccepted');; |
server.emit.getCall(2).args[0].type.should.equal('NewOutgoingTx'); |
done(); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
@ -1860,44 +1791,50 @@ describe('Copay server', function() { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(tx); |
helpers.stubBroadcast('1122334455'); |
var signatures = helpers.clientSign(tx, TestData.copayers[0].xPrivKey); |
server.signTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
signatures: signatures, |
}, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var txs = [{ |
txid: '1122334455', |
confirmations: 1, |
fees: 5460, |
minedTs: 1, |
inputs: [{ |
address: tx.inputs[0].address, |
amount: utxos[0].satoshis, |
}], |
outputs: [{ |
address: 'external', |
amount: helpers.toSatoshi(80) - 5460, |
}, { |
address: changeAddresses[0].address, |
amount: helpers.toSatoshi(20) - 5460, |
}], |
}]; |
helpers.stubHistory(txs); |
server.getTxHistory({}, function(err, txs) { |
helpers.stubBroadcast('1122334455'); |
server.broadcastTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id |
}, function(err, txid) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(txs); |
txs.length.should.equal(1); |
var tx = txs[0]; |
tx.action.should.equal('sent'); |
tx.amount.should.equal(helpers.toSatoshi(80)); |
tx.message.should.equal('some message'); |
tx.actions.length.should.equal(1); |
tx.actions[0].type.should.equal('accept'); |
tx.actions[0].copayerName.should.equal('copayer 1'); |
done(); |
var txs = [{ |
txid: '1122334455', |
confirmations: 1, |
fees: 5460, |
minedTs: 1, |
inputs: [{ |
address: tx.inputs[0].address, |
amount: utxos[0].satoshis, |
}], |
outputs: [{ |
address: 'external', |
amount: helpers.toSatoshi(80) - 5460, |
}, { |
address: changeAddresses[0].address, |
amount: helpers.toSatoshi(20) - 5460, |
}], |
}]; |
helpers.stubHistory(txs); |
server.getTxHistory({}, function(err, txs) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(txs); |
txs.length.should.equal(1); |
var tx = txs[0]; |
tx.action.should.equal('sent'); |
tx.amount.should.equal(helpers.toSatoshi(80)); |
tx.message.should.equal('some message'); |
tx.actions.length.should.equal(1); |
tx.actions[0].type.should.equal('accept'); |
tx.actions[0].copayerName.should.equal('copayer 1'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |