@ -239,346 +239,350 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() { |
}); |
describe('#joinWallet', function() { |
var server, walletId; |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
server = new WalletService(); |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 2, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, wId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
walletId = wId; |
should.exist(walletId); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should join existing wallet', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
customData: 'dummy custom data', |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var copayerId = result.copayerId; |
helpers.getAuthServer(copayerId, function(server) { |
server.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { |
wallet.id.should.equal(walletId); |
wallet.copayers.length.should.equal(1); |
var copayer = wallet.copayers[0]; |
copayer.name.should.equal('me'); |
copayer.id.should.equal(copayerId); |
copayer.customData.should.equal('dummy custom data'); |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'NewCopayer' |
}); |
should.exist(notif); |
notif.data.walletId.should.equal(walletId); |
notif.data.copayerId.should.equal(copayerId); |
notif.data.copayerName.should.equal('me'); |
describe('New clients', function() { |
notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'WalletComplete' |
}); |
should.not.exist(notif); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
var server, walletId; |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
server = new WalletService(); |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 2, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, wId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
walletId = wId; |
should.exist(walletId); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join with no name', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: '', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(result); |
should.exist(err); |
err.message.should.contain('name'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join non-existent wallet', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = { |
walletId: '123', |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: 'dummy', |
requestPubKey: 'dummy', |
copayerSignature: 'dummy', |
}; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join full wallet', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 1, function(s, wallet) { |
it('should join existing wallet', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: wallet.id, |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[1].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[1].pubKey_1H_0, |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
customData: 'dummy custom data', |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('WALLET_FULL'); |
err.message.should.equal('Wallet full'); |
done(); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var copayerId = result.copayerId; |
helpers.getAuthServer(copayerId, function(server) { |
server.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { |
wallet.id.should.equal(walletId); |
wallet.copayers.length.should.equal(1); |
var copayer = wallet.copayers[0]; |
copayer.name.should.equal('me'); |
copayer.id.should.equal(copayerId); |
copayer.customData.should.equal('dummy custom data'); |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'NewCopayer' |
}); |
should.exist(notif); |
notif.data.walletId.should.equal(walletId); |
notif.data.copayerId.should.equal(copayerId); |
notif.data.copayerName.should.equal('me'); |
notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'WalletComplete' |
}); |
should.not.exist(notif); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should return copayer in wallet error before full wallet', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 1, function(s, wallet) { |
it('should fail to join with no name', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: wallet.id, |
name: 'me', |
walletId: walletId, |
name: '', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(result); |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('COPAYER_IN_WALLET'); |
err.message.should.contain('name'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to re-join wallet', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
it('should fail to join non-existent wallet', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = { |
walletId: '123', |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: 'dummy', |
requestPubKey: 'dummy', |
copayerSignature: 'dummy', |
}; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('COPAYER_IN_WALLET'); |
err.message.should.equal('Copayer already in wallet'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should be able to get wallet info without actually joining', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
customData: 'dummy custom data', |
dryRun: true, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(result); |
should.not.exist(result.copayerId); |
result.wallet.id.should.equal(walletId); |
result.wallet.m.should.equal(1); |
result.wallet.n.should.equal(2); |
result.wallet.copayers.should.be.empty; |
server.storage.fetchWallet(walletId, function(err, wallet) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
wallet.id.should.equal(walletId); |
wallet.copayers.should.be.empty; |
done(); |
it('should fail to join full wallet', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 1, function(s, wallet) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: wallet.id, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[1].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[1].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('WALLET_FULL'); |
err.message.should.equal('Wallet full'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join two wallets with same xPubKey', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my other wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 1, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, walletId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
it('should return copayer in wallet error before full wallet', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 1, function(s, wallet) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: wallet.id, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('COPAYER_REGISTERED'); |
err.message.should.equal('Copayer ID already registered on server'); |
err.code.should.equal('COPAYER_IN_WALLET'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join with bad formated signature', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = { |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
copayerSignature: 'bad sign', |
}; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
err.message.should.equal('Bad request'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join with invalid xPubKey', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'copayer 1', |
xPubKey: 'invalid', |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(result); |
should.exist(err); |
err.message.should.contain('extended public key'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join with null signature', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = { |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.message.should.contain('argument missing'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join with wrong signature', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
copayerOpts.name = 'me2'; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
err.message.should.equal('Bad request'); |
done(); |
it('should fail to re-join wallet', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('COPAYER_IN_WALLET'); |
err.message.should.equal('Copayer already in wallet'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should set pkr and status = complete on last copayer joining (2-3)', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 3, function(server) { |
server.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { |
it('should be able to get wallet info without actually joining', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
customData: 'dummy custom data', |
dryRun: true, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
wallet.status.should.equal('complete'); |
wallet.publicKeyRing.length.should.equal(3); |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.exist(result); |
should.not.exist(result.copayerId); |
result.wallet.id.should.equal(walletId); |
result.wallet.m.should.equal(1); |
result.wallet.n.should.equal(2); |
result.wallet.copayers.should.be.empty; |
server.storage.fetchWallet(walletId, function(err, wallet) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'WalletComplete' |
}); |
should.exist(notif); |
notif.data.walletId.should.equal(wallet.id); |
wallet.id.should.equal(walletId); |
wallet.copayers.should.be.empty; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should not notify WalletComplete if 1-of-1', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 1, function(server) { |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
it('should fail to join two wallets with same xPubKey', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'WalletComplete' |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my other wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 1, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, walletId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('COPAYER_REGISTERED'); |
err.message.should.equal('Copayer ID already registered on server'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
should.not.exist(notif); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#joinWallet new/legacy clients', function() { |
var server; |
beforeEach(function() { |
server = new WalletService(); |
}); |
it('should fail to join legacy wallet from new client', function(done) { |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 2, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
supportBIP44AndP2PKH: false, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, walletId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(walletId); |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
it('should fail to join with bad formated signature', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = { |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
copayerSignature: 'bad sign', |
}; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
err.message.should.equal('Bad request'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join with invalid xPubKey', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'copayer 1', |
xPubKey: 'invalid', |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.not.exist(result); |
should.exist(err); |
err.message.should.contain('The wallet you are trying to join was created with an older version of the client app'); |
err.message.should.contain('extended public key'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join new wallet from legacy client', function(done) { |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 2, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, walletId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(walletId); |
it('should fail to join with null signature', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = { |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.message.should.contain('argument missing'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join with wrong signature', function(done) { |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_45H, |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
supportBIP44AndP2PKH: false, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('UPGRADE_NEEDED'); |
copayerOpts.name = 'me2'; |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err) { |
err.message.should.equal('Bad request'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
it('should set pkr and status = complete on last copayer joining (2-3)', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 3, function(server) { |
server.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
wallet.status.should.equal('complete'); |
wallet.publicKeyRing.length.should.equal(3); |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'WalletComplete' |
}); |
should.exist(notif); |
notif.data.walletId.should.equal(wallet.id); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should not notify WalletComplete if 1-of-1', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 1, function(server) { |
server.getNotifications({}, function(err, notifications) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
var notif = _.find(notifications, { |
type: 'WalletComplete' |
}); |
should.not.exist(notif); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('Interaction new/legacy clients', function() { |
var server; |
beforeEach(function() { |
server = new WalletService(); |
}); |
it('should fail to join legacy wallet from new client', function(done) { |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 2, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
supportBIP44AndP2PKH: false, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, walletId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(walletId); |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_44H_0H_0H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.message.should.contain('The wallet you are trying to join was created with an older version of the client app'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should fail to join new wallet from legacy client', function(done) { |
var walletOpts = { |
name: 'my wallet', |
m: 1, |
n: 2, |
pubKey: TestData.keyPair.pub, |
}; |
server.createWallet(walletOpts, function(err, walletId) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(walletId); |
var copayerOpts = helpers.getSignedCopayerOpts({ |
walletId: walletId, |
name: 'me', |
xPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].xPubKey_45H, |
requestPubKey: TestData.copayers[0].pubKey_1H_0, |
supportBIP44AndP2PKH: false, |
}); |
server.joinWallet(copayerOpts, function(err, result) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('UPGRADE_NEEDED'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
@ -3084,83 +3088,124 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() { |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#createTx backoff time', function(done) { |
var server, wallet, txid; |
describe('Backoff time', function(done) { |
var server, wallet, txid; |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(s, w) { |
server = s; |
wallet = w; |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, _.range(2, 6), function() { |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(s, w) { |
server = s; |
wallet = w; |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, _.range(2, 6), function() { |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should follow backoff time after consecutive rejections', function(done) { |
async.series([ |
function(next) { |
async.each(_.range(3), function(i, next) { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.rejectTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
reason: 'some reason', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, |
next); |
}, |
function(next) { |
// Allow a 4th tx
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
server.rejectTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
reason: 'some reason', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, |
function(next) { |
// Do not allow before backoff time
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('TX_CANNOT_CREATE'); |
next(); |
}); |
}, |
function(next) { |
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(Date.now() + (Defaults.BACKOFF_TIME + 2) * 60 * 1000, 'Date'); |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
clock.restore(); |
server.rejectTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
reason: 'some reason', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, |
function(next) { |
// Do not allow a 5th tx before backoff time
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(Date.now() + (Defaults.BACKOFF_TIME + 2) * 60 * 1000 + 1, 'Date'); |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
clock.restore(); |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('TX_CANNOT_CREATE'); |
next(); |
}); |
}, |
], function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should follow backoff time after consecutive rejections', function(done) { |
async.series([ |
describe('UTXO selection', function() { |
var server, wallet; |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 3, function(s, w) { |
server = s; |
wallet = w; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
function(next) { |
async.each(_.range(3), function(i, next) { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.rejectTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
reason: 'some reason', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, |
next); |
}, |
function(next) { |
// Allow a 4th tx
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
server.rejectTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
reason: 'some reason', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, |
function(next) { |
// Do not allow before backoff time
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('TX_CANNOT_CREATE'); |
next(); |
}); |
}, |
function(next) { |
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(Date.now() + (Defaults.BACKOFF_TIME + 2) * 60 * 1000, 'Date'); |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
clock.restore(); |
server.rejectTx({ |
txProposalId: tx.id, |
reason: 'some reason', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, |
function(next) { |
// Do not allow a 5th tx before backoff time
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(Date.now() + (Defaults.BACKOFF_TIME + 2) * 60 * 1000 + 1, 'Date'); |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 1, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0); |
server.createTxLegacy(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
clock.restore(); |
should.exist(err); |
err.code.should.equal('TX_CANNOT_CREATE'); |
next(); |
it('should create a tx', function(done) { |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 2], function() { |
var txOpts = { |
outputs: [{ |
toAddress: '18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', |
amount: 0.8 * 1e8, |
}], |
message: 'some message', |
customData: 'some custom data', |
}; |
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
should.exist(tx); |
tx.walletM.should.equal(2); |
tx.walletN.should.equal(3); |
tx.requiredRejections.should.equal(2); |
tx.requiredSignatures.should.equal(2); |
tx.isAccepted().should.equal.false; |
tx.isRejected().should.equal.false; |
tx.isPending().should.equal.true; |
tx.isTemporary().should.equal.true; |
tx.amount.should.equal(helpers.toSatoshi(0.8)); |
server.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txs) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
txs.should.be.empty; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}, |
], function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
@ -5023,7 +5068,6 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() { |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#scan', function() { |
@ -5686,5 +5730,4 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() { |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |