Ivan Socolsky
9 years ago
3 changed files with 472 additions and 443 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var _ = require('lodash'); |
var async = require('async'); |
var chai = require('chai'); |
var sinon = require('sinon'); |
var should = chai.should(); |
var log = require('npmlog'); |
log.debug = log.verbose; |
log.level = 'info'; |
var WalletService = require('../../lib/server'); |
var EmailService = require('../../lib/emailservice'); |
var TestData = require('../testdata'); |
var helpers = require('./helpers'); |
describe('Email notifications', function() { |
var server, wallet, mailerStub, emailService; |
before(function(done) { |
helpers.before(done); |
}); |
after(function(done) { |
helpers.after(done); |
}); |
describe('Shared wallet', function() { |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
helpers.beforeEach(function(res) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 3, function(s, w) { |
server = s; |
wallet = w; |
var i = 0; |
async.eachSeries(w.copayers, function(copayer, next) { |
helpers.getAuthServer(copayer.id, function(server) { |
server.savePreferences({ |
email: 'copayer' + (++i) + '@domain.com', |
unit: 'bit', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
mailerStub = sinon.stub(); |
mailerStub.sendMail = sinon.stub(); |
mailerStub.sendMail.yields(); |
emailService = new EmailService(); |
emailService.start({ |
lockOpts: {}, |
messageBroker: server.messageBroker, |
storage: helpers.getStorage(), |
mailer: mailerStub, |
emailOpts: { |
from: 'bws@dummy.net', |
subjectPrefix: '[test wallet]', |
publicTxUrlTemplate: { |
livenet: 'https://insight.bitpay.com/tx/{{txid}}', |
testnet: 'https://test-insight.bitpay.com/tx/{{txid}}', |
}, |
}, |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should notify copayers a new tx proposal has been created', function(done) { |
var _readTemplateFile_old = emailService._readTemplateFile; |
emailService._readTemplateFile = function(language, filename, cb) { |
if (_.endsWith(filename, '.html')) { |
return cb(null, '<html><body>{{walletName}}</body></html>'); |
} else { |
_readTemplateFile_old.call(emailService, language, filename, cb); |
} |
}; |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 1], function() { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 0.8, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0, { |
message: 'some message' |
}); |
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
calls.length.should.equal(2); |
var emails = _.map(calls, function(c) { |
return c.args[0]; |
}); |
_.difference(['copayer2@domain.com', 'copayer3@domain.com'], _.pluck(emails, 'to')).should.be.empty; |
var one = emails[0]; |
one.from.should.equal('bws@dummy.net'); |
one.subject.should.contain('New payment proposal'); |
one.text.should.contain(wallet.name); |
one.text.should.contain(wallet.copayers[0].name); |
should.exist(one.html); |
one.html.indexOf('<html>').should.equal(0); |
one.html.should.contain(wallet.name); |
server.storage.fetchUnsentEmails(function(err, unsent) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
unsent.should.be.empty; |
emailService._readTemplateFile = _readTemplateFile_old; |
done(); |
}); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should not send email if unable to apply template to notification', function(done) { |
var _applyTemplate_old = emailService._applyTemplate; |
emailService._applyTemplate = function(template, data, cb) { |
_applyTemplate_old.call(emailService, template, undefined, cb); |
}; |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 1], function() { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 0.8, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0, { |
message: 'some message' |
}); |
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
calls.length.should.equal(0); |
server.storage.fetchUnsentEmails(function(err, unsent) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
unsent.should.be.empty; |
emailService._applyTemplate = _applyTemplate_old; |
done(); |
}); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should notify copayers a new outgoing tx has been created', function(done) { |
var _readTemplateFile_old = emailService._readTemplateFile; |
emailService._readTemplateFile = function(language, filename, cb) { |
if (_.endsWith(filename, '.html')) { |
return cb(null, '<html>{{&urlForTx}}<html>'); |
} else { |
_readTemplateFile_old.call(emailService, language, filename, cb); |
} |
}; |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 1], function() { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 0.8, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0, { |
message: 'some message' |
}); |
var txp; |
async.waterfall([ |
function(next) { |
server.createTx(txOpts, next); |
}, |
function(t, next) { |
txp = t; |
async.eachSeries(_.range(2), function(i, next) { |
var copayer = TestData.copayers[i]; |
helpers.getAuthServer(copayer.id44, function(server) { |
var signatures = helpers.clientSign(txp, copayer.xPrivKey); |
server.signTx({ |
txProposalId: txp.id, |
signatures: signatures, |
}, function(err, t) { |
txp = t; |
next(); |
}); |
}); |
}, next); |
}, |
function(next) { |
helpers.stubBroadcast(); |
server.broadcastTx({ |
txProposalId: txp.id, |
}, next); |
}, |
], function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
var emails = _.map(_.takeRight(calls, 3), function(c) { |
return c.args[0]; |
}); |
_.difference(['copayer1@domain.com', 'copayer2@domain.com', 'copayer3@domain.com'], _.pluck(emails, 'to')).should.be.empty; |
var one = emails[0]; |
one.from.should.equal('bws@dummy.net'); |
one.subject.should.contain('Payment sent'); |
one.text.should.contain(wallet.name); |
one.text.should.contain('800,000'); |
should.exist(one.html); |
one.html.should.contain('https://insight.bitpay.com/tx/' + txp.txid); |
server.storage.fetchUnsentEmails(function(err, unsent) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
unsent.should.be.empty; |
emailService._readTemplateFile = _readTemplateFile_old; |
done(); |
}); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should notify copayers a tx has been finally rejected', function(done) { |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, 1, function() { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 0.8, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0, { |
message: 'some message' |
}); |
var txpId; |
async.waterfall([ |
function(next) { |
server.createTx(txOpts, next); |
}, |
function(txp, next) { |
txpId = txp.id; |
async.eachSeries(_.range(1, 3), function(i, next) { |
var copayer = TestData.copayers[i]; |
helpers.getAuthServer(copayer.id44, function(server) { |
server.rejectTx({ |
txProposalId: txp.id, |
}, next); |
}); |
}, next); |
}, |
], function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
var emails = _.map(_.takeRight(calls, 2), function(c) { |
return c.args[0]; |
}); |
_.difference(['copayer1@domain.com', 'copayer2@domain.com'], _.pluck(emails, 'to')).should.be.empty; |
var one = emails[0]; |
one.from.should.equal('bws@dummy.net'); |
one.subject.should.contain('Payment proposal rejected'); |
one.text.should.contain(wallet.name); |
one.text.should.contain('copayer 2, copayer 3'); |
one.text.should.not.contain('copayer 1'); |
server.storage.fetchUnsentEmails(function(err, unsent) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
unsent.should.be.empty; |
done(); |
}); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should notify copayers of incoming txs', function(done) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
// Simulate incoming tx notification
server._notify('NewIncomingTx', { |
txid: '999', |
address: address, |
amount: 12300000, |
}, function(err) { |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
calls.length.should.equal(3); |
var emails = _.map(calls, function(c) { |
return c.args[0]; |
}); |
_.difference(['copayer1@domain.com', 'copayer2@domain.com', 'copayer3@domain.com'], _.pluck(emails, 'to')).should.be.empty; |
var one = emails[0]; |
one.from.should.equal('bws@dummy.net'); |
one.subject.should.contain('New payment received'); |
one.text.should.contain(wallet.name); |
one.text.should.contain('123,000'); |
server.storage.fetchUnsentEmails(function(err, unsent) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
unsent.should.be.empty; |
done(); |
}); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should notify each email address only once', function(done) { |
// Set same email address for copayer1 and copayer2
server.savePreferences({ |
email: 'copayer2@domain.com', |
}, function(err) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
// Simulate incoming tx notification
server._notify('NewIncomingTx', { |
txid: '999', |
address: address, |
amount: 12300000, |
}, function(err) { |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
calls.length.should.equal(2); |
var emails = _.map(calls, function(c) { |
return c.args[0]; |
}); |
_.difference(['copayer2@domain.com', 'copayer3@domain.com'], _.pluck(emails, 'to')).should.be.empty; |
var one = emails[0]; |
one.from.should.equal('bws@dummy.net'); |
one.subject.should.contain('New payment received'); |
one.text.should.contain(wallet.name); |
one.text.should.contain('123,000'); |
server.storage.fetchUnsentEmails(function(err, unsent) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
unsent.should.be.empty; |
done(); |
}); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should build each email using preferences of the copayers', function(done) { |
// Set same email address for copayer1 and copayer2
server.savePreferences({ |
email: 'copayer1@domain.com', |
language: 'es', |
unit: 'btc', |
}, function(err) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
// Simulate incoming tx notification
server._notify('NewIncomingTx', { |
txid: '999', |
address: address, |
amount: 12300000, |
}, function(err) { |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
calls.length.should.equal(3); |
var emails = _.map(calls, function(c) { |
return c.args[0]; |
}); |
var spanish = _.find(emails, { |
to: 'copayer1@domain.com' |
}); |
spanish.from.should.equal('bws@dummy.net'); |
spanish.subject.should.contain('Nuevo pago recibido'); |
spanish.text.should.contain(wallet.name); |
spanish.text.should.contain('0.123 BTC'); |
var english = _.find(emails, { |
to: 'copayer2@domain.com' |
}); |
english.from.should.equal('bws@dummy.net'); |
english.subject.should.contain('New payment received'); |
english.text.should.contain(wallet.name); |
english.text.should.contain('123,000 bits'); |
done(); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should support multiple emailservice instances running concurrently', function(done) { |
var emailService2 = new EmailService(); |
emailService2.start({ |
lock: emailService.lock, // Use same locker service
messageBroker: server.messageBroker, |
storage: helpers.getStorage(), |
mailer: mailerStub, |
emailOpts: { |
from: 'bws2@dummy.net', |
subjectPrefix: '[test wallet 2]', |
}, |
}, function(err) { |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, 1, function() { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 0.8, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0, { |
message: 'some message' |
}); |
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
calls.length.should.equal(2); |
server.storage.fetchUnsentEmails(function(err, unsent) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
unsent.should.be.empty; |
done(); |
}); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('1-of-N wallet', function() { |
beforeEach(function(done) { |
helpers.beforeEach(function(res) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(1, 2, function(s, w) { |
server = s; |
wallet = w; |
var i = 0; |
async.eachSeries(w.copayers, function(copayer, next) { |
helpers.getAuthServer(copayer.id, function(server) { |
server.savePreferences({ |
email: 'copayer' + (++i) + '@domain.com', |
unit: 'bit', |
}, next); |
}); |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
mailerStub = sinon.stub(); |
mailerStub.sendMail = sinon.stub(); |
mailerStub.sendMail.yields(); |
emailService = new EmailService(); |
emailService.start({ |
lockOpts: {}, |
messageBroker: server.messageBroker, |
storage: helpers.getStorage(), |
mailer: mailerStub, |
emailOpts: { |
from: 'bws@dummy.net', |
subjectPrefix: '[test wallet]', |
publicTxUrlTemplate: { |
livenet: 'https://insight.bitpay.com/tx/{{txid}}', |
testnet: 'https://test-insight.bitpay.com/tx/{{txid}}', |
}, |
}, |
}, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should NOT notify copayers a new tx proposal has been created', function(done) { |
helpers.stubUtxos(server, wallet, [1, 1], function() { |
var txOpts = helpers.createSimpleProposalOpts('18PzpUFkFZE8zKWUPvfykkTxmB9oMR8qP7', 0.8, TestData.copayers[0].privKey_1H_0, { |
message: 'some message' |
}); |
server.createTx(txOpts, function(err, tx) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
setTimeout(function() { |
var calls = mailerStub.sendMail.getCalls(); |
calls.length.should.equal(0); |
done(); |
}, 100); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
Reference in new issue